Is it normal to get pissed off by grammar nazis?

If grammar nazis come on this and pick at my spelling and punctuation as an argument than I have 2 things to say to you

#1 if your feeble mind can not bring a better argument to the table than that don't even bother arguing with me I will destroy you in every sense of the word.

#2 this is an online passage it's not an academic endeavor nor is it to be used in any other form than my own personal thoughts flowing and for me not taking the time to hinder the flow of ideas to text allows me to get as much my thoughts to be transferred to here.

The ignorance argument grammar nazis use is flawed by their own ignorance, ignorance of me because they are calling me out as an individual meaning that they have to at least observe me the individual which is impossible as my identity is private and hidden.

Voting Results
42% Normal
Based on 52 votes (22 yes)
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Comments ( 44 )
  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

    Personally I'm mixed on this. Although I can tolerate some small spelling mistakes, I do find it rather amusing when people can't spell intelligence-based insults properly.

    So if someone says, "Your awesome!" I'll overlook that they misspelled "you're". However if they say, "Your stupid!" then... they get a response. Why?

    If they're going to play the "I'm smarter than you are" game then they should at least try to appear to be smarter than the other person. Otherwise it's like watching a Chihuahua try to take on a Great Dane; for all it's yap and shit-talking, the GD is still the stronger dog.


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    • padrenuestro

      I hate comma splices; they indicate a person (that person being a native English speaker) is a fucktard.

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      • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

        What's your take on semi-colons though?

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        • padrenuestro

          They replace a connector such as because, therefore, hence etc. My comment would thus read: I hate comma splices because they indicate a person (that person being a native English speaker) is a fucktard.

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          • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

            Meh. I'm not into calling people fucktards unless they really do something to deserve it.

            Disliking how someone structures a sentence isn't even on my "fucktard radar".

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            • padrenuestro

              You asked me how to use a semicolon (thinking you were the Great Dane) despite us both having used one correctly in our comments. That's pretty fucktardish. Woof!

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  • my granma is not a nazi

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    • Mando

      HA!!!!! Good one. Maybe she can give the OP a pill.

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  • Couman

    The real problem is that it shows a lack of respect for your readers. If you can't be bothered to write neatly, why should we think it's worth our time wading though jumbled up dross to figure out what you were trying to say?

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  • dappled

    Heh, how many senses of the word "destroy" are there?

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    • OswaldCobblepot

      Twenty-three in all.

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  • Shackleford96

    In my opinion spelling mishaps and grammar errors are completely tollerable up to a certain point. After that it's just like 'How the hell does this person even know how to use a computer?!'

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  • Imposturously_yours

    Your post is readable. That's all I care about.
    When it gets to the point where I need to read twice certain points to make sure, because you didn't use the right punctuation or it doesn't look like English anymore -it's counter productive your cause, which is probably to tell us something.
    So call me a grammar nazi, if you wish, but I really enjoy understanding people's stories without deciphering them first.

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    • padrenuestro

      "So call me a grammar nazi". Having read your post I see no chance of that happening.

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  • Moonbow

    Instead of complaining about those who correct your grammar, why not attempt be more grammatically correct? And if your grammar and spelling are so poor (which I strongly suspect from all the grammatical errors in your current post), instead of bitching, take a freaking course in English grammar!

    BTW: "Nazis" is a proper noun and therefore, capitalized!

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    • Well why don't you just shut the fuck up and get a life instead being a smart ass and correcting every single little grammar mistake.

      BTW most people don't even care if their spelling and grammar sucks anyway you fucking retard.

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      • ChuvPuvDaKwuv

        Bruh, chill down my friend!

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  • Don't you understand that's what they're aiming for? To annoy you?

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  • MsNobody

    FUCKING USE THE CORRECT GRAMMAR. I mean it doesn't have to be at professor level but at least get the basics right.
    But I don't take being a Grammar Nazi to the extreme, if I can read it, no problem.

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  • If you don't like grammar nazis then please use the correct grammar. Jus sayin

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  • drugsrbadmkay

    Run-on sentences, misuse of capitalization, and redundant words. Half marks.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    o reilly yu dont liek grammer nasties?

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    • thanksforthefreecar

      Nobody spells like that

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      • Dib

        accualy is dolan

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        • thanksforthefreecar


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      • Terence_the_viking

        Oops looks liek yu treaded on mitosis.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    Grammar Nazis annoy the hell out of me too.

    Anyone can go pick-up a writer's guide and a dictionary from the book-store and point out mistakes in one's writing. However, an actual GOOD response requires actual BRAIN POWER which has become a much rarer commodity these days.

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  • BeautyBodyBrains

    People act like they have NEVER mispelled a word. Hypocrites!

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  • Somegirl28

    I hate those mother fuckers! Such nerds

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    • NormalIsOverratedBeANinja

      So just because I'm better at spelling than someone else, and it annoys me, that makes me a nerd? Pretty sure a "nerd" is someone who spends all their time studying, which isn't true at all and never has been. I'm just smarter than you.

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  • shade_ilmaendu

    I feel like it's a bit pretentions. We all have different styles of writing, different educational backgrounds, and so what if someone doesn't take the internet seriously and isn't always perfect?

    Yummy dolphin nuptials.

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  • ChuvPuvDaKwuv

    You don't like people correcting you? Then don't be wrong!

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  • Somegirl28

    ^ow flawed your ugly face is? Or how bad you smell?

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  • Somegirl28

    @normallsOverratedBeANinja your a nerd because you are sooo uptight that you just have to tell someone that their spelling isn't perfect, you just can't let it go and you are trying too hard to show you are smarter than others, do I point out h

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  • boehawk

    I do love it one one of them makes a mistake while correcting me and the others fall on them like a pack of dogs.

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  • They also only seem to bring grammar up if they're loosing an argument.

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  • Jalena

    THEN not thAn. Lol you get that wrong, but use the word "endeavor." Bahaha

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  • cantheist

    Never go to Fuck My Life.

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  • thanksforthefreecar

    That perosn should have talked about the post not the spelling.

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  • bleach_baby


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  • DolphinDevil

    *cannot !

    Sieg Heil

    Heil Hitler

    Here you got the Nazi!

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  • NeonLighterz


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  • thanksforthefreecar

    Someone told me I cant spell worth shit once becuase I told him to gain some reading "comprehention" after the idiot said something offensive and then made a post about it.

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