Is it normal to get really scared at night?

I'm ok in my own little flat, but I'm temporarily living in a relatives big house now because she went on a holiday and wanted someone to look after her stuff here, feed the cats and stuff. There is this gang round town that broke into my auntie's car twice already, and I've read that one of their members was arrested for double murder recently. The town itself isn't even that rough, but this particular part of it has been really bad recently..I massively panic over every tiny little noise I hear when it's dark now IIN??

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79% Normal
Based on 43 votes (34 yes)
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Comments ( 3 )
  • eric5283

    Atleast you aren't hearing the grudge noIce.

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  • soul777

    they are going to break in and "clockworkorange" you

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  • NobodyCares

    I am sorry this is happening to you. It isnt normal for my town but i hope it works out for you. :)

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