Is it normal to get scared while seeing a group of guys on a sidewalk

Is is normal to get scared when walking and move to the other side of the street when you see a group of guys in your path? This question is for the women; society ,especially our family and friends, tell us women to always be vigilant and aware and safe.

i hate walking anywhere not because it's physical activity but because I'm sure to find a group of guys just hanging around and most of the time their standing, sitting or talking right on the side walk path that you need to crossed. I crossed the street and move my purse to the side of me. Anyone else?

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89% Normal
Based on 66 votes (59 yes)
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Comments ( 49 )
  • LundaiCocoaDelight20

    To the trolls, this is not a bash on men, this is an experience I think a lot of women can relate to doing at least once. A lot of these guys use threatening or intimating behavior such as cat calling, taunts, tease, howling insults when you don't pay attention to them, soliciting sex, humiliate, intentionally walk in front of you, try to scare you, stare you down etc.

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    • Cuntsiclestick

      I used to be afraid of groups of dudes loitering on the sidewalk in front of stores. From the ages of 10-17, I remember getting cat called and flirted with(it was always "hey mami" or "hey sexy"). I can recall a few times telling them my age and to not bother me, but this did not deter them. Sometimes I'd even get followed for a few blocks. These people were always cowardly too. If I was with a guy or in a group, they wouldn't say shit. My dog Blackie would put them in their place sometimes. I stopped fearing men when I got older and met dudes outside of my town who were proof that not all guys were pervy children.

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      • LundaiCocoaDelight20

        Lucky, guys around my area are still pervy. Yes, these guys are cowards who mess with women who are by themselves.

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    • I don't think you hate men but I think you're being paranoid. Put it this way, as a woman you're actually less likely to be attacked by a guy. So don't be so scared, man. Most of us aren't douche bags.

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      • LundaiCocoaDelight20

        As a man.... You don't quite get it. It's not about being scared because I'm paranoid, it's about how these guys act towards me, treat me and speak to me. It's threatening and something someone can't not take notice of or dismiss.

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        • Actually, as a man I do quite get it. As a man I hold a much higher risk of being attacked or murdered than you do. Women are not the only ones to be harassed or threatened by people and women aren't as likely to be attacked.

          I met you with respect and you responded to me with the suggestion that being male makes me ignorant of a topic that is about being afraid of violence from others when I'm more likely to suffer it.

          So I would say that yes, it does have a lot to do with how you feel mixed with the everyday world. You're less likely to suffer from violent attacks but you are more afraid than those it's more likely to happen to.

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          • wigz

            Do you? Statistically yes, males are more likely to get assaulted but at the same time they are more likely to instigate violence and put themselves into a place where violence is a very real repercussion for their actions. If you're not doing such things then your chances are significantly lower. Are you discounting all the guys who skew the stats by willfully engaging in crime and violence? Nope. I highly doubt you walk in fear even knowing the statistics or plan your day around it, because you can be relatively confident that it won't happen because you aren't a thug or a dopehead robbing houses and on top of that you are as big or bigger, stronger and faster than 75% of the population as an average size male.

            As an average size non-disabled male you enjoy the privilege of being as strong or stronger than roughly 75% or more of the population. Try being on the opposite end of that.

            Have you ever been the smallest guy in a room with a bunch of pro boxers? Where everyone could snap you in half in an instant if they wanted? Imagine living that every day. It's not so much that you think everyone IS going to kill you, it's just that IF anyone wants to they can easily and there's nothing you can do about it and psycho random killer rapers don't advertise so you never know who might fuck you up.

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            • Yeah, men are statistically more likely to instigate violence and men are also more likely to be the victims of other men instigating the violence.

              Chances may be lower if they're Taking part in crime but that doesn't change the original point of men doing nothing wrong being more likely to being victims. .

              I'm sure everyone gets slight paranoia walking around in a dark, away from public area. However I also know that even though oban more likely to be attacked, be it by some psycho or drunk asshole than a woman is, it's also less likely to happen than it is likely. That also runs true, if not moreso, for women.

              As a guy, sure, I have an advantage of being stronger but as a woman they have the privilege of more likely to have numerous men help them if being attacked, which means that they have more of a defense system, maybe not directly but still

              Exactly, psycho killer rapists dont advertise, and if they're intending to kill you they're likely to have a weapon, one that defeats any measurement of strength I'd have as a man.

              That said, this is why self defense weapons are a thing.

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          • LundaiCocoaDelight20

            Roll eyes, are you going to start trolling me posts too? Your comments are far-fetched. Back to the normal programming... Women do you have any more comments?

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          • yonduudonta

            I agree I've had more problems with groups of men than my girlfriends ever have

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            • LundaiCocoaDelight20

              And whose fault is that? The men who messed with you. You're proving my point, regardless of sex or gender groups of men can and are often times intimidating and even dangerous.

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  • User-name

    Girls, guys, or both. I get uncomfortable around either group honestly, this is coming from a girl who has never felt threatened by men.

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  • Potatoskins

    I'm a girl and I do this with girls too! I TRUST NO ONE

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  • yonduudonta

    Hey I actually live here. I hate it when you up jumped immigrants come in here and start running your mouths about the way we operate.You don't like our cops gets back on your little raft and head on back little girl.

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    • LundaiCocoaDelight20

      Lol, I'm an American citizen, born and raised sweetheart.

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  • yonduudonta

    I live in the US too EVERY cop ive EVER met was honest stable and comment is unfounded? Dont be a frickin brainless cretin and go with the mainstream go get some life experience then talk to me kid.

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    • LundaiCocoaDelight20

      Bye, you are living with your head in the clouds. Wtffffff, how naive. You go get some life experience you idiot.

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  • yonduudonta

    I'm a dude and I've had more trouble with groups of dudes than any woman I've ever been with and I'm 5 10 and 175lbs. Most are scared if they mess with a chick they get beat da piss outta. although I wouldn't recommend walking through the middle of a herd of them.

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    • LundaiCocoaDelight20

      Guy, men, women, chick it doesn't matter a group of guys are scary she they want to intimidate you

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      • yonduudonta

        I agree with you actually I'm not arguing with you

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        • LundaiCocoaDelight20

          Yes, that's good to know.

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          • yonduudonta

            However when you say cops are unstable and poorly trained because of some people having issues I do not agree because everyone has issues and they get over them to do their jobs our policemen are fine the way they are normal people who cope with their lives very well and only a small fraction of them are bad

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            • LundaiCocoaDelight20

              If you live in the U.S........ Your comment is unfounded. Small section of cops are good, professional, logical, mentally stable individuals of the law, the rest are evil, horrible, corrupt fuck faces.

              So yes, I want professional, heavily trained, mentally and emotionally stable police force to protect me and upheld laws, you know, DO their damn jobs!!!!

              But this wasn't a police thread this was about bad guys intimidating people on the street.

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  • pixiecutlover

    Pretty normal all right, I'd avoid them to if I was you. In fact if they look like low life I'd walk across the street myself.Anytime you see a group of guys just hanging out it's best to stay away.

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  • mysistersshadow

    I get the concern its one reason I go very few places alone. When only with girls there are usually 3 of us if there are guys along there are often 2 of them but also more than just 1 girl. Everyone I live with has a concealed carry permit so even if I find myself alone I don't worry to much but if I'm at work late and I'm leaving by myself I always have 1 of our security guys escort me to my car.

    My concealed carry? Say hello to my little friend...
    'cept mine is cerakoted in pink. :)

    Both of my male roommates tried to talk me into a Glock 42 (.380) but I have no problem handling the one I picked.

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    • LundaiCocoaDelight20

      I'm scared of guns and do not like them.

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      • mysistersshadow

        Guns are a tool just like any other tool you use them to get a job done. But if your afraid of them you shouldn't have 1.

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        • LundaiCocoaDelight20

          Exactly, I don't own a gun and may never own one. They are for destruction and to kill something. No thanks to loving an inanimate object. I'll let the trained professionals whose mentally stable and reliable use such a "tool".

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          • mysistersshadow

            All I was saying is that its A way to not be as fearful. I also mentioned I usually walk with friends (that also carry) and that helps to. Even 2 girls are less likely to be attacked than 1. The problem with your trained professional approach is theres never a cop when you need 1 and if a cop is around your likelihood of being attacked is just about zero... why? They have guns.

            I'm a fan of personal responsibility no you can't control what others do but you can take care of yourself. Living in fear sucks and I refuse to do it but you can do what you like.

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            • LundaiCocoaDelight20

              Personal responsibility has to do with me knowing it's likely to rain to bringing an umbrella, it's getting to work on time not me bringing a gun everywhere I go even if it's to the toilet.

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            • LundaiCocoaDelight20

              Gun lovers........ Nope, personal responsibility has nothing to do with scary individuals trying to scare the general public.

              I don't need a gun, a need better trained professionals who are stable not mentally ill individuals employed by my state who are hired to protect me to do their jobs.

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      • sandnigga

        fking do SOMETHING for yourself

        doing nothing is not going to help you

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  • I-is-normally-normal

    It is normal because there men and you don't know what there going to do to you if your female

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  • sandnigga

    If your scared get some freakin pepper spray haha

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    • LundaiCocoaDelight20

      I have some.... Pepper spray can only do so much.

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      • sandnigga

        what a second, i just thought of something, where do you live???

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        • LundaiCocoaDelight20

          Where I live doesn't matter, these men are everywhere DO NOT fool yourself. I see your posts....

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          • sandnigga

            so your paranoid about ALL guys?

            yea definately paranoia

            some places are worse than others, and thats why i asked

            you should try to get more trust in your enviroment if you arent surrounded by thugs
            you could visit a therapist, he might be able to help you

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            • LundaiCocoaDelight20

              Seek an elementary English teacher, where in my post did I say all guys? That's right, no where.

              Bad guys look no different than good guys or normal guys or strange yet harmless guys etc.

              Don't give me bull.

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      • sandnigga

        you gotta try to trust your enviroment then

        most people are nice, a positive attitude is worth more than pepper spray

        unless like i said, you live around thugs haha

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    • Ellenna

      That won't do much good against a large group unless OP is going to carry something the size of a fire extinguisher around with her.

      What's the "haha" for? You think this is funny?

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