Is it normal to get so mad at this?

When people start to list things, but can only come up with one thing to say.

"Don't just sit there, we have so much to get done! We need to do the dishes, we.... there's so much to do!"

Do you know what I mean? Oh GOD it irritates me, to the point of legitimate anger.

Or how about:
"Obama is a terrible president! He gives away free cellphones, .... he's just awful!"

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Comments ( 12 )
  • dappled

    My mum is famous for this! Sometimes she says something and she hasn't even got one item for the list so she has to make one up, i.e.

    Mum: I have a million and one things to do around here!
    Me: Like what?
    Mum: [taken aback] I have to... [pause]... embroider the curtains.

    Then she gets defensive:

    Mum: I don't see you embroidering the curtains. How about you embroider the curtains for a change? They won't embroider themselves, you know.
    Me: Should have bought those self-embroidering ones.
    Mum: Oh, just go to your room.

    Another time:

    Mum: There's so much rubbish in that loft and it needs clearing out now.
    Me: Okay. What things?
    Mum: Well... [pause] Blood and sand! Just clean the dratted loft.

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    • dodongos

      hahaha, oh man, my mom's the same way.
      I love her, but boy, does she make me irate.

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  • coolio75650932

    this post sucks MADE BY A TROLL!

    nah jk i just wanted to give an example.

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  • RoseIsabella

    It's called nagging and I hate that behavior too! If it's something legitimate like asking you for help with the dishes it's forgivable and it would be nice if you helped with the dishes. Say for instance you can rinse off the dishes you use and put them in the dish washer. But if the complaining is just random stuff whenever you appear to be relaxing I would call it nagging. Try to do your part to help around the house though because if one person is wearing him or herself out with something as mundane as housework it's probably very annoying to see someone else just lounge and do nothing.

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  • thanksforthefreecar

    I thought Bush gave away the cell phones first.

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    • dodongos

      Actually, Reagan gave free telephone services first. His plan was expanded under Bush to include cellphones, but nobody cared until Obama was president.

      I just used that example because it makes me so goddamn angry when people say that.

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      • robbieforgotpw

        People have a problem with his fast and furious gun walking, his doubling of food stamps, his support for homos, turning his back on our closest ally, the exponential growth of our debt... To list more than one

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        • dodongos

          But the majority of people who have problems with him either have no way of supporting their arguments, or actually just have a problem with a different part of the government that Obama has no control over. And they only started having a problem with it because he's a black democrat.

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          • robbieforgotpw

            Noone else can start a long list with the points I've made?

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  • bananaface

    It makes me smile:D. It's pretty amusing. Haha, this post is pretty funny actually. Have you got anymore examples:D?

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    • dodongos

      My mom does this so much
      "Oh my God, Nathan was acting so bad today! He was jumping around, he... he was so misbehaved!"

      It actually gives me the opposite of a smile |:I

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      • bananaface

        Hahaha, I don't know why this is amusing me so much but it really is.:D

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