Is it normal to get terribly discouraged by other artists

I'm an aspiring songwriter but this question could apply to all types of artists. When I hear very well written songs from newcomers it makes me feel like I'll never make it but I don't wanna give up because I can't see myself producing anything other than songs. So I have a constant battle in my head. Anybody else?

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Comments ( 25 )
  • Cucco

    Same here, bro, same here. I aspire to be a comic artist one day - drawing is literally the only skill I have that could get me anywhere. Sometimes it is discouraging to see the incredible work of others, but this only serves as a motivation for me to get better myself. One day I know I'll be a master at it. :D Keep your head up, you can only get better.

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    • suckonthis9

      Please do not use -ists or -isms.

      Thank you.

      You aspire to be a comedic actor?

      Or are you aspiring to be a comical politician?

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      • dirtybirdy

        Shut the fuck up already.

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        • suckonthis9


          Please see Rule #10 & Rule #8.

          Infringement; Profanation, Usually vulgar, Usually obscene.

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          • Terence_the_viking




            IST IST IST

            ISM ISM ISM


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          • NotStrangeBird

            Excuse me for the intrusion, Mr. Suckonthis but I have a question.

            There are certain oddities of the English language that require -ists or -isms.

            What exactly would you call an artist that wouldn't violate your worldview?

            An Artster? Art-person? Purveyor-of-arts?

            It does not hit the ear well. Please learn to make exceptions for the eccentricities of the language.

            Thank you,
            a bird.

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            • suckonthis9

              There are always better alternatives to using
              -ists and -isms.

              A professor of art.

              A person skilled in [name the fine art type (without using -ists or -isms)].

              A skilled performer.

              An adept person.

              Expert, cognoscente, connoisseur, maestro, master, maven, meister, player, proficient, scammer, scholar, sham, virtuoso.

              Please find and use a thesaurus, dictionary or encyclopedia.

              Please do not use -ists or -isms.

              Thank you.

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          • dirtybirdy

            I am a vulgarist violationismist. And most obscenist. I ismist.

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          • Nephew7

            LOL ur such a good LlorT

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  • Aub

    I feel this way when I write. No don't give up. Instead try to use this as inspiration.

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  • Moogle

    You should never think like that if you yearn to be a true artist. Everyone is unique, and it took me awhile to recognize that. It's good to be competitive every now & then, but you shouldn't look down on your work, ever.

    Art comes in all different shapes, and is endless in creativity. You just need to find your style; what works best for you - that's when you know you've succeeded. :)

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  • Anime7

    I know what you mean. I remember I took a physics class my Jr. year of high school and I felt like the dumbest kid in the class; it just seemed like everybody else around me was picking up the material so much quicker than I was. I nearly wanted to drop the class, but my teacher always kept reminding us that "you should never compare yourself to the people around you, this class is easy for some and tough for many. The best thing to do is compare yourself to yourself." He would go on off topic rants about this and I finally realized that I'm not that great at physics but progressively I got better at it (much to my surprise).

    Moral of the anecdote is that if you compare yourself to others then you're definitely going to feel insignificant. But if you know you can do better and know that you can apply yourself a bit more then do so and show yourself that you're better than this. Be proud of what YOU accomplish not others.

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  • I feel the exact same way with my visual art. Whenever I find some amazing piece on an online gallery (usually DeviantArt), I end up looking through that person's whole gallery and feeling gloomy.

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    How does that discourage you? It should inspire you to be a better artist. If you are really so easily discouraged you probably should not be one. You do not have what it takes and you never will.

    If that is truly your passion you try to be as good as others if not even better. Dont let people being better than you discourage you. Try to be better and get to the level they are.

    Dont just give up and quit. Quitters do not get anywhere and that is all you are being. A lousy quieter. In fact people who truly enjoy such subjects prefer being around others in that field.

    Since the people around them give them ideas and show them different ways of doing things. That is how you learn. This goes for anything. For sports, art, Math, science.

    There is going to be people who are better or simply have a different way of doing things. These people help you better yourself. Them helping you is not determined on if they directly tell you something or not.

    You learn by observation. Go into a field you truly care about. Get a better career. This is simply not the one for you. You will find something you are good at but this is not one of those things. You are not going to make it anywhere with your lousy attitude.

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  • theaverageatheist

    just serch plan B, and serch their song Charmaine. look if they can make it to the charts anyone can.

    having a brother in the music buisness I'm going to tell you that how well you "make it" is up to what we call the Talent-Contacts balance basicly if you are realy talented you don't need that many contacts, while if you have a lot of good contacts you seldome require talent. also good contacts are the key engredient, you need them no matter how good you are. these days artists can survive purly on hype.

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  • Dulse.

    Keep at it. If you are passionate with it you will write at least a few brilliant songs in your day.

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  • AppleMind

    As an aspiring film-maker, beautiful films motivate me and keep my passion alive. I know one day I will be as great as my heroes--Ingmar Bergman and Andrei Tarkovsky.

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  • suckonthis9

    Please do not use -ists or -isms.

    Thank you.

    How many -ists and -isms do you hear in songs?

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    • Btyou


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      • robbieforgotpw

        Beep beep does not compute! Overload!
        Shutting down..

        Who has seen the aliens

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      • suckonthis9

        Usually vulgar.

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