Is it normal to get upset at this?
Things that are socially acceptable:
Telling people that their lives are nothing but an existence because they don't live like you.
Telling a paralyzed woman who just lost her daughter that she's retarded and should be sterilized because you THINK she did something wrong. SHE ******* DIDN'T.
Treating an 82 year old woman like she isn't even a person.
Telling somebody they don't deserve to live because they haven't heard of a certain band.
Telling 12 year olds that they don't deserve to live because they like things THAT ARE MADE FOR THEM.
Telling a woman who had been severely beaten and has ruined teeth and can't afford dental treatment that she is nothing but white trash because she is on disability for a severe seizure disorder. (She is my mother)
Picking on someone who posted a heartfelt status on Facebook about something completely horrible that happened to her because she didn't spell it right. She also has dyslexia. (She is my sister)
Those are all things I've seen on the Internet or in real life that NOBODY else objected to.
Things that are not socially acceptable: Having your hair short and wearing "men's clothes" as a woman.
Not talking at a party IN YOUR HOUSE that YOU DIDN'T THROW. Not drinking alcohol.
Flicking your fingers quietly.
Being slightly overweight.
Not going to the movies when you know you will not be comfortable there because you have an anxiety disorder.
Not wearing makeup. Seriously?