Is it normal to get upset at this?

Things that are socially acceptable:
Telling people that their lives are nothing but an existence because they don't live like you.
Telling a paralyzed woman who just lost her daughter that she's retarded and should be sterilized because you THINK she did something wrong. SHE ******* DIDN'T.
Treating an 82 year old woman like she isn't even a person.
Telling somebody they don't deserve to live because they haven't heard of a certain band.
Telling 12 year olds that they don't deserve to live because they like things THAT ARE MADE FOR THEM.
Telling a woman who had been severely beaten and has ruined teeth and can't afford dental treatment that she is nothing but white trash because she is on disability for a severe seizure disorder. (She is my mother)
Picking on someone who posted a heartfelt status on Facebook about something completely horrible that happened to her because she didn't spell it right. She also has dyslexia. (She is my sister)

Those are all things I've seen on the Internet or in real life that NOBODY else objected to.
Things that are not socially acceptable: Having your hair short and wearing "men's clothes" as a woman.
Not talking at a party IN YOUR HOUSE that YOU DIDN'T THROW. Not drinking alcohol.
Flicking your fingers quietly.
Being slightly overweight.
Not going to the movies when you know you will not be comfortable there because you have an anxiety disorder.
Not wearing makeup. Seriously?

Voting Results
59% Normal
Based on 32 votes (19 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • dirtybirdy

    Wow someone needed to vent. Its ok. Well its not but this crap happens all the time. It sucks but so do a lot of people. There's always going to be the assholes who shit on everyone for the dumbest reasons. They are the one with the problem and letting it get to you so much is just what they want.

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  • q25t

    For a lot of the points you brought up, there is one simple explanation. The idiots who think it is okay to poke fun at the elderly/infirm are generally the one person that would do so. The others simply do not want to get involved in anyone else's business.

    It is the same with bullying in schools. One person is a jerk and no one agrees with the jerk but no one speaks up about it.

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  • Fabulous


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  • dom180

    Social acceptability is shaped by what society you're in, what people you surround yourself with. If the people around you do not accept things you like to do, surround yourself with people who do.

    I'm sure you're just venting, but seriously, don't spend time with people who you hate. If your friends don't accept who you are and your decisions then they're bad friends.

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  • VioletTrees

    Wait, is not wearing makeup not socially acceptable? I didn't start until pretty recently, and I never got shit for it (I'm not saying you don't, of course, that just hasn't been my personal experience).

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  • The-Village-Idiot

    Yeah, if you're refering to Ashley Mose she is a shit parent and doesn't need kid she didn protect her babies innosrnt mind thats terrible you need to shelter your kids do what people say is smothering

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    • bristexai

      You can go fuck yourself on a lightpole.

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  • Mmmpfh

    I acknowledge all of these as common problems with people, but I don't let it get to me anymore. Some people though, even some of my good friends, I intentionally dodge because of issues like those mentioned above.
    Introversion fo lyfe!

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    "Things that are socially acceptable:
    Telling people that their lives are nothing but an existence because they don't live like you."
    Normal to be upset about this. People love believing that they are right and you will live the rest of your life with that being shoved up your ass.

    "Telling a paralyzed woman who just lost her daughter that she's retarded and should be sterilized because you THINK she did something wrong. SHE ******* DIDN'T."
    If she is an unfit parent, she owes it to herself and to her children not to have children. If she is responsible for the death of her child then the local authorities need to look into that. However, that can not be decided without a case being made. If she is retarded and an unfit parent who is responsible for the death of her child, then contact social services, don't sit there and bitch. Take action. Normal to be upset about this.

    "Treating an 82 year old woman like she isn't even a person."
    Normal to be upset, but in certain cases such as underfunded nursing homes where the hospital staff must spread their time out to care for an unreasonably high number of patients, I would withhold judgement.

    "Telling somebody they don't deserve to live because they haven't heard of a certain band."
    Yeah, that's pretty lame. Normal.

    "Telling 12 year olds that they don't deserve to live because they like things THAT ARE MADE FOR THEM."
    Older people love thinking that younger people should be at a mental age that far exceeds their own. Normal to be upset about unreasonable expectations.

    "Telling a woman who had been severely beaten and has ruined teeth and can't afford dental treatment that she is nothing but white trash because she is on disability for a severe seizure disorder. (She is my mother)"
    Whether or not she IS white trash, I can not say, but that does not give said person the right to take upon the undertaking of pointing that out. Unless they are in a redneck shouting match. If not, normal to be upset about someone insulting your Mother.

    "Picking on someone who posted a heartfelt status on Facebook about something completely horrible that happened to her because she didn't spell it right. She also has dyslexia. (She is my sister)"
    I never understood the concept of ripping someone a new one because of spelling errors if you can still understand the damned post. Unless said person that is typing like shit is also talking shit. But I am assuming that your sister wasn't. Normal.

    "Those are all things I've seen on the Internet or in real life that NOBODY else objected to.
    Things that are not socially acceptable: Having your hair short and wearing "men's clothes" as a woman. "
    Normal. Gender boundaries won't fall until people let go of their bullshit philosophies of what it means to be a man or a woman.

    "Not talking at a party IN YOUR HOUSE that YOU DIDN'T THROW. Not drinking alcohol. "
    It sounds like the people you deal with must not have much in the way of better things to think about in their little minds. Normal.

    Flicking your fingers quietly.
    Being slightly overweight. "
    With all of the STDs out there, I don't blame anyone for wanting to stay celibate. You'd have to be a pretty big asshole to pick on someone for remaining a virgin, flicking their fingers or being slightly overweight. Someone must have it out for you.

    "Not going to the movies when you know you will not be comfortable there because you have an anxiety disorder.
    Not wearing makeup. Seriously?"
    Yeah, seriously. Normal.

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