Is it normal to get urges to bite your dog when playing rough?

When I play rough with my dog it always bites, kicks and scratches me and i get the urge to bite back and i did once until it yelped and then I felt bad but it felt really good to my teeth and brain until it yelped and the urge is still there. I love my dog a lot and try and do everything i can to give her a perfect life and give her as much attention as possible and don't want to hurt her, is this normal?

Voting Results
43% Normal
Based on 67 votes (29 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • RainbowDischarge

    I don't know if this is normal. Probably not, but I have had urges to bite my cat many times. He's so cute, assed out on the floor by me right now. He also bites and does this thing where he latches onto a body part of mine with his front paws and kicks like a rabbit with his hind legs. I have softly bitten him before, no teeth, like an old person without their dentures. I mostly bite my boyfriend. Everyday. Idk why. I get strong urges to bite his biceps mostly, any body part will do, but his biceps are the best to chomp down on. He doesn't really like it, but it doesn't bother him too bad. Something is so satisfying about sinking my teeth into his flesh.

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    • bent4u

      Last sentence,.wtf?

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  • Tommythecat.

    Op = textbook sadist.

    The way you describe it is exactly how it feels, you get a warm pleasurable feeling from the act. You can still be perfectly capable of love, it's a pretty complex thing really and not well understood yet.

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    • kingofcarrotflowers

      Completely off topic and I probably sound like a broken record but you checked out the latest swans lp?

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      • Tommythecat.

        Got it today. It's better than the seer, just rad.

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  • Leonard_Hatred

    IT's normal.

    Whenever my cat misbehaved (liek biting or scratching me), I would hiss at her, swipe at her with my paws, and pick her up by the scruff of her neck with my mouth.

    She soon got the idea who was the dominant animal in the room.

    Best regards
    Leonard Hatred

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  • thebeasttamer

    I don't bite my dog but he is small so yeah its normal

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  • RoseIsabella

    I kiss dogs and cats all the time but I don't go around biting them, and they don't generally bite me.

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    Nibbling, sure but biting? Nope. If you want to teach them they did wrong, you bite their ear but you never need to do it at any other point.

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