Is it normal to give everyone weird nicknames/speak baby talk?

Is it normal that I use nicknames to address people in my family? It's pretty immature since I'm 24, but I like to pretty much designate everyone in my family a special nickname and talk to them in gibberish. For instance, I call my mom "rabbit" or "bunny" and sometimes talk to her using the words "ooh doo" or "joogey woogey.". Sometimes, the nickname alternates to "fuzz face," "furball," "fuzzy wuzzy," "cotton tail," "carrot eater," "carrot breath," "bongo head," "cotton candy," or even "cotton tail." For other people, I generally tell them they are also rabbits, or address them as "scruffy."

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35% Normal
Based on 65 votes (23 yes)
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Comments ( 31 )
  • jondoerandom

    I bet you're a very nice person and everything, but if I had to spend a day around that I'd shoot you, sorry.

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  • FrancoisDillinger

    lol i like this.

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    • NoraBaker

      Well, you're supposed to like this. You're the guy who doesn't tie his shoes, aren't you? *suspicious look* Lol XP

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      • FrancoisDillinger

        lol yes, I am

        (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

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        • NoraBaker

          Hahaha so it all makes perfect sense!

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          • FrancoisDillinger

            lol why is that???

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            • NoraBaker

              Uh, I dunno... Maybe cuz'... "aww lil' boy don' wanna tie 'is shoe? Com'ere lil' boy, lemme tie your shoe, you naughty waddy, so we can go party-arty!!!" or somethin' like that... Haha :)

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  • Captain_Kegstand

    None of my friends are known by their first names, we all go by last names. For example, I am known as Dunham.

    As far as the baby talk, as long as it is kept to a minimum and not done all the time it can be okay. I had a girlfriend that would do that from time to time and it was rather cute!

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    • NoraBaker

      Very well, Mr. Dunham, if you will, one last thing. Please provide us, at this moment, with your Social Security number by saying aloud the digits as they appear on your card... Chubby wubby! Then, you may hang up and we will stalk you or use your identity. Keep your fingers crossed, hunny bunny sugah wubbah!!

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      • Captain_Kegstand

        Ill skip on the social security part. But if somebody is going to stalk me, I have a few ideas on who I hope it is! lolz

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  • dirtybirdy

    Not so much the baby talk but i hardly call people by their actual name. Especially considering I've asked a few times for people to kindly say my full name, rather than the shortened version of it and the bastards didn't listen. So fuck you. I wont say your name at all, douche nozzle. :)

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  • charli.m

    Weird nicknames is ok. Baby talk...I don't know how anyone puts up with you.

    I don't really give friends or family nicknames, but I do with kids. Currently, one of the kids I'm working with I call Monkey and I can't really remember why. I also call kids Possum, Munchkin, Poppet, Bubby, and all the usual honey, sweetheart, etc. Despite being taught NOT to in uni. Stupid fuckhead teachers, the kids know their damn names, a nickname isn't gonna hurt.

    My grandmother always had rude nicknames for our friends. Maybe that's why I don't have nicknames for friends, unless they choose it themselves :-S

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  • frankiestrange

    I'm 19, and I literally call all my friends bub, bubbins, bubbs, bubba etc.

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  • dalmationUntoyourSoul

    i think you sound pleasant. i'd tickle you just to hear that adorable giggle of yours.

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  • VioletTrees

    I think it's normal to do this with family. If you're doing it with other people, though, you should make sure that they're comfortable with it.

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  • Boo!

    yes, I give my friends nicknames as well. Its fun.

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  • dbracey

    I told my brother he was a "joobie woobie, cotton headed, tomato-nosed, mongy pongy, doo doo, boo boo piss head" on the phone. I then called him "scruffy, scruppy, poogie and woogie" in a text message.

    I forgot to mention that I like to poke and squeeze people on the stomach. Finally, I like to pinch jaws and say "yes you are! Yes your are a yittle wittle wabbit!"

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  • Avant-Garde

    It's normal except for the baby-speak.

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  • dom180

    At the risk of sounding like an imbecile, I actually find baby-talking and using childish nicknames very cute. To me you sound fun... other people probably can't stand you though :P

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  • dappled

    None of my friends are known by their first name. Everybody gets a nickname. Girlfriends usually get them too. Two of my friends are known on Facebook by their nicknames, not their real name. I like it. I feel like I christened everyone. A few people on IIN have been given public ones (howamnotmyself will always be "flying squirrel" from that animal post here), some of you have private ones (generally uninspired), and some have imagery. Not saying who, but someone here will always be known in my mind as Napoleon.

    Worst is when someone has a private nickname and you stumble into them as you walk around a corner. With your mind still addled, there's a chance you use the nickname. And yes, I have done. :/

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    • alv1592

      Your nicknames for me were "Angelina" and "Angelala" when we tweeted with each other. You should come back to Twitter, hasn't been the same without ya :)

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      • dappled

        Aww, you were indeed Angelala (and still are :P)

        I actually miss Twitter. I know they won't let me re-open my account but I may come back anyway. :)

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    • howaminotmyself

      I don't think you know how much this amuses me. You are not the first to liken me to a squirrel.

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      • dappled

        Me too. :) Even though I dropped an "i" from your name and made you a one-eyed squirrel. Hmm... although a squirrel with an eyepatch would be even more amusing still.

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        • howaminotmyself

          You took out my eye and I didn't even notice. This calls for payback. I may not see very well but I can still fly.

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          • dappled

            Okay, squirrel girl, but stay away from the nuts. :P

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            • howaminotmyself

              I would but you make them hard to avoid. Complete with strobe lights, colored flags, and an inflatable wavy arm guy. :P

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