Is it normal to hate a cat?

My husband and I really wanted to get a cat. We looked at tons of shelters but didn't seem to find a cat that clicked with us. Until one day I was scrolling on Craigslist where I found a 10 month old female kitten. I instantly fell in love with her adorable face! I responded to the ad and she was ours. In the beginning I noticed she had some weird habits like you can only pet her a couple times before she bites or scratches. I chalked it up to normal kitten behavior. But it got worse she barely let's me pet her or I get bitten. I've tried spray bottles and scruffing but nothing works. Along with doing this she's now torn all of my carpet to complete shreds (even though she has a scratch pad!) And is peeing all over my couch! I'm so fed up with her behavior and can't help but get extremely angry when I look around at everything she's ruined the point I want to beat her! To make matters worse shes completely in love with my husband and I feel like he almost gloats about it. She has to sleep in our room next to him or she shreds the carpet outside our door! I want to get rid of her but I know that I'll never hear the end of it.. I don't understand why my husband thinks this behavior is appropriate to just let an animal completely tear up your house because it sleeps next to you at night???! I can't even stand looking at her I get so mad! Is this normal!? are all cats like this!!!

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50% Normal
Based on 24 votes (12 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • Freedom_

    Pussy problems...

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  • chained_rage

    Fine. Slit its stupid throat then.

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  • Redcoats

    My Cat From Hell vids will help you out a lot to understand feline behavior, but from what I can gather, is your kitty has territorial issues.

    The scratching and the peeing is a sign of saying "This is mine, I own it" as well as feeling threatened by another female in the roost (which is you)

    There are plenty of things you can do which I really hope work for you, but at the end of the day, some animals are just chaotic and no one could blame you if you decided to get rid of it, but try things first (:

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  • noid

    No it's not normal. Watch some "My Cat a From Hell" videos. He can help you and this cat.

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  • Shrunk

    "Is it normal to hate a cat?" NOPE.
    I'm sorry but cats are only for people with a lot of patience... training takes time not 'scruffing' and spray bottle... You shouldn't have bought it just cause it's cute...

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  • Jweezee

    I'm going to go ahead and be the asshole on this post and disagree with the others. yes it is normal to hate a cat. That cuntish little beast sounds like a fucking nightmare. It's your home too, why should you have to put up with some nasty, smelly, possessed fucking feline tearing up all your shit. This cat has made you its bitch. Get rid of the god damn thing.

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  • Aries

    I feel sorry for you , my cat never bothers anyone .. it's barely even seen . it simply eats , drinks , sleeps and keeps mice out . I suppose I got lucky although my cat also cant even meow really for some odd reason ? so you really don't know its here LOL

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  • Like humans, cats and other animals can be assholes too. I have 3 cats and they do not act like that.

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