Is it normal to hate an animal so much that you think it's everywhere?

I have a fear of rats. I feel like rats are always near me. Like they're just going to jump out of no where. I feel like they're going to infect me with a disease that will kill me. I can't even sit on the floor often..

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Comments ( 6 )
  • sheilarae1987

    Check out my Alpaca/Llama post, crazy. And every rt ime Im driving near a country area I feel, as though there will be an,Alpaca awaiting at every intersection lol, sad panda

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  • americanhoney

    When I was a teenager I had a pet rat named Rutherford the Brave. He was fucking fantastic.

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  • Kura

    Pet rats are awesome. :c (I assure you they will not jump out and give you a deadly disease!)

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  • theaverageatheist

    your an animal too.

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  • dappled

    There's a saying that says you are never more than six feet from a rat. Personally, I think it's utter bollocks. I live in a city full of rats and I so rarely see them. Not because they don't exist but because they stay out of the way of humans. You're at no major risk from infection from rats. Promise!

    As much as anything else, they have a reputation they don't deserve because they once carried plague-ridden fleas six hundred and fifty years ago. The rats were as innocent in all that as the humans were who spread the plague. But humans need someone to blame and they copped it.

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  • noitsdefinitelynot

    You have a phobia of rats for some reason. Exposure therapy is used to treat this if it's that serious (viewing images, looking at them in petco, etc.).

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