Is it normal to hate animals living in your house?
I have always loved animals and have always lived with them. But in the last few years my patience for the messes, the hair hair HAIR, the costs, the aggravation and the smell has gone from 100 to 0. The last year has been where I really got fed up. I moved in with my girlfriend of 4 years and her parents. It is a huge house and her parents are great... it's just the 7 cats and 2 dogs that drove me nuts!! Her parents have moved and taken the dogs and 5 of the cats. The other 2 are my girlfriends. We are about to be moving soon ourselves and can only take 1 cat with us... the one that isn't any sort of hassle. The other one is a mess... he pees everywhere, is too fat to lick his own butt, gets poop and poop balls everywhere and is honestly a really stupid cat. She plans on trying to find him a home soon but is in no hurry. I just can't wait till it is just us 2 and the 1 little kitty. Animals just aren't worth all the b.s. and time they require. Now don't get me wrong... I love animals... I just have grown to hate living with them. What do you think?