Is it normal to hate animals living in your house?

I have always loved animals and have always lived with them. But in the last few years my patience for the messes, the hair hair HAIR, the costs, the aggravation and the smell has gone from 100 to 0. The last year has been where I really got fed up. I moved in with my girlfriend of 4 years and her parents. It is a huge house and her parents are great... it's just the 7 cats and 2 dogs that drove me nuts!! Her parents have moved and taken the dogs and 5 of the cats. The other 2 are my girlfriends. We are about to be moving soon ourselves and can only take 1 cat with us... the one that isn't any sort of hassle. The other one is a mess... he pees everywhere, is too fat to lick his own butt, gets poop and poop balls everywhere and is honestly a really stupid cat. She plans on trying to find him a home soon but is in no hurry. I just can't wait till it is just us 2 and the 1 little kitty. Animals just aren't worth all the b.s. and time they require. Now don't get me wrong... I love animals... I just have grown to hate living with them. What do you think?

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81% Normal
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Comments ( 13 )
  • Rnreece

    I'm glad I found this thread. I know it was posted years ago but I still wanted to comment. Because I'm with you. I used to LOVE animals when I was little but ever since I has my kids I fucking hate having them in the house. And here's the thing, I don't hate animals. I go out of my way to research products that do not test on animals. I buy cageless eggs, etc. I'm alright with most of them in other people's houses. Small dogs usually because I've just never been fond of cats. But I absolutely refuse to have one in my house. Which sucks for my boyfriend because he LOVES dogs. But in all seriousness, they drool, they stink, they're loud, they're messy and the fur? No way. It's just gross. Now because of this people think I'm a psychopath or just weak stomached. Not true. I have 2 young daughters and I babysit other people's children all the time. I can be peed on, pooped on clean any nasty mess of the floor and myself without a second thought, but kids are fantastic and so loveable. Everyone who has large dogs in their house always looks like their wearing a fur shirt. They think their house smells fine but it doesn't. I just don't want animals in my house. Point blank.

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    • VentingQueen78

      I completely understand your points. And it's funny you mention how long ago this was posted. Since this post I'm now living with my boyfriend, his cat and my cat. I love the cats both very much and since this post my tolerance has gone way up for cats specifically. They now bring me more joy than not. :)

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  • bi.babyyqurl19

    Noooo ! You should take care of their messes bcuz that's why you have the animal for ! But 7 cats ? Now that's not normal ! Would qo krazii tooooooo !

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  • Mutt22

    If you don't care for animals in the house then either don't get anymore animals or move to a ranch where they can live outside. Its nearly impossible to allow animals to live outside in cities since there are jerks who'll try to harm em and laws, atleast here, that state that if you own animal they have to have shelter.

    I rather enjoy animals in the house as long as I clean up after them I have no problem with their fur/hair/feathers and there is no smell in the house, when my dog has to do her business she lets me know and I take her out so her left behinds are not in the house.When she smells I give her a bath. Plus I have a thing when people say "animals belong outside" since humans are also animals might as well just kick yourself out of the house.

    And yeah if your cat is that fat that is considered a health risk for the poor cat, I have a feeling you'll end up feeling the same way about that kitten they grow up fast you know.

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  • Trexy

    I-FEEL-YOU totally. I posted something similar and got reemed for it (pet people..geez)..I can't stand fur, pee poo smells, the DANDER - that sh*t HAS to be a health dander stays in a house for 6 mos to a year after the cat is gone..HMM Lets keep the most POTENT animal LOCKED UP in your living quarters and NEVER let it see fresh air..OMG sick... ITS SO GROSS. I grew up with cats from age 2 to 18..I really don't know when this anti-pet thing occured but it was definately something I swore by once I was on my own. Regardless of what everyone thinks, I never want to be a 'housepet' person. NO THANKS. Clean House I will keep 4 EVER.

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  • Pets are a big responsibility and aren't for everybody and there is nothing wrong with knowing the limits and preferences you have personally. Thats maturity.

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    • littlelulu1999

      I agree with Ollieo. Thank you for posting.

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  • notyourboyfriend

    Never get an animal again.
    You don't love them enough if your don't think caring for them is a waste of time. If your cat is too fat you're not taking care of it correctly.

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  • That's a lot of cats!

    A tip for the fat cat: Get him on a wet-food only diet. It doesn't really matter what brand, but wet food is better for cats than dry. Feed him 2-3 times a day in measured amounts that are recommended for his height/length.

    Also, the better quality of cat food you feed them, the healthier their coats will be and the less they will shed.

    Cats urinate in places other than their box usually for two reasons: they are stressed/not feeling safe or their litter box is not clean.

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  • Born2BAStar

    It Is Normal 2 Hate Them Living In Your House
    They're Natural Habitat Is Outside Anywaysz

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  • KrystalRenee

    I say.. Stick to the monthly or weekly pet store, or adoption shelter visit.. Just to look. And enjoy the cute loving animals.. Just not in your home. :)

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  • VentingQueen78

    Thank you for all your replies... just one last thing so there is no confusion, these aren't my animals they are the peoples that I lived with. Since I've moved out and got my own place I'm very happy with no animals lol I like playing with my friends pets and have done pet sitting for them before as well but I love coming home to my furless house :-)

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  • mtnw

    roastpuppy, how do you know what god intended?

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