Is it normal to hate any sort of obligation?

If I feel like something is any sort of an obligation, I freak out and don't comply.

It doesn't matter if it's something standard and expected, something "fun" or something dreadful. The "thing" itself isn't what does this to me, it's just the obligation part. Sometimes something will seem like a good idea to me, so I'll agree to do it but as the deadline approaches I get angry about it and find a way to escape from following through. Things that I can't get out of doing, I just get very angry about and take out my anger in various inappropriate ways.

People who have to deal with me a lot have resigned to how I act and I get special treatment. I don't care that they think I'm a pain in the ass since it gets me out of having to follow the rules. It's amazing how many procedural guidelines and laws can be broken because they'd rather not deal with my bullshit.


Voting Results
60% Normal
Based on 42 votes (25 yes)
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Comments ( 13 )
  • sahtiwaari

    I feel the same. Even if it is something I enjoy doing...

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  • SeverusFan23

    Yes it's normal.

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  • disthing

    You sound unusually lacking in empathy.

    Most people's conscience would restrict them from persistently acting in such an obnoxious way. You don't appear to care about the people around you. Perhaps you're a little high on the narcissistic spectrum.

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  • dirtybirdy

    You sound very selfish and lazy. You have no desire to grow up, do you?

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    • Steve2.0

      Neither does YOUR MOM!!!

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  • Steve2.0

    You sound very immature. It must be an arduous task for your colleagues to tolerate a prole like you in the workplace.

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  • cumblaster

    wow, lots of bashing to this one. But I tend to be the same. it doesn't make me a bad or mean person, I just value my freedom and independance. i ask nothing of other people so why should they have expectations of me?

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  • abominus566

    in my opinion, nothing is an obligation, you either decide to do what ever it is or you dont its that simple. think about it the laws a supposed to be an "obligation" and yet alot of people break it constantly

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  • Cobraverde

    Dude, totally normal. You gotta resist your emotional reactions to things though. Some things are tough. I was like this for a while, still am in some ways, but in the end it's bad for your self esteem. Unconsciously you're indicating to yourself 'i'm good for shit all'. Hence maybe why you've posted this. It's normal as in 'common' but it's not positive, or socially acceptable. It's seriously like, two minutes of self reflection and being like 'is this cool or not, is this an ethical way to behave or not, am I an adult or not' and you can change the way you think about it.

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  • AbnormallyAwesome

    I feel the same way about obligations. But I try to not piss other people off because of it.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    There are over 9000 ways i could describe you.

    Put i am only gonna use this one "Penis".

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  • MotherfuckingMotherfucker

    Look motherfucker, you could motherfucking be a motherfucking child starving to death in motherfucking Africa and you motherfucking complaining about this motherfucking shit is motherfucking ridiculous!

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  • RyanDay68

    You've got an obligation to get off this site

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