Is it normal to hate any sort of obligation?
If I feel like something is any sort of an obligation, I freak out and don't comply.
It doesn't matter if it's something standard and expected, something "fun" or something dreadful. The "thing" itself isn't what does this to me, it's just the obligation part. Sometimes something will seem like a good idea to me, so I'll agree to do it but as the deadline approaches I get angry about it and find a way to escape from following through. Things that I can't get out of doing, I just get very angry about and take out my anger in various inappropriate ways.
People who have to deal with me a lot have resigned to how I act and I get special treatment. I don't care that they think I'm a pain in the ass since it gets me out of having to follow the rules. It's amazing how many procedural guidelines and laws can be broken because they'd rather not deal with my bullshit.