Is it normal to hate arguing with people about well-established facts?
My French gardener Pierre drove me crazy today. We were talking about someone's post on and I said,
"Well, generally Americans are much less liberal about sex than Europeans."
Pierre then starts disagreeing with me.
Later I said,
"All humans have an ego."
(This we've known since the time of Freud.)
Pierre then disagreed with me, saying that only Westerners have egos, which is ridiculous.
The same old thing kept happening. I'd say something bleedingly obvious and he'd argue for the sake of it, like some idiotic devil's advocate.
I was in a hurry and I told him that I am not interested in arguing with him about well-established facts. He told me,
"It's not arguing, it's debate, and in France, my friends are intellectuals who like to debate."
I said,
"Well, I went to grad school too and everywhere else it's antisocial to argue with people when they clearly don't want be arguing and it's antisocial to disagree with people who say obviously true things such as 'there are seven days in a week'. Disagreement causes conflict. Conflict is antisocial. End of story."
is it normal to be as pissed as I was with this annoying convo?
Is it because I've been in a bad mood lately?