Is it normal to hate bull fighting?

I really wanted to go see a bull fight in Spain because I thought it was just bull vs man and red curtain. I just saw it on tv and they stab the bull with swords, repeatedly, the poor bull was bleeding all over its horns. Now I dont want to see it live. is it normal to think this is horrible?

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82% Normal
Based on 50 votes (41 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • crimson_mamba

    This might just be another stupidity of human attitude of "MAN VS BEAST", the way the "matador" is finely dressed like a warrior to battle an unfortunate creature that is clueless to his own inevitable demise.

    I love animals; humans might have the ability of cognitive thought, but many animals possess far greater and sharper senses than humans, that, in the wild nature alone, humans wouldnt stand a chance, but exotic animals would.

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

    I feel the same way.

    I will eat beef and don't care if it's killed in a slaughterhouse.

    However I am against the crap the bullfighters do. Before the bull even enters the arena, it's neck is slit so it cannot raise its head to defend itself. Screw that.

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  • bundygirl

    It's normal, what a disgusting sport it is.
    I hate bull fighting, it is NOT a custom, is is cruelty.

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  • rmorrison1

    I always hope that the bull will kill as many people as he can before succumbing to his own death. Anyone who enjoys this or goes to see this deserves to die.

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  • oh dannykanes me too, i love that

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  • DannyKanes

    I hate bull fighting. It's just animal cruelty, oh how I laugh when the matador gets gored :-D

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  • moomus

    It's wrong

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  • dappled

    There is an annual tradition in Spain of throwing a live goat from the bell tower of a church. They do try to catch the goat in a blanket but they're generally unsuccessful. The most disturbing part of this for me is that the tradition called for a model goat and it's only in recent years that this has been changed to a live goat because it wasn't "funny" enough when they did it with the dummy.

    This has nothing to do with religion, with tradition, or with anyone's rights. It's to do with people who think animal cruelty is funny.

    I like the Spanish very much but they are doing themselves and Europe a disservice when they allow things like this to go on.

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    • The whole world apparently lives by this philosophy: "If everybody around me accepts it, it must be morally acceptable".

      I for one will never condemn another person based on the principles that I guide myself by, no matter how distasteful their actions.

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  • jensapa

    Agree. Poor things. There not meant to throw themselves around like that. Its coz there made to get real pissed off.

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  • Sweetz

    Im not for it. Bull fighting is just so wrong.

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  • tori

    Of course it's horrible. Some traditions just need to be banned. Also when they have the bull running in the streets I want the bull to do as much damage as possible. Serves them right. I am on the bulls side. Anything with animal cruelty is sickening.

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