Is it normal to hate cats so damn much

Okay so I really hate cats. Not pussy, felines. They are the embodiment of traits that I hate to see in humans. They are reclusive, cold, temperamental, sneaky, and in-affectionate( and don't say they're not because they rub against you, because that's just to get their stank on you. FACT). They stay out of sight unless they hear you open food, the little parasites. They shit in a box that people keep in their home and it stinks like a sumbitch. You can't read their emotions like other pets which I'll leave unnamed. They hiss for Christ sake. When people are being bitchy assholes they say they are being catty for a reason. Oh, they walk around with their tails in the air so you have to see their puckered pink turdcutters.(they know what they're doing). I know we have to coexist with other species but shit did we have to make pets out of the little nasty bastards. Is it just me?

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Comments ( 18 )
  • timebobbu

    golly gee willickers, sorry that you feel that way :D

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  • Kerris

    Every animal has it's pros and cons. That includes humans.

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  • Cobrakitnu

    Well.. The family cat is a complete retard that just wants to be rubbed all the time, and my cat is a huge sweetheart. Maybe you raised yours wrong, I dunno. Cats are quite amazing pets.

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  • alv1592

    actually, when cats mark you with their scent glands, they're marking you as their own. that's a sign that they like you. i have 4 cats that are very sweet. the gray one sleeps in my bed, and sometimes she'll cuddle with me and give me nose kisses. it's so cute :)

    yeah, i agree with the comment above..sorry u feel that way.

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  • devann

    Wow your stupid. You must be talking about yourself. My cats are the opposite...

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  • georgienne

    I've lived with cats and dogs my whole life, and i really don't like them compared to other animals.
    They're too temperamental, ignorant and do seem to have all the worst human-traits: sly, lazy, won't miss a meal..
    I like that they're smaller, more agile and lighter than dogs, and I prefer most cat sounds over a bark, but at the end of the day, I'd rather go for a nice walk with a dog than have a cat lie and purr on me for 5 minutes then take off to do whatever.
    Plus, in this scary world, I need a pet that comes when it's called.

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  • Geneva5

    I fucking hate cats ! Good for target practice with the .308 :) and they sure do explode ! Boom !

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  • Sara0303

    I hate cats too

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  • ilovewerewolfs123

    Fuck you I love my cats

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    • Hmmm...that's funny because your cats told me they hate you.

      And fuck you, too :)

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  • dahl

    My first post on this site was asking if the cat was a lesbian. Some asshole let loose on me calling me stupid and yadayadayada. Really pissed me off. I was asking questions for the sake of love. But after that, I have to go with my original gut feelings and that is, "CATS ARE DISGUSTING"!!! To hell with love if I have to deal with a nasty little creature spreading her stanking asshole open at me. That bitch screamed and hollered all night. Then she started croaking like a giant bullfrog. The weirdest crap I ever heard. She did this while humping the carpet. Oh hell no!!!! I like to walk around barefoot. What the hell. The next morning, I had him put her nasty ass right the hell back out of here and shapooed the carpet. Oh my, get a life you relentless pussy lickers!!!

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  • dahl

    I AM SO FEELING WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT!!!!. I HATE CATS!!!! I think they are nasty little fucks. Cat owners have the nerve to say cats are the cleanest little animals. BULLSHIT!!!! Anything that shits, pisses, and sprays a nasty, hideous smelling stench all over your house is the farthest away from clean that anyone can imagine. Sneaky little terrorist is what they are. My guy has a cat that he had to put out in order for me to live with him. We manage an apartment building so I am fortunate enough to have the cat stored in one of the empty units. Just for the sake of LOVE I made an attempt at trying to live with the little beast. This BITCH is about 7 or 8 years old, they (the bitch he had before me) never made any attempt at having the creature spayed. She always seem to be in heat and the perverted little bitch passes up any MAN just to put her stanking asshole and pussy up at me or any other female that comes into the apartment. Not only do I think that she is a lesbian, but I think that she is a disgusting piece of something or other. I could go on and on.

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    I hate cats because they come around my house and drive my dog nuts. The also cry at night, and jeep me up. I used to trap then and take them to the Animal shelter, but yet the 1 bear here closed.

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  • ellie06

    What really gets on my nerves is when cat owners are all like "Oh, cats are better than dogs. They are so much smarter and they don't stink and they're not gross at all." I CAN'T STAND IT! Having a cat is like not having one at all. They are not affectionate, they make bad companions, and all they do is hide. They rub musk on you and they stink up your house because they poop in a box. Cats are really stupid, too. Unlike dogs, you can't teach them to fo anything! All they do is sit there and do nothing. Dogs, on the other hand, are affectionate, they love their owners, and they can be taught tricks. Dogs have a purpose. They are used for police work, assisting disabled people, search and rescue, bomb sniffing, and other things. I'm not saying all cat owners are like that, but it seems like quite a bit.

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  • chickarina

    I hate my boyfriend's cat!!!! She does nothing but scratch me whenever she finds an opportunity. She sheds a lot of hair and has a kitty litter that stinks like hell.

    Though I still do not have enough courage to tell him, I don't think I would ever move in with my BF till he gets rid of that cat, ugh.

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  • Shrunk

    how is what you've said different than any other animal? I could list as many disadvantages with any pet. I'm guess you're a dog person so yeah it seems normal that you are quick to judge something you don't understand. Cats are for people with more patience and an open mind... you don't have to hate just ignore them...

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  • coldharbour

    see, how pathetic all these sore losers are here, trying to cover up for their stinking cats...
    it's a FACT that a cat has very less emotion, and also, these cats, they steal, no matter what you give them, they just have to steal, and they are pretty humane too, if you hit a dog (friendly) then the dog will like it, but if you stroke a cat a little hard, that beast will try to assault you..
    isn't that friggin lovely, i hate cats more than anything...

    and i'm not being sore, it's just that my granny had 8 cats at her home, and all but 1 turned to be real bitches...

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  • SweetSherry

    Both cats and dogs are disgusting.

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