Is it normal to hate christians?

Notice how I said CHRISTIANS and how I'm not bashing the actual religion. I'm perfectly fine with God, Christ, the Bible, etc. The thing I can't stand are the people who follow it (you Christians), you guys are rude, obnoxious, belittling other peoples religion, and basically calling anyone who doesn't agree with you oblivious and idiots cause they don't see eye-to-eye with you. What I hate about you is that half you guys can't even follow what the word of God says. You guys want examples? I was at my college discussing with my friend various topics of religion, atheism, etc, when all of a sudden this fat heifer of a women jumps out of the bushes and basically b**ches us out for not believing in the one true God and bringing Christ into my life. I told her to basically f**k off and she did, about 10 more minutes later when the damn security guard had to come over after my buddy signaled him over. Also, on the internet. Anytime someone would ask something questioning Christianity, you guys basically take it as an insult and feel the need to bash the guy in mentally. So basically, am I justified to have these feelings against you Christians? You guys haven't exactly been the nicest of people.

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74% Normal
Based on 84 votes (62 yes)
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Comments ( 27 )
  • chicabonita

    Whatever floats your boat... I am a strong christian and please don't hate us :/ we love God and Jesus and it's the greatest feeling to sit and listen to the bible and God...

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  • angelaa

    Yea I definitely know what you mean. Christians make me uncomfortable and I'm a christian myself.

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  • Chill_Pill

    I don't know. Is it normal to "hate" anyone based on the wrongs that their peers perpetuate? I don't hate Christians per-say because there are several very good people that practice Christianity, as could be said of other religions, races, political parties, etc... If you hate the fact that many Christians love to lable people and stick them into tiny sin boxes all while overlooking the fact that they don't necessarily get a free ride into a happily ever-after just because of their self-proclaimed entitlement, then I am in total agreement. But you can't hate an entire religion or group of people based on the nasties that the bad ones inflict(ed) upon others. I think it okay to dislike the fact that many hypocrites have forced their mentalities upon you, but blame those bad seeds, not the soil. Good Luck!


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    • notallthere

      You got it, lol. I agree with everything you said... you can't just hate all Christians for what some of the idiot ones do. It would be like blaming all Muslims for 9-11.

      It's just that some Christians are small-minded and think that the point of the religion is the content so they can feel better about their self-conscious selves going to heaven.

      But the actual point of Christianity, and any religion, is to make you a better person. Any religion that does that is good to me.

      So just hate the stupid Christians. Not all of them. (:

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  • Jonniebonnie

    It ia normal, i think you have bad luck with certain christians. Not all christians, and certaintly many christians do not do that stuff, i am a christian but im nothing like the people u described. I acually hate people like that too. I dont like to judge people about their religion, instead i let them believe what they want to believe because they have rights. If someone said to me that they are a satanist, i mean i would be cautious, obviously because in Christianity, satan is a crap ton ov evil, but i wont judge them. Id be like, "oh, alright cool" i can kinda get why you could be reading this comment like im wrong or i dont know what i am talking about, but believe me when i say i hate those people too, and i agree with you. I am a man of respect. :)

    My mom is acually super religious, i am not super religious, sometimes she takes me to this shekinah church in michigan, and everyone is so loud and dancing and they use this personal language with god that sounds giberish. I dont do that stuff, im not a loud worshiping christian. Id rather just worship alone silently and sitting, i acually dont like noise at all, i sometimes feel like i was born ro be a meditator or monk of some sort, im just ao independent, quite, I respect everyones beliefs, opinions, live life independently, believing in god and not getting in anyones religious business.

    I acually dont know if im acually christian, because I 100% believe in god and christianity, but I also believe that i could be wrong. Christians are 100% sure god exists, atheists are 100% sure no gods exist, so what if they are right and we christians ars wrong?

    What would you call me or classify me as?

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    Religious buttholes = hypocrites

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  • StrangeDuckDude

    If their god is for real, why won't He heal amputees?

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    • KnowledgeSpirit

      Everything happens for a reason - if you want to know why God doesn't then read the bible! Im not trying to convert you or anything but if you read it you can find answers to everything you ever want to know if you just look in the right place.

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  • godot

    i have GREAT experience in this matter. I live in italy and am surrounded by christians. I can assure you, not all of them are like that, but most of them are. I can't understand how they can keep on talking about what we should or shouldn't do, and they don't seem to undersand that LIFE HAS MOVED ON.we don't live in bible times and owr needs are different. what's right and what's wrong has changed soo much. they son't seem to get it and , worst of all, they don't even follow the things they preach. you have no idea how many teens curse, drink and smoke joints here, and the morning after they go to church to see they're friends. and don't get me started on the pope. nice guy and everything but sometimes it seems like he lives on mars. it's frustraiting, it is.

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  • I know exactly war u mean, but it's not all Christians, it's just the extremely religious ones. Sometimes it's catholics too. Or people of all different religions. Sometimes we as people are so hard headed and so opinionated tht we dnt listen to others when we shld b open to there views. I try to but when u r criticised because of your religion then u feel anger towards them.

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  • chicabonita

    Some Christians are firm believers like my teacher but when you think about it now there are soo many Christians that don't take everything so seriously and not everything so strick...

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  • AppleShampoo

    I am a Christian and I believe everyone is entitled to their beliefs.

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  • randomness123

    i just found this website, so i dunno how to relook at posts and stuff, so i might not comment again, if i figure it out and someones replies to this, i will
    im a christian, but im not hardcore bible pusher, i believe in god, i believe in what the bible says, i havnt read the whole thing, i ask if my friends wana go to church sometimes and stuff like that, im not all "omgwtfbbq uhr eeeevyl" when i see something 'not christian'
    i wear band stuff, listen to hardcore music and shit, i wear a star neckless, and i know alot of other christians who are like me.
    i agree with you except the hate part, it annoys me, and they shouldnt, but what can you do, people take all things they do to the extreme, just like "hail satan" up there. xD

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    • randomness123

      and i have gay friends, xD forgot to add that.

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  • wichdocta

    compleatly normal however i only dislike the ones who preach to me as did some boys 1 or 2 years younger than me preaching about god and lecturing me about swearing however i am not scared of hell or anything of the sort hurting them was fun

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  • esreverlogic

    I'm a christian and I feel the same way..I don't consider those kind of people "christian" because the words' meaning is Christ-Like. and a lot of "christians" give the religion as a whole, and other christians a bad name. this pisses me off, and it really makes me rage. in fact, anybody who forces anything like an opinion down someone else's throat should be shot.

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  • combatgal856

    I'm a Christian and I find some of them hypocritical. There are some nice Christian but a majority put you off becoming religious. My mum is a horrible religious Cristian. They gossip, never listen, make you feel evil if you do something human, and pressure people to change their religion. How would they like it if a Muslim asked them to convert. They are not 'treating others the way they would like to be treated'. Many strict religious Christians seem to go against what Jesus and God says in terms of how to treat people and they do not even realise it.

    As a Christian it is not my job to judge other, that is Gods job, and I will leave it that way. I do not think people are evil because they had an abortion because how do I know their circumstance? All we can all do is live our lives and I truely think that all Christians should live their lives without getting involved in others lives because that is hypocrytical. They need to realise people in this world are all different, for some reason most of them do not understand that.

    Wow this is too long
    A message to Christians...God is the judge not you!

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  • lalala_13

    thats true not all christians are like that. well real christians arent like that does who call themselves christians and force others to belive in God and to be christians arent acting christ-like which makes them non-christinas. sadly a lot of people nowadays call themselves christians and in reallity arent, and cause of that, people get confused with what being a christian really means. and those who are really following what the bible say are few that cant really be seen in the world. its sad that u have only been surrounded by fake christian and not the real ones.

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  • SaikaSays

    I wouldn't say all Christians are like, the lady you ran into sounds a tad bit hardcore then most though. I can understand what your saying you hate it when people force their religion on you, and I do too. But not all Christians are like that, in fact alot of them are pretty excepting of other people's beliefs... well the ones I've met anyway.

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  • Lettuce12345

    I am a Satanist.

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  • crazy1331

    I hate CHRISTIANS too! They are viruses. They "sin" all the time and all is well on sunday. They force you to conform or be shun from society. When was the last time you saw someone working in a Dr's office with a Baphomet necklace on? My BF works retail and has seen Muslims wear crosses around there neck. When he asked about it he was told that they couldnt find work bc of their religion. I was hired at a company and fired 5 minutes later for having a tattoo on my neck. (cherries) His excuse was it didnt fit with the companies core values and family atmosphere. WTF?! They have taken over the world and are destroying it. Look at the war in Iraq. Bush wanted the oil, so he went after it. Next christian churches started popping up over there. I applaud the dude that went bombing the churches. ALL religions should have the rights the christians took from us. Christians are the most corrupt, vile creatures on this planet. In my opinion they should be exterminated so humans can properly evolve and not be tied down to their false beliefs and morals. Get educated, read the Satanic Bible. You will be surprised. Hail Satan!

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    • KPizzle

      You had me till the last couple sentences. Did you miss the entire point of my post? I ranted basically because they all force and preach about their religion, and you just did the same. Hypocrite.

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      • crazy1331

        Have you read the Satanic Bible? No.... Dont call me a Hypocrite until you do a**hole. If you knew anything about the true Satanic religion you wouldn't say that.

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        • KnowledgeSpirit

          Ok first off - if there is not God and wehn we die there is nothing... what harm has living our life (the way actual Christians do) Greatly, helping others and being happy done?? Also Do you celebrate Christmas and/or Easter? Becasue if you do, reguardless of the reason you celebrate it, You are celbrating a CHRISTIAN holiday/ event and whether or not you celebrate it for the christian reason or if you do because you get presents and chocolate doesnt matter - the fact is it is a christian day and you are celebrating it. If you hate Christians that much then don't celebrate christmas or else you make yourself a Hypocrite!!!

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    • Jonniebonnie

      Dude, im christian and im nothing like that. There are christians out there who dont "take over" like me. I dont judge, i respect peoples beliefs, even if a satanist says "hail satan" i am against that but i will not try to convince you to worship god. I dont care what you believe in, i let you people believe anything. Everyone belongs. I am not corrupt or a vile creature. I am a respectable, non judgeful, freindly, kind, quiet christian.

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    • PinkPuss

      whoa u had me for A while untilthe last few sentences u starting ranting satan blah blah blah. u need jesus

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  • go2church.

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