Is it normal to hate cigarette smell so much?

Does anyone else get put off by people smoking?

It's unfair to judge a person just because they smoke and it's their personal choice...but is it normal to try and avoid people who do smoke because you really hate cigarette smell so much? (I sometimes hold my breathe discreetly if someone smoking walks past me).

Why do people smoke when it's apparently bad for you...and it makes them stink? If you do smoke, what drives you to have one? I'm curious to understand the emotions behind it.

Thanks for passing by!

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Based on 82 votes (76 yes)
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Comments ( 19 )
  • you and me babe

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    • ditto

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  • MasterOfWaffles

    *begins smoking giant cigar*

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  • ganesha

    I smoke, but I dislike the smell too!

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    • begs the oblivious question....then why do it :)

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  • penguinsrule247

    I really hate it how they always seem to smoke RIGHT at the entrance to my building. It is SO irritating. They seem not to think that other people live there and if they are aware of other people, they seem not to be aware of the fact that some people don't like the cigarette smell.

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  • robbieforgotpw

    I love how smokers congregate at the entrances to buildings. It's a fun game to try to hold your breath as you open the door.

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  • Metazoa

    Alot of people that have never had a cigarette hate the smell. Others like it. Lol. Depends. People that quit can hate it as well. I hate high volumes of smoke, but a weak amount of it is tolerable. But I def don't like breathing it in at all if I don't have to.

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  • PatrickZ

    Indeed cigaret smoke stinks, and that's no wonder if you consider what crap they put in them. It's all artificial, nothing natural about it. Tobacco smoke smells very different, by far not as bad as cigaret smoke. It's better to smoke a cigar than a cigaret, but the best is not to smoke at all.

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  • disfunkshinal

    Smokers irritate me in public.

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  • Krommer

    Cigarettes=used toilet paper, dried excess bone marrow, gunpowder, crushed glass, and hair.

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  • Awww hope you find that motivation one day, I have no experience in this but have you tried to cut down gradually? I used to eat a lot of sugary stuff (comfort eating whenever I was stressed or unhappy) but then I learnt it was my head making me want it rather then the tummy. Maybe you could just aim to cut back rather then give up all together..then when you're less reliant on it, you might just randomly stop.

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  • shade_ilmaendu

    I understand, I try to be as polite as possible around my nonsmoking friends though most of them aren't bothered by it.

    As for why smoke? It's an addiction, plain and simple, and it's a difficult one to kick. I've tried to quit a few times but it hasn't stuck yet. Started smoking because I liked the smell >.<

    I know I'll have to quit someday. I just need to want it bad enough first.

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    • Pretty much this... and my boyfriend and I have plans to quit for New Years.... we tried to quit earlier in the summer and stayed clean for six weeks.... and then had the "just one" thing. Hopefully this time we can kick it and not kill each other in the process.

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  • dappled

    As an ex-smoker, I hate it more now than from before I was a smoker. My friend said she felt the same when she gave up last year. Doesn't make sense, but it's true. Even if someone is smoking outdoors some distance away from me, I smell it and it makes me feel ill.

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    • Congratulations on a successful give up. I sort of gave up drinking caffeinated tea this year (not the same thing) but having drunk it constantly from a kid I'm surprised how well I've overcome it. Like having a hot drink now without that dehydrated feeling and no more rushing to the loo! Feels great!

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      • dappled

        Why, thank you. I gave up caffeine too some years back. It was surprisingly difficult because I'd become reliant on it. Withdrawal was horrible. I'm extremely glad to have caffeine out of my life. Glad you've managed to give up the evil stimulant too!

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        • what's left ?

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          • dappled

            I think I've got rid of everything that's bad for me. The only thing I still do is something that may one day make me go blind.

            Yep, I sometimes leave my contact lenses in overnight. Mind out of the gutter, Miss splashington! :P

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