Is it normal to hate driving?

I got my permit a few months back (could've gotten it a lot longer ago but that's that). I'll be eligible for my license in a few weeks.

This will all sound very pathetic but here it is:
When I first started driving, I started out in a parking lot with little to no speed. I just let the car move without the gas. My mother wanted me to go into the main road for some reason and that did not go well at all. When attempting to turn, I sped up too fast in attempt to not get hit by any cars coming, almost hitting a trash can (I didn't), and that was stupid. Things that were crowding my brain were: I had to put the gas on enough, while avoiding cars, and having to turn; all when I had no experience with other moving cars let alone the gas pedal itself.

I am now pretty comfortable with driving except for when certain situations have occured. One being that when there is a yellow light and I am not sure when to keep going or not. Even worse is the yellow turning left light. I was always told not to hesitate when going, and then there are times when my mom tells me that I should have slowed down. Even if I felt that I was too far out that I should just go, I get criticized for it. If I don't go for it, then I get criticized too (especially people behind me heh).
Just recently, I was turning left in a small intersection when I happened to look at a dog while turning (dogs are my weakness) and I hit the curb. I was going slow, so it wasn't horrible, but it definitely woke us up. My mom kept saying how if I was going faster the car would've flipped over. It didn't make me feel any better.

Whenever these things happen, my mom gets angry at me and says how I should have done this instead of what I did and tries to argue with me WHILE I'm driving. I tell her not to yell at me, and that makes her even more mad because she says that she's not perfect and that she can't not yell at me.
I believe that it is better to try to not yell at someone and to try your best to lower your voice so things could attempt to be calmer in the situation, but she takes it offensively. I don't think that she has to be perfect, but if she could at least try to be more calm, that's all I'm asking. Especially when I'm driving.

What I like about driving: I like listening to my own music in the car. But that's about it.
Everything else...the people around me who are rude (I know I can't avoid this, but it just lowers my likability of driving), the criticism from my mom and dad, and of course the fear that comes with driving...I just don't think I like driving very much at all. Is it normal?

Voting Results
88% Normal
Based on 60 votes (53 yes)
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Comments ( 28 )
  • Shrunk

    Same!! It was horrible driving with my mom, so nerve wracking. She would yell and freak out and a few times she made me pull over and get out so she could drive home, hah... When i had questions about the rules/etiquette while driving she just said "what do you think?" Which made me almost cause crash a couple times. With my dad it was the opposite, he let me drive on the highway on a road trip and didnt yell at all, he fell asleep and I was driving 90mph without noticing because there was no one else around, when he woke up he just calmly said "watch your speed you're going too fast". I failed my road test 4 times, in 2 different states, despite passing both the written and maneuverability on my first try. I hate driving but I have to for school and work, so it's gotten easier.

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    • Dang, 90mph. haha

      Well...I'm glad to hear that there are others who don't enjoy driving because of their "teachers".

      I am really only excited to stop riding the bus to school lolol

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  • ㅤㅤㅤ

    Can't stand driving. But, it's bloody convenient. No more, "MAAAAAAAWM, CAN YU DRIVE ME TO DA MALLLLL?"

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    • TRUE

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  • RegGuy

    What you described, normal. People getting upset over a couple rookie mistakes can definetely make you a little nervous and hesitant. The "hate driving" part? Depends on your personality, but I would say that that is not normal.

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    • Yeah. I guess what I mean by "hate", is that these things are almost making me feel like I will start to "hate" it, not that I necessarily do, but almost as if I'm being push to feel that way about it...which is why I asked if it is normal to hate it haha.

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  • UrMomsHouse

    Just got my permit also. I hate that people never use their turn signals anymore. I hate even more when there's yellow lights and when my mom yells at me to break when I know what I'm doing and I was like a second away from breaking even though I was no where near hitting anything and I did everything right.

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    • Yuppity yup yup. I feel the pain. Btw got my temporary drivers license yesterday so YAY I guess

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  • smallboobies:(

    I hate driving but it's because I get really bad road rage and it makes things unpleasant. Trying to fix it though...

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  • green_boogers

    Drive with your Dad instead.

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    • He's actually pretty judgmental too. But in different ways.

      I don't like being judged! I know they don't mean to hurt my feelings or anything, it just feels already anxious for me to drive, so getting criticism in the process is stressful for me.

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  • Mekkars

    Yeah some people do I love it myself but haven't had a car for years it sucks I need a car.

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  • davesumba

    My sister was the same way, my parents were terrible impatient teachers. But eventually she learned how to drive ( I believe she got help from older friends that wouldn't create such a hostile learning environment) and it became one of the things she does to relieve stress, to go cruising around aimlessly. It's just something that takes time to learn and after enough practice, you'll get the muscle memory and speed perception to be able to effortlessly drive around.
    I got into my first accident misjudging when I could make a left turn at a light, but eventually I picked up on how long it takes for cars to reach you based on the speed limit and such, and what to look out for and how to react, and I can just put myself on autopilot and drive without even looking where I'm going. Especially when I'm high, it's quite remarkable. If I start over thinking things, I get nervous and think I'm going to crash. But if I just flip on the auto pilot switch, I just look at the road and without even thinking my hands move the steering wheel exactly where it needs to be.
    But idk, girls are different. I was scared for my life every time I rode with my ex. She never checked her blind spot once when changing lanes, just looks in the mirror. I pointed out that it only takes that one person in your blind spot to ruin your life, but she's like, nah, too much trouble and there's never anyone in my blind spot anyway.

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    • She only looks at the front view mirror when changing lanes?

      Thanks for your comment.

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  • Yesssss. I flippin hate driving. I didn't get my license until I graduated high school, and I freak out in traffic.

    I used to use both legs while learning to drive, and my dad would punch the left one whenever I used it. I never tried to learn how to drive again after that because he was such an awful teacher so maybe that's where some fear comes from.

    I also have a fear of being lost, which easily happens when you are directionally challenged like myself, which ALSO happens easily when driving. Overall, it sucks. I am getting better though.

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    • Oh my. That's definitely not okay what your dad did. I'm so sorry.

      Yes, I am afraid of getting lost too! I'm afraid sometimes that I'll take a wrong turn or that I'll make a hasty decision and could possibly get in an accident (that almost happened during my driving test so that's probably why I'm afraid).

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    • RegGuy


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  • shuggy-chan

    can i ask your gender?

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    • Female.

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      • shuggy-chan

        *insert sexist joke here*

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        • also, if you knew my ethnicity you'd be able to insert yet another joke ha ha ha

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          • shuggy-chan

            your asian too hahahaah the makes it worse xD

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        • ...shit

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