Is it normal to hate fake liberals?

Am I the only one who wants to sucker punch all the girls (and some guys) in the face when pretend to be liberal because they think it's cool? Like you hear them talk about legalizing gay marriage, marijuana etc. and you add on to the conversation by guiding to economic issues and they all say " it's so fucked up that the government is taxing us I mean it's our money that we earned.". You stupid inbreds. Do you not realize what taxes fucking do? Jesus fucking Christ. And then they start talking about how "oh, big government sucks they should stay out of our business". It's like no, we need big government just not the way it is right now so stop paying to dress like a hippie, stop doing drugs to seem liberal and go the fuck home. Is it normal to hate fake people?

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84% Normal
Based on 19 votes (16 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • Terence_the_viking


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  • These people sound more like American libertarians, personally. You know what they say; a libertarian is a republican that likes pot.

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    • Punchbagsac

      Yeah but if you asked them what they were they'd say liberal. They're all just uninformed cunts

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    • RoseIsabella

      You best me to it!

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  • Brownblowout

    Liberalism is a mental disorder

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  • Riddler

    Okay you obviously do not understand how this kind of stuff works so I will explain it. There is liberal and there is conservative. Now republicans seem to adopt conservative values while Democrat tend to adopts Liberal ones. However there is financial issues and there is social issues.

    You can be financially conservative but socially liberal. For example you can agree with the rights to an abortion but dont want to be taxed into a poor house just to make sure the homeless have a place to eat and sleep. However OP you are clearly the only moron here not the people you want to bastardize for not being TRUE liberals.

    You dont understand politics enough to really argue a point so I dont think anyone should really take you serious on ANY political stance you take. Since you dont understand any of this stuff your voice is pretty much worthless and should be totally ignored.

    It would like me going up to a bunch of nuclear physicists and tell them they are doing there jobs wrong. Why? Since I read an article about it and I thought I knew everything. I think you should try to educate yourself before you go around calling others stupid because of your ignorance. Now what you are expecting is for all socially liberal people to be hard core democrats.

    Democrats follow mostly liberal ideals both financially and socially. Republicans follow conservative values both financially and socially. This is kind of the issues of having two parties on both sides of the issue the people in the middle dont get the voice and of course people like you dont want them to have one.

    Since you believe you are godly and superior which sadly I get to see from a lot of hard core democrats. I am very very conservative in a financial sense but I do believe in things like gay rights.

    There is a thing called the log cabin republicans who follow those ideals but they are not really respected by the main party of republicans. Just like I am sure any people on the Democrats side who do not believe in something like abortion are probably not respected by the main party either.

    I wont bother arguing anything wrong with your TAXES ARE FUN! Stance but I hope you realize most people hate taxes if they are republican/conservative or not.

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  • ArayaLioness

    How do you know if they're truly fake? They may simply be ignorant of the issues that you're bringing up.

    "Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality."

    Sounds like someone can be a liberal and ignorant of taxes. It's not uncommon.

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    • Riddler

      They are probably not fake the OP is just a fucking idiot and does not understand the difference between financial issues vs social ones.

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  • omgcatz

    Yes, they annoy me. The only thing they associate with being liberal is sexual orientation and drugs. Try to talk politics or economy with them and they get bored and start gossiping about a TV show or their favorite band.

    I know someone (friend's teenage bro) who did something similar, except on the opposite end of the spectrum; he's pretended to join a racist church with his friends to look "cool", but he sucks at it.

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  • thegypsysailor

    What they can't have it both ways? Shame on them. Uneducated, half brained morons parroting what they've heard others, say without understanding a word that comes out of their mouths?
    Are those the people you are talking about? Yeah, I'm with you on that one.

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