Is it normal to hate/fear the thought of ever being married

Well since i was born I've known marriage to be a happy joyful thing. That was until I was 9. My parents got divorce and I found out their whole marriage was a joke and that they have been sleeping around. Which is how I also found out about my real dad. My mom went from boyfriend to boyfriend after that. I don't know I think that was when something ticked and i just saw marriage as something that is pointless. Even after my parents so called "marriage" failed I just kept seeing a lot of my friends parents get divorce too. Is all marriages lies? Is it normal to hate the thought of marriage?

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Comments ( 12 )
  • GuessWho

    The problem is that people don't take marriage seriously any more. Many people just marry someone so that they can fuck for an extended period of time (long-term fuck-buddy relationship) without ever really caring for them.

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    • joybird

      Do you not realise that sex is boring once you're legally married? Ask married pals how often they get it - I bet it's less than before they got married!

      I'm married over 20 years but friends say we are like 2 single people in the same house. We don't believe we own each other and neither of us wears a wedding ring. We stay together coz we laugh every day and are best friends.

      My best advice is not to get married until you've been dating at least 6 years - so that you're not getting married in a period of lust. By then you should know if you really like the person, not just love them!!

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  • aussiewolf

    marriage is wonderful as long as you marry the right person. a lot of people rush into marriage and have kids and then they realise they arent right for each other. i understand you hating marriage because your parents got a divorce but you cant judge that from other peoples experiences. if you set yourself up for a fall, then you will never be happy in any marriage. try to clean the slate and think positive and not rush into it. you dont have to follow in your parents footsteps.

    also most people fight over the most petty crap in relationships which causes a lot of break ups so if you find someone who is not petty then chances are the relationship will last but if there is nagging and distrust and bickering then it will never work. there is more to life and a happy marriage than fighting over who did the dishes last or who took the garbage out last. these things need to get done regardless and if you cant be adult and mature enough to do these things then maybe make out a roster. but fighting just makes it worse and its a huge waste of time because it still has to get done.

    so good luck to you and i hope you find happiness and a life time of love.

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  • Waffle-Don't-Die

    Don't get married best thing ever is to be single you can move from one boy/girlfriend to another without the need of divorce and share the money and properties
    Just be single it's the best ;]

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  • forged_checks

    "from the dictionary of forged_Checks"

    Marrage:A way of saying "we can legally fuck".

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  • So?12

    Not all marriages are a fail. But seeing what has hapenned to you, it is normal for u to feel this.

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  • Austalien

    Any signed document with no escape

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  • cammers

    Marriage is work period! No one said it was easy but worth it if your truly in love with that person your gonna marry. i think it's not pointless i 've seen marriages last forever i think people just become lazy in marriages. i've met a lady who was 90 and out lived all her husbens she married 3 or 4 times and stayed married to each of them till they all ended up dieing of different reasons old age or sickness etc.

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  • CheyChey

    i share the same fear with you because my parents also don't have a healthy relationship by far and every relative of mine they cheat have kids out of wedlock it's messed up. i truly believe that if you love someone was is there a need to trap them marriage is a impersonal institution, don't get me wrong i daydream about what my wedding dress will look like and the man i will marry one day so irrevocably in love with each other but from what i see i've been conditioned to believe that marriages do not work even though you might have good intentions form the start. love exists but somewhere somehow love will die so why bother?! Being with someone till death do you you part it's a great idea but it seems so unlikely in this day and age

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  • ItsOnlyJustMe

    Marriage puts a real strain on a relationship, and I don't think most people get that. I like that someone in one of these comments used the term "long-term fuck-buddy", it sums it up very succinctly for about half of all marriages. I'd say, don't worry about it, and don't get married if you really don't want to. I sure as hell aren't.

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  • Marriage is pointless, especially for males. You can be together without being married. If you divorce and you're a man, you risk getting your kids taken away, your belonings taken away, and your money taken away, where as the female doesn't have as much a risk of those things happening.

    If you're male, don't marry, because you are the one that's going to be hit hardest if you realize your marriage isn't right for you anymore.

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  • Marriage IS pointless. My parents split up when I was 9 too & I am still dealing with the repercussions! & so are they...(I am 20 now.)

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