Is it normal to hate harry potter?
The books got better as they continued, but that doesn't mean the first book wasn't complete garbage. Each part has basically the same plot, with a few changes. Headbutt a wall, go to witch school, Christmas probably happens at some point, some more trivial garbage, quidditch match, some kind of tournament, scary people trying to kill Harry, somebody likes someone, big battle, and a predictable ending. I mean, I like fantasy and witch and wizard stuff but this series is just complete crap in my opinion. I know people are going to absolutely destroy me. I also can't deal with how precious Harry Potter fans are about the entire franchise. You don't like Harry Potter? Into the deepest pits of hell you go. And don't get me wrong, I don't even dislike some of the authors stuff. Fantastic Beasts was awesome, if you don't look into it too much and focus on the story. And I don't care if people like it, it's fine. I'm just personally not a fan. So yeah. Just don't really like it to be honest.