Is it normal to hate hipsters?

I hate them because they are narcissistic, "too cool for school" attitude gets me sick when they're not, they ride their bikes in the middle of the lane at 7 mph when the sidewalk is perfectly fine and EMPTY, they wear clothes that do not belong on people EVER!, they flock to areas together even though the whole mentality of being a hipster screams individualism which is a giant contradiction to their mantra, they take themselves as "better" than the rest of us putting themselves in an elevated status that they fabricated for themselves.

If people say I'm ignorant and the likes I have to say the same to them, and if anything I have done research into this hipster problem via observation.

Voting Results
78% Normal
Based on 46 votes (36 yes)
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Comments ( 23 )
  • KeddersPrincess

    It just kind of bothers me when people clain to be "individual" or "free spirited" whatever you want to call it, when, in reality, they are following a subculture. The way I see it, if you are following a book of unwritten rules, you are not being yourself, therefore, you are not being as "individual" as you may claim to be.

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  • howaminotmyself

    Why do people tell cyclists to use the sidewalk? This is illegal in some areas.

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    • Not where I live.

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      • Imposturously_yours

        It sure is illegal here. Unless there's a bike route, and we barely have any.

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  • VioletTrees

    Hating hipsters is the new being a hipster.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    The kind of people that I don't like (and I have met and spent time with these people) are the kind of people that refuse to like something because it is mainstream ("I heard some 13 year olds listening to it *sigh* I have to find a new band to like") and will drone on about how everyone around them is sheep and they will go out of their way to look "unique" "cool" or "different" and they just do not feel comfortable doing anything that looks remotely "socially acceptable".

    My least favorite aspect about them is the paradox of their thought process. They will say "be yourself, not who others want you to be and be tolerant and open minded" and shit talk someone who follows a different philosophy from them (like someone like me who doesn't do the tattoo/piercing/funky hair color thing and has to look "normal" and wear a uniform at my work) in the same breath. They are incredibly pretentious and get some sort of strange satisfaction from looking down on people who like popular TV shows, listen to Pop music or go to church every Sunday.

    The worst one I met... deleted me off of his Facebook because his spoiled little pampered ass posted something about how he doesn't want to give up his individuality for a paycheck and asked if it was even worth it to any of us and I posted that he wouldn't need to ask that question if HE was the one having to put food on the table... I got sick of hearing from him anyway.

    To me, it seems like they NEED their "individuality", they CLING to it, they need to be "different" otherwise their identity crumbles to bits. I'd feel bad for them... if they weren't so rude =/

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    • KeddersPrincess

      Yeah. I agree with you. The funny thing about these people is that they claim to be free spirited, but they seem to forget that the whole point of being free spirited is to follow the beat of your own drum. They call other people sheep when in reality they are being "sheep" themselves because they are following the rules of whatever they think individuality is.

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  • jucedaguy

    I prefer thongs or bikinis.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    I swear i have seen this question at least two other times.

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  • NotFloydzie

    Too much stereotyping.

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    • Imposturously_yours

      Thank you, saved me a comment :P

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  • Ldizzy1234

    No, I hate 'wannabe hipsters'. Real hipsters usually don't even realize or call themselves hipsters. They just kinda know they're different and not like the majority of their generation.

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    • Shackleford96

      I wouldn't even call those people 'hipsters. More like 'rebels' or something along those lines. It seems to me that the words 'hipster' and 'poser' are almost synonymous. Lol.

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      • Ldizzy1234

        :D Yeah, I don't know. Really I think hipsters are just naturally different without even trying. The people the op is talking about; they do sound like rebels.

        Maybe next time they're riding their bikes in the middle of the lane at 7mph, the op should just lay on the horn. Haha! Scare the freak out of them. lol Nah, maybe thats too mean and dangerous. :p

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        • Shackleford96

          That would be too funny XD

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    • Imsupernormal

      While on this issue are Club Kids considered Hipsters too or are they just wannabes?

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  • OswaldCobblepot

    I hated hipsters before it was cool.

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    • VioletTrees

      I hated hating hipsters before it was cool.

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      • Imsupernormal

        I hated people who hate people who hate hipsters before it was cool.

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  • Dib

    Popular high school students are worse. Especially when in groups.

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  • Southwestphilly

    I hate hipsters because they're douchebaggy. I direct this at hipster men; I can somehow manage to take hipster women with a grain of salt. I hate everything about them: the stupid beards the men wear, the wool hats they wear in 102-degree weather, their lumberjack shirts, their skinny jeans, their goofy sneakers. I hate how they play the poverty card when you know they're all living off trust funds. I hate how they scorn me for being a regular churchgoer. I hate how they deny they're hipsters. I hate how they rave about obscure bands, when you know they go home and listen to Nickelback like many other people do. I hate their passive-aggressive attitudes. I hate how they pass themselves off as honest people when you know they're corrupt. I hate their sociopathic mindsets. I hate how they say they care for the environment when they smoke like chimneys. I hate how they say they're brave when they fear their own shadows. I hate everything about them. They are a scourge.

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  • Ebil_Lightbulb

    I only just discovered hipsters the other day. Now I see them everywhere :/

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  • FrancoisDillinger

    They're pretty cool if they consider you a hipster lol

    I ride in the road (it's illegal to ride on the sidewalk here) but never in the middle. I'm always way off to the side.

    I do not consider myself a hipster haha but people accuse me of it!

    I honestly like to share things that I'm passionate about. Bands, movies, news, history, science, facts etc. i guess because I get some sort of satisfaction from it.

    Exciting people about things that excite me is the best in my opinion. I don't understand why people would stop liking something because too many people know about it. I want people to love what I love and I'm sure there are some people that want me to love what they love. That's one reason why I always keep an open mind to things that interest others.

    Who knows what they might show you.

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