Is it normal to hate it when people chew around you?

I'm okay with the crunch of the chewing, but old people make this smacking sound to go along with it. It's sounds like they are chewing with their mouth open, but they're not. It annoys me so much I have to leave the dinner table sometimes!
And sometimes my dad will be walking around with a bowl of salad and trying to talk to me in between bites and I will literally pretend like I have to take a massive dump and just wait in the bathroom until I can tell he's done eating.
Is it normal to be so irritated by old people chewing?

Voting Results
89% Normal
Based on 70 votes (62 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • Millybyh

    It is. When my dad eats any kind of pasta I have to play loud music and not look at him slurp the noodles into his mouth. Fuck I hate watching people eat it's DISGUSTING.

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  • Daisychain1

    Better if they get right in straight away and bite my bum. No messing. Seriously, chewing usually drives me nuts. And slurping.

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  • anongal0

    Sounds to me like you have misophonia. I haven't been diagnosed with it, but I know I have it. It literaly means "the hatred of sound". Different people have different "trigger sounds" or the sounds that make them mad. Some of mine are chewing, crunching, sucking teeth, silverware scraping plate/ teeth. It makes me so frustrated that my whole family can see my rage, and they ask me what's wrong and I always say "nothing" because they don't get it. When I try to correct my younger brother my mom says, "You need to get over yourself. There's something wrong with you, not him," so I get it. try listening to headphones in public or thinking about ANYTHING else. best of luck! <3

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  • Caps90

    haha I hum when I eat... at least that is what my sister says

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  • My mom has the cringiest boyfriend in the world, and she picked up this habit from him of saying "mmmm" whenever she eats. When she lived with this dude, he would force me to sit at the same table as both of them to eat dinner, and forced me to listen to this mmm noise all the god damn time. It sounded like a field of cows. I even called them out on it. I said "This 'mmmmmm' shit has got to go, alright?", but they wouldn't listen. Being raised by autistic people is the absolute worst!

    My mom's boyfriend did the smacking tongue thing too. He never did it in public, so he must have known it was really fucking annoying, but in private he would always do it like he had something to prove. I tried smacking my tongue while eating, and it's actually more difficult than just eating like a normal human being, so I don't understand what the craze is about.

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  • AWaffleIron

    Yes it's completely normal. I have a similar issue, though it goes farther than the sound of people's chewing.
    You may have Misophonia like I do.
    Here is a link to some of the symptoms:

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  • Ellenna

    If you're talking about old people with dentures, believe me we can't help chewing differently and sometimes noisily. So if you're not already looking after your teeth, start now, or you too will be annoying some young person when you get old.

    Apart from eating and chewing and sore gum problems, I'll give you another incentive: kissing has never been the same

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    • NeilYounger

      And what about oral sex? That has "never been the same" either. I'm surprised that you didn't mention that, Ellenna. ;-)

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    • LittleGirlRapedAndSodomised#R9

      It never seizes to amaze me the strength in which TheManagement word STANDS to downvote "trolls" as if this is the ammunition to fight "trolling".

      This website is fun and there's nothing wrong with using it for entertainment purposes but to think the solution to the problem is to allow downvoting after 2 months of an account being active it was only a matter of time once the creator implemented downvoting .

      Was he stupid enough to take the advice of the majority? It certainly seems so but then again unless you're him you'll never know but what we do know is it appears this website has been abandoned and he has left multiple account users to be the mods of his website.

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