Is it normal to hate it when people speak spanish?

It drives me crazy! The Spanish language itself is beautiful, but when people speak it, whether I hear them at school, the store, ANYWHERE, they speak it extremely loudly and obnoxiously.

At my older brother's graduation, six or seven Mexicans were sitting behind my family and speaking very loudly in Spanish. I was fine with this before the graduation actually started, but when they were giving the awards, and even during the speeches, they continued to loudly speak in Spanish. It probably couldn't be heard on the stage because we were sitting in the back, but everyone around us could hear it.

I'm not saying they're ALL like that, but every Mexican I know speaks as loud as possible when they're speaking Spanish.

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57% Normal
Based on 100 votes (57 yes)
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Comments ( 19 )
  • dappled

    It sounds like you hate loud people, rather than people speaking a certain language or coming from a certain country. Wouldn't it have been just as annoying to you if the people were speaking any other language very loudly? If so, you didn't need to mention a specific language.

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    • Oh, shut the hell up. He mentioned it was SPANISH because he also said it's mostly people who speak SPANISH. Not people "who speak a certain non-English language".

      Kinda like how you would say "red shirts piss me off, because I don't like the color", NOT "I don'r like a certain color, because it is a certain color".

      Now stop trying to sound like "super anti-racist man".

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      • dappled

        "Is it normal to hate it when people speak Spanish?"

        I'm sorry if you're the OP and you feel picked on. I'm also sorry if you choose to assume I'm being something other than I am. Furthermore, I'm sorry if you created an anonymous account just to respond. If so, I can't do anything about your insecurity, but I can point out that the annoyance was with the loudness of the words not the country of origin of the speaker. If the people involved had been speaking quietly, would the OP (or you, if you are the OP) say, "God, I hate people speaking Spanish. It's *so* quiet". No. So, for the final time, the problem is volume. Race is irrelevant and when it's used to support an argument, I'm dubious.

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        • infinitron

          They aren't the OP, don't worry -- I am. They got my gender wrong, anyway :P

          Yeah, you're right. It really is just that they're being loud. But I should have made it clear that it is ONLY Mexicans who do this. I suppose anywhere else, I shouldn't make a big deal about it, but I was filming my brother's graduation, so it really irritated me, and it was almost as though they didn't care about the people around them. Honestly, I shouldn't have brought race into it.

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      • UhhhOK

        I should call you "super quotation mark man" =D

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  • NotFloydzie

    To be honest, I don't like Mexican Spanish. It's like, fucked up Spanish. Not everyone Spanish it's like their Spanish. Every Spanish speaking country has its own Spanish, you might not be able to tell them apart, but a Spanish speaking person (no matter from which Spanish speaking country) could tell you. Almost like the Americans, British, Aussies, Canadians - they're all English speaking countries but have different accents and use different words.

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  • Avant-Garde

    It depends on the person. They're some English speakers that are loud and extremely annoying while others are more "eloquent".

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  • toni89

    i cant hear this fucking language anymore, like im living in spain and not the usa

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  • Justsomejerk

    Did you post the same story 3 weeks ago?

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  • Squambly+

    I'm Spanish but only know some words. What gives me a headache is Mexican music. It gives me such a bad headache that I feel like throwing up. No offense to the Mexican culture.

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    • God damn, I hate that "music".

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  • alv1592

    Me gusta tu culo.

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  • zzkingz

    I always feel like Spanish is the Helvetica of languages. Probably because it's always printed in Helvetica in the back of boxes and instruction booklets. It's just so... I don't know. It's like a vegan alternative.

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  • PinkMango

    I live in South Florida and it drives me f'in nuts! Your observation is correct in my opinion, they speak louder when speaking in Spanish... it's so weird... I speak to my lawn guy in English, he speaks in a normal tone. He turns and talks to his crew (not at a distance) and suddenly the volume got turned way up... wtf?? I also DESPISE when clerks talk to each other in Spanish, such as the cashier and the bagger, and it's NOT an ethnic slur... news flash... English speaking clerks and baggers AREN'T supposed to be babbling away while THEY work either... and while I'm on a rant... stop texting while you're working... you're not that sneaky... we can SEE YOU!

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  • anon199

    No offence to spanish speakers, but to my monolingual ear it's the most horrendous language I can think of. Sounds like the only vowel is "eeeee" as if your testes are trapped. Italian, French are gorgeous, but Eastern European on women just drives me insane with lust!

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  • I think it's very normal. I get the same crap around here. JUST LOWER YOUR VOICE PLEASE. Then you get the "Oh hell naw gringo!" Every, effing, time. Now I see why they fled from Mexico, because everyone there was loud and obnoxious. Including them.

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  • pooppooppoooopopppooooooop

    you suck ass it just a language.

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    • Squambly+

      Lol your username is funny.

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    • coolio75650932

      go back to elementory school you child

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