Is it normal to hate it when people twirl their canes whilst walking?
I've had it up to here with people who do this. I mean, it can be enough of a challenge to maneuver through a crowded street without some idiot strolling along with a spinning rod of death at his side.
Just to illustrate the absurdity of this phenomenon, recently I was casually walking with a plastic bag of chocolates in my hand and some old guy flew past me whilst spinning his cane, inadvertently snagging my bag on it and sending my damned candy - expensive stuff - flying all over the road and into a nearby storm drain. He was infuriatingly unapologetic, and the only reason I didn't stomp his wrinkled ass right there was because I didn't want to go to prison.
More recently I was with my kid and while strolling along and minding our own business someone's cane spun down and hit her square on her little head, actually causing her to cry like a little girl. I barely had time to register this occurrence when ANOTHER stupid asshole came from the opposite direction and accidentally smacked me with their cane, knocking my glasses off my face. By the time I got them back on and reoriented myself, both the culprits were out of sight.
I am SO damned sick of this. This is not a gangster movie and you are NOT Mr. Peanut. Stop twirling your fucking cane whilst walking!