Is it normal to hate jesus and christianity?
The Jews are anti-Jesus and anti-Christian, they hate Jesus and Christianity, and so do I. I don't think it's OK to believe in a faith if it tells illogical stories wasting your time with this arsehole you believe is perfect without any proof. No! I think that's false, Jesus was an evil man and anyone outside of Christianity would say nailing anyone to a cross (Jesus being no exception) is evil. If I never saw Christianity before I would laugh at it and never stop blaspheming, its power to cause this emotion is overwhelming. There are evil thoughts in Jesus and his stupid religion: hellfire, the boring heaven, sacrifices, drinking blood, this man isn't good and should've got killed long before he planned his death. Death is the main theme in Christianity, everlasting life? Death isn't life! Why can't religions be more honest and say you'll be in darkness whether you're good, bad or indifferent? Judaism states that. Christianity is ostensibly sacrilege. I choose not to be a Christian and I deny everything about it, the problem is Christians saying I've got a demon in me and I'm evil, screw that, who's evil? The anti-violence religious freak or the Christian who calls it evil if the religion differs from his own? If I stopped my religions that would be apostasy and I think that's wrong. Christianity is evil crap and I hate it, it terrified me as a kid, it pissed me off as a teenager and anyone who thinks Christians are good or kind is believing a lie. It's not a complete utterly perfect religion, it has false promises and the saints are dishonest only pretending to be good, is any of this normal?