Is it normal to hate mexicans

allright is it normal to hate mexicans?
i mean i dont hate them because they belong in mexico its because well most of the are jerks they dont care what they say even if its about you and your right in front of them. i really hate that they still choose to speak spanish i dont know what there saying and it could be something about you and they start laughing. so is it normal?

Voting Results
69% Normal
Based on 3035 votes (2082 yes)
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Comments ( 233 )
  • KR0126

    I'm mexican. Yet I was born here in the U.S. My parent never brought m up with the "hispanic traditions" I do not speak spanish nor can I stand hearing it. I'm an American so I speak ONLY english. In a way I do agree with you about the language barrier since you think they might be saying something mean about you, alot of the times they do :/ I wouldn't say it's right to Hate all mexicans but I see your frustration. Personally... I dislike Many if not
    Most Mexican people I come across... Most not all..
    Have been very rude and act as if their "better" than you. They tag on walls & claim streets & citys! Have
    a bunch of kids and rely on Welfare from OUR tax
    dollars. Form Gangs & destroy neiborhoods. I have
    never been disrespected or harmed by any other race,
    other then my own, which is the reason why I feel the
    way I do now. YOUR in THE U.S.A. Why even say
    "viva mexico" GO BACK TO MEXICO if your so
    proud, better yet bring all your immigrant cousins &
    aunties over here since your country is sooo great that
    YOUR not staying there! Yes you learned our language in school BECAUSE you are in OUR country!! I'm still upset when I go to a jack n the box and I order curly fries & what do I hear "que, chu wan small sprite?" ughh... & when you don't understand them they get angry at you as if you did something wrong.. Wft! YOU need an English class. OR How here in CALIFORNIA it's better if we are Bilingual we will be paid more.... Really. An immigrant can get medi-cal & now I have to learn YOUR language in MY country so I can be paid more.. Let alone get the job?!

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    • django

      I hate Mexicans. They are slow poor dumb ass drivers. They are too dumb to learn or speak English. Look at their country - It's a 3rd world dump. Their food is no great culinary treat. After taking a dump they put the used toilet paper next to the toilet instead of flushing it like a normal person. They are ugly. All illegal aliens need to be removed and the border needs to be fortified. They are only good for picking weeds. I didn't always feel this way about messy-cans but after living among them for too many years I have come to despise them deeply. This is my truth.

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      • astridp

        honestly you are wrong in so many ways its funny how you say things as if you knew them...obviously you have never gone to mexico because if you had you would have known that we are a 2nd world country with lots of respectful traditions and touristic places, our food is recognized as the best culinary treat, obviously you are talking bad about our traditions and culinary abilities because the "mexican food" you know is taco bell or stupid americanized mexican food that people like you eat, "ilegal aliens" like you call them will do anything to support their families they will take the jobs that lazy asses like you will never take, we are good at so many things, and we do have the ability of learning english, i moved to the US 4 years ago and went to high school as a freshmen not knowing any english and at the end graduated top of my class, i beat "americans" that have lived here all their lives but were to lazy to try, all of you people criticizing our race should really get educated.

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        • mybad

          Honestly all of you are f'ing simple. Bragging that you are a "2nd world country" doesn't help your cases any. If you were a 1st world country, then I'd bring it up. Otherwise, I suggest just not calling attention to the country you came from. It's not popular with many of us. It pains me to say anything derogatory or negative but 95% of all negative experiences with people have been with Latinos. They are responsible for 70% of the crime around here. I have been hit twice by illegal immigrants with no insurance, which one time caused me to lose my car. I was attacked by a Mexican who attempted to rape me and threatened to kill me. I've worked with many Latinos in the past - some have at least a decent work ethic, but most tend to get by doing as little as possible putting the least amount of effort forward and not caring about how anything turns out. The men harass you and the women talk shit in Spanish at every opportunity or walk around in their too-tight pants and trashy tube tops clinging to their jelly rolls thinking they are better than absolutely everyone. They cause fights. They refuse to adopt an open mind and assimilate into the country if they wish to live here - NO OTHER COUNTRY in the WORLD will allow you to sneak over the border and then give you protection and services in your home language like we owe it to you. They would throw you in prison to rot anywhere else on this earth if you tried to pull that shit.

          I'm all for giving everyone a fair chance as individuals, but I have to say that the majority of my experiences with Latinos, whether coincidental or not, have been very unpleasant. People who are angry about them parading their culture around in this country like we are a Latino nation and angry with Latinos expecting Spanish to be spoken everywhere are completely within their rights to be angry. As shitty as it is, there is a lot of truth to stereotypes about Mexicans and it comes from very real places. Mexico is a fucked-up country. It's not as good or better than here, and if you believe it is, you should pack up and go there because we don't want you.

          I'm sorry, I really am. I wish so badly that I could think of a nice thing to say about Mexicans, but I cannot. No matter how hard I try, I can't bring myself to like anything about Mexicans or Mexican culture. I just can't. I can think of nothing but dirty, inconsiderable criminals and shitty, self-involved attitudes.

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          • #57

            I so agree with you, you said it all... I can't even get a job because I don't speak spanish. Dumb ass wetbacks!!

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            • dramaturgo

              You cant get a job, well maybe the wet backs are better than you, its always easier to blame your lack of skills on everybody else.

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            • MLP159

              Ive seen a lot of Americans workers in Mexico. Oh and is not like in your country they treat us nice.

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          • fabulousjoy

            Mexicans are loud and proud, let them be

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          • dramaturgo

            It is clearly simple that you dont know nothing about Mexico, first of all our culture is older and richer than the american, second not all Mexicans are criminals, whats more they are more Whites that comit crimes in the USA than Mexicans by far, so yes you are not normal and you are not a nice person at all.

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          • Fredfoot123

            I do agree with you 100 percent.

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      • mexican_girl

        Hi, yeah, I am Mexican and guess what, I speak English perfectly well. Not only that, but I live in Mexico, not the US, which btw is a 2nd world country, not a 3rd world country. And who puts used toilet paper next to the toilet? Only you do that. I flush it down the toilet.

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        • Carolan

          I was with my brother in a Patzcuaro Mexico hotel. He told me NOT to put the toilet paper in the bowl and flush but put it on the floor then flush. It is because the plumbing cannot handle it--it will clog it up. That's not true all over Mexico but the old buildings haven't been replumbed. No one can afford it. Maybe if the drug lords would put their filthy lucre into the fixing the infrastructure of Mexico instead of building more condos in Puerto Vallarta we wouldn't have to take so many of them into our country. I admit, some are just running from the law, but they need to be registered and given a visa or declined a visa, like they do in Mexico. Anything else is illegal.

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        • Milehighyeti

          I have a question if your still active. I am a white male from Colorado. You seem well educated and able to answer. I believe in education. I well educated race or world;) is going to be more productive. So being from Mexico what are your school systems like? Is it possible for most Mexicans to receive at liest a highschool education? I have around a dozen Mexicans that work for my company and most (around 90%) Never passed the 3rd grade. Why is this? Is it because in Mexican families education just isn't important or the school system in Mexico isn't adequate?

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          • Ignatius

            Hello, sir. I was born Canadian to a Mexican mother. My grandparents immigrated legally to Canada in the 80's, but my mom decided to return to Mexico when I was 13. I had been there before for two years when I was 9 and 10. And yes, Mexican education is horrible. It was traumatic for me; I was used to a Canadian school with clean facilities, lockers, gym, heating, etc. The private school my mom registered me in was not only expensive, but bad in quality: it was built on cement, with no air-conditioner, wooden chairs and desks, and the "gym" was under the harsh sun. Public schools are worst. And the education sistem is just as bad. There are too many subjects in Mexican schools, that children just can't handle. Aside Math and Spanish, which to me would be enough (like in Canada), they are also thought History, Geography, Science, and Ethics. That is too much for a lot of malnourished children. Even "nerds" that have the best grades, usually only memorizes stuff to forget it after the exam.

            High-School is a bit more similar to the first-world's education, but most students are dismotivated enough after a bad elementary education. History, Geography, Science, and Ethics are taught again, exactly the same way as in elementary school, and yet aren't learned properly because students think it's as hard as it was before. A lot resigh in high-school "to work", because they find it more useful than "wasting time at school".

            I am an university student today. I study Literature, a theoric carreer people here tends to bypass for obvious reasons (most prefer carreers that would ensure them a job, like Medicine or Engineering). I've been to private schools all my life, and the university is the first public school I've been in Mexico. It has a bad
            infrastructure and teachers seldom give classes. We just submit our homeworks.

            Outside of schools, there is really nothing to enlighten intellectually mexican people. There are very few museums, theaters, and libraries, and much less people interested in them. You just see the same people over and over! I've always called Mexico a land of contrast: there is no "middle" in here; only the rich and the poor, the intellect and the ignorant. The border is too wide for people to go to the other side. Diego Rivera's painting "Dream of a Sunday Afternoon in Alameda Park" shows this perfectly, and Mexican society hasn't changed a bit.

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            • trajano

              Our education system is not perfect but it is not as bad as you put it, you hate Mexico on account that your mother prefered MEXICO to Canada, their must be a good reasson for it that you are not telling probably because its a better country, and you cant stand that, if you hate mexicans good, we will hate you back, I dont give a shit about the usa or canada, and if nafta disapears good.

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            • mfmartinus

              Well, that is your particular experience. I had all my education in Mexico (until I got a batchelor's degree there) and I am doing great (I got accepted into a STEM PhD somewhere). I also attended only public schools.
              In my experience education in Mexico tends to be more serious and with an emphasis in creating well rounded people, rather than merely training students for standardized tests.

              What you do with the instruction you get, however, depends greatly on your own ambition and motivation.

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          • mfmartinus

            Hello, I am a Mexican citizen too, who attended only public schools in Mexico up to higher education. I wrote higher education, because colleges are very different from universities in Mexico, and in the world actually: rather than having to declare a major you start specializing on some field of study from the beginning (often to start practising right after graduation).

            It is possible to receive public education from kinder to high school in Mexico. There are several good public universities too, but the entrance exams are very competitive. In general, people do consider than getting an education is important, and doing bad at school is frowned upon.

            How well you do at school however, depend greatly on how much support you receive from your family, not only in terms of money, but in ensuring you have the conditions to perform your best. The quality of the education you can access (I am talking about public education only) does depend on where you live. Bigger cities have a larger academic offer.

            It used to be, that people in rural zones had only one elementary school. Many children had to help their parents in the fields in addition to attending school, which resulted in many of them having to eventually drop (Maybe the stories of your workers go something like that? You should not be afraid to ask them politely about it). Even if children did graduate, they had to be sent somewhere else to continue their education, which was impossible for most families.

            Nowadays this situation is changing. More small towns have now a middle school and it is in some cases easier to commute daily if kids want to attend high school.

            The reality is more nuanced than I wrote and I left out many details, but I could have written a small book otherwise.

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      • kallies11

        I am not Mexican Im am french and i disagree with you in the kindness way possible. First of all hate is a very strong word that you should be using to describe your emotionally feeling towards a country or race. WHAT IS UP WITH YOU PEOPLE. Why do you hate a race that much? You honestly have no reson to talk to a race like that unless the have harmed you in any way. first they are not dumb i have an adopted mexican brother and he is very smart. "He gets good gra des" atleast thats what you assume i might say but your wrong he goes to Harvard and got full scholarship. He is studing to become a doctor. His family gave him up because they couldnt afford him. Although you guys might be thinking "not suprised at all Mexicans can have babies and not afford them" well you are wrong your all thinking negativley. this just proves that they are intelligent and unselfish like you people they gave up their shild for the best of their child for their child to have a better life. DONT YOU EVER SAY "THIS IS MY TRUTH" BECASUE ITS NOT IF IT WAS REALLY YOUR TRUTH YOU WOULD HAVE RELIZED IT IN THE FIRST PLACE NOT DISCOVER IT AFTER SO MANY YEARS. They are not bad well most are not bad most come here to have a better life like all your great grandparents did stop being HYPOCRITICAL. I am not subbing anyone out or being races but the whites think they are americans but they were not the fisrt one on this land THE NATIVE AMERICAN WERE. After all their will always be DIRTY, and BAD people on EVERY SINGLE RACE NOT JUST MEXICANS.

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      • stressedout1

        You are an idiot. I am Mexican and I contradict all your stupid excuses for hating on my race. Just to let you know EVERY race has that group of people that make you look bad... Caucasians, African Americans, Asians, ETC. To lump everyone together because they're all from the same race, makes you a piece of shit. I hope one day you need help, and the only one there to help, is a MEXICAN.

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      • Unknown6776876


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        Im with u I HATE MEXICANS 2
        Ur are so right they are loud
        I cant stand mexicans either because they are stupid

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        • dramaturgo

          Americans in Mexico are loud and you may not belive this but their are more than a millón americans liveing in Mexico, and I dont think we are stupid it was a Mexican who invented the color tv, it was a Mexican who invented the pill, it was a Mexican who invented the automatic rifle, so no I dont think we are stupid.

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          • Proud_american1776

            And Americans made all that better, wetback

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            • philip.hayes79

              I'm from Canada, you know the much larger, richer, safer and more educated country to the north of that 3rd world SHIT HOLE the United States of Poverty. I find it quite amusing that a disgusting, flea bitten, American mongrel would have such an arrogant attitude towards Mexico, considering the fact that American mongrel immigrant bitches come to MY COUNTRY with their disgusting culture and are too fucking stupid to learn French. I usually tell those 3rd world American monkeys to go back to their pigsty pitthole of Nebraska or wherever the fuck their American bitch Mother shitted them out at, before they can come and ruin our beautiful country. Did you know that Americans are so poor they eat roadkill, like dead racoons? That's absolutely disgusting. Us Canadians bring bottled water with us whenever we cross that nasty border, because so many cases of Hepatitis C have been reported there, that it isn't safe to drink the water. I met this old American mongrel bitch from Kansas who had one tooth in her whole fucking mouth, I almost called animal control on that American cockroach. Please, please, please STOP COMING TO CANADA! You people are so FUCKING DISGUSTING AND LAZY you can't and won't work, you head straight to the Social Service office and beg for food assistance, meanwhile us decent, law-abiding Canadians have to work for our food. I am sick and tired of these American shit suckers coming over here and infesting our country. There are plans underway to build a huge electrical barricade along the Canada-U.S. border to keep those drug addicted American roaches OUT OF CANADA! Every time I see one I get the fucking hives and I feel like sending a bullet right though their little useless brain. They're nasty, obese, Ignorant and lazy! God was having a really bad day when he created that 3rd world shit hole called the United States. (Ugliest flag in the entire world by the way, looks like an American mongrel bitch had her period all over it) Osama bin Laden should have finished them off when he could, but their outdated airplanes are so shitty they missed the mark. The world would be a much better place without that poverty stricken shit stain just below us called the United States. GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY COUNTRY!!!

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      • RealGirl

        Do not confuse all the latin american people with only mexicans!
        Do you realice that not all the mexicans are the same? there are many lovely and kind people. Have you ever visited Mexico? i know that there are some cities that are poor but look at their culture!
        You may know that there are cities full of americans and europeans that live there because they are beautiful.

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      • philip.hayes79

        I'm from Canada, you know the much larger, richer, safer and more educated country to the north of that 3rd world SHIT HOLE the United States of Poverty. I find it quite amusing that a disgusting, flea bitten, American mongrel would have such an arrogant attitude towards Mexico, considering the fact that American mongrel immigrant bitches come to MY COUNTRY with their disgusting culture and are too fucking stupid to learn French. I usually tell those 3rd world American monkeys to go back to their pigsty pitthole of Nebraska or wherever the fuck their American bitch Mother shitted them out at, before they can come and ruin our beautiful country. Did you know that Americans are so poor they eat roadkill, like dead racoons? That's absolutely disgusting. Us Canadians bring bottled water with us whenever we cross that nasty border, because so many cases of Hepatitis C have been reported there, that it isn't safe to drink the water. I met this old American mongrel bitch from Kansas who had one tooth in her whole fucking mouth, I almost called animal control on that American cockroach. Please, please, please STOP COMING TO CANADA! You people are so FUCKING DISGUSTING AND LAZY you can't and won't work, you head straight to the Social Service office and beg for food assistance, meanwhile us decent, law-abiding Canadians have to work for our food. I am sick and tired of these American shit suckers coming over here and infesting our country. There are plans underway to build a huge electrical barricade along the Canada-U.S. border to keep those drug addicted American roaches OUT OF CANADA! Every time I see one I get the fucking hives and I feel like sending a bullet right though their little useless brain. They're nasty, obese, Ignorant and lazy! God was having a really bad day when he created that 3rd world shit hole called the United States. (Ugliest flag in the entire world by the way, looks like an American mongrel bitch had her period all over it) Osama bin Laden should have finished them off when he could, but their outdated airplanes are so shitty they missed the mark. The world would be a much better place without that poverty stricken shit stain just below us called the United States. GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY COUNTRY!!!

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      • Thisgirly

        I am am a Mexican girl who lives in America. I do not speak Spanish at all, or understand it. I am a legal citizen of the United States of America and have gotten racist comments before. I am wealthy, an A+ student, and still wonder why people can be so rude. These circumstances under which people decide to insult another are ridiculous. Everyone is a different person. You cannot criticize someone just because of stereotypes or other Mexican people you know. My grandmother worked hard to be here today, and her hard work is being shamed becaus people like you have to go and hate others. No matter how much you think that Mexicans are stupid and useless, think about this. Where does food come from? The grocery store right? No! It comes from fields that Mexican people work on to feed people in America, even though some are against them. Btw, I am 12 and I still know how to do something that you don't... To love.

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      • dramaturgo

        Well, maybe we dont speak english, but guess what you dont speack spanish either, so as far as languges arec concerned you are no better, are food is no culinary treat, well guess what it is considerd as one of the worlds best, as far as being ugly, well your nigers are no better, as far as the illegas need to be removed, they can all come back we have enough room for all, if you want to fortify your border swell but take into consideration you moron, that we are your best client.

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      • MLP159

        Hey, so im Mexican. And you got it all wrong, no i dont live in the USA and in my opinion i speak English perfectly, which proofs you wrong. Please dont generalize because at least my school is not LAZY about speaking English. The school actually forces us to speak English at all times except in our 1 Spanish class. Only one probably like you. And i also never put the toilet paper aside. I flush it because i think is cleaner. Yes not all Mexicans are like that. So please dont judge before being completely sure you are right, Thanks. And mabey there are Mexicans, the bad ones who traffic drugs but it does not mean we consume them. If you investigate must of the drug Mexicans pick are for your Americans asses. There are more drug addicts in USA than in Mexico. I have never seen anyone offer me drug in Mexico and i have in the USA.

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      • #57

        And you forgot to say that the mexican men break in their daughters, that discusts me. They are interbred !!!


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      • 4221

        no, we are not "too dumb" to learn English, I learned it and in MEXICO not on the U.S.

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        • Ihateyou222

          In the us retard

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    • mexican420

      Besides, you only speak english cause you are an "american" lol but you dont even write it correctly, I saw lots of misspellings on your stupid post :/ shame shame...

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      • stephmd86

        your a shame. go be a teacher i. mexico and correct their grammer. and bring me back some wooden shoes

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        • papasito

          You're* Lmao the fucking irony of you calling someone a shame and in the same sentence you say "your". Congrats.

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    • Lovelybone01

      I agree 100%
      they are really rude, i'm a really not a mean person but they are the only race that makes me mad, only conflict, i have no problem with any other race..
      they disrepect me , and make me feel like something is wrong with me, and don't care.. They will sit in a class room and not do anything ughh. life would be better if i didnt have to run in to most of them, sorry this was really long.. but yea

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      • AngieA

        So what should I do if I'm Mexican-American, born in the USA, and everybody hates me? I don't fit the stereotypes described here but everybody despises me. Should I commit suicide? Reading what all of you think makes me feel very hated. I don't think I could ever hate this much because it's very hurtful.

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        • philip.hayes79

          I'm from Canada, you know the much larger, richer, safer and more educated country to the north of that 3rd world SHIT HOLE the United States of Poverty. I find it quite amusing that a disgusting, flea bitten, American mongrel would have such an arrogant attitude towards Mexico, considering the fact that American mongrel immigrant bitches come to MY COUNTRY with their disgusting culture and are too fucking stupid to learn French. I usually tell those 3rd world American monkeys to go back to their pigsty pitthole of Nebraska or wherever the fuck their American bitch Mother shitted them out at, before they can come and ruin our beautiful country. Did you know that Americans are so poor they eat roadkill, like dead racoons? That's absolutely disgusting. Us Canadians bring bottled water with us whenever we cross that nasty border, because so many cases of Hepatitis C have been reported there, that it isn't safe to drink the water. I met this old American mongrel bitch from Kansas who had one tooth in her whole fucking mouth, I almost called animal control on that American cockroach. Please, please, please STOP COMING TO CANADA! You people are so FUCKING DISGUSTING AND LAZY you can't and won't work, you head straight to the Social Service office and beg for food assistance, meanwhile us decent, law-abiding Canadians have to work for our food. I am sick and tired of these American shit suckers coming over here and infesting our country. There are plans underway to build a huge electrical barricade along the Canada-U.S. border to keep those drug addicted American roaches OUT OF CANADA! Every time I see one I get the fucking hives and I feel like sending a bullet right though their little useless brain. They're nasty, obese, Ignorant and lazy! God was having a really bad day when he created that 3rd world shit hole called the United States. (Ugliest flag in the entire world by the way, looks like an American mongrel bitch had her period all over it) Osama bin Laden should have finished them off when he could, but their outdated airplanes are so shitty they missed the mark. The world would be a much better place without that poverty stricken shit stain just below us called the United States. GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY COUNTRY!!!

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        • Proud_american1776

          Cry me a river

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          • philip.hayes79

            I'm from Canada, you know the much larger, richer, safer and more educated country to the north of that 3rd world SHIT HOLE the United States of Poverty. I find it quite amusing that a disgusting, flea bitten, American mongrel would have such an arrogant attitude towards Mexico, considering the fact that American mongrel immigrant bitches come to MY COUNTRY with their disgusting culture and are too fucking stupid to learn French. I usually tell those 3rd world American monkeys to go back to their pigsty pitthole of Nebraska or wherever the fuck their American bitch Mother shitted them out, before they can come and ruin our beautiful country. Did you know that Americans are so poor they eat roadkill, like dead racoons? That's absolutely disgusting. Us Canadians bring bottled water with us whenever we cross that nasty border, because so many cases of Hepatitis C have been reported there, that it isn't safe to drink the water. I met this old American mongrel bitch from Kansas who had one tooth in her whole fucking mouth, I almost called animal control on that American cockroach. Please, please, please STOP COMING TO CANADA! You people are so FUCKING DISGUSTING AND LAZY you can't and won't work, you head straight to the Social Service office and beg for food assistance, meanwhile us decent, law-abiding Canadians have to work for our food. I am sick and tired of these American shit suckers coming over here and infesting our country. There are plans underway to build a huge electrical barricade along the Canada-U.S. border to keep those drug addicted American roaches OUT OF CANADA! Every time I see one I get the fucking hives and I feel like sending a bullet right though their little useless brain. They're nasty, obese, Ignorant and lazy! God was having a really bad day when he created that 3rd world shit hole called the United States. (Ugliest flag in the entire world by the way, looks like an American mongrel bitch had her period all over it) Osama bin Laden should have finished them off when he could, but their outdated airplanes are so shitty they missed the mark. The world would be a much better place without that poverty stricken shit stain just below us called the United States. GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY COUNTRY!!!

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      • stressedout1

        Were supposedoing to give you respect because you think your entitled to it? Respect is earned not given. That's what my MEXICAN culture has taught me. Asshole.

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    • Rrwasy

      I agree with you completely. I live in a very mixed community, where there are Americans, Asians, European, African, and Mexicans. However, among all these races, the Mexicans are probably the 'rowdiest' of them all. I do respect a few Mexicans, and I have a couple close Latino and Latina friends, who are all quite kind and very educated. Unfortunately, most of the Mexicans residing here have been a little too much. First off, some are illegal immigrants. That is already plain wrong. I know there are many people that like to say 'well look at you Americans, you stole a continent from England' and all that bullshit. That is so completely off-topic I don't understand where people pull this from their asses. That was not only a long time ago, where, if you had read and studied American history, immigrants to the newfound America were being politically abused by the English monarchy, but the point is also completely irrelevant. Now, we are much more modern, and there is no excuse for being an illegal immigrant. Secondly, most just LOVE to talk in Spanish. Now, I'm not saying speaking it is bad, but sometimes, I feel the ways their knowledge of their home language is very abused. For example, I am good friends with an all American teacher, and I do occasionally drop by, and when I do, I always see the majority of Mexican students ridiculing the teacher, not paying attention, and instead trying to gossip in Spanish. In addition, some of them bully other students by obviously trash talking them in Spanish to their face. Thirdly, many Mexicans do not try hard. At their jobs and in life, they lower standards and expose themselves and their children to dirty living habits and terrible work morales. I always become a little depressed everytime I see Mexican children saying they want to join gangs, fighting, and one even told me his 'dream' job was to be a garbage collector because it had 'decent' pay and didn't require much work. Lastly, I just absolutely hate when Mexicans brag about themselves. The Mexicans I have met are very high-ended about their culture, which I don't have the slightest problem with. However, the thing I do have an issue to address is when they try to shove their culture into you. The main activity I can see on a normal basis is, again, their language. They have a mindset that their country is better than America, and are also very offended and rude if you don't know their language. I have had one instance when an African couple came to visit my family and I, and told me their car was almost defaced by a group of teenaged Mexicans because they hadn't been able to answer something they had asked in Spanish. I just have to say that if you love your country that much, and can't stop doing things like this, please, for the love of God, get out of America and go back. Stop bothering us and go to South America or something. If you are fine with being a civil Mexican-American, I sincerely welcome you to stay.

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      • Proud_american1776

        Well put

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    • Exph

      You are absolutely an embarrassment as a Hispanic and as an American. At least the guy who posted his opinion doesn't hate himself! You seem to be very well versed on government aid which makes me believe that you probably don't contribute much of those tax paying dollars that you are going on about. The sad part about your situation is that clearly you were raised by parents with poor mastery of the English language, coupled with a sub par education. You think that if you jump on the bandwagon and self deprecate your roots that maybe just maybe you might not be lumped in with the rest of Hispanic people. But guess what you just exemplified yet another negative stereotype of Hispanics... the stereotype that Hispanics have no self respect. If you don't respect yourself how else do you expect people to take you seriously? no matter who you are and where you come from your background shaped who you are today. it is amazing to see someone who is ignorant and is proud of being monolingual, I truly pity you. Shame on all of you for trying to dehumanize a group of people whom you probably have never met. So, now that opportunity to interact with one of us why don't you tell me, why you hate me or what know personally about character to make any assumptions about me or hate me.

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      • dramaturgo

        Well you are right, at least I as a Mexican who lives in Mexico and who can travel to the USA, knows that the people who hates us the most are the people who left the country because they could not make it here, sadly they are people who dont fit in, they have lost their roots, and will never become first class citizenss of either country.

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    • glex90

      First of all you should be ASHAMED of "hating" your roots and not speaking your native language wich is SPANISH.Its unbeliable that you a MEXICAN descendant hates your origins, i always tought that bilingual was better wich it is. I think being bilingual or even trilingual is a great way to become better in many ways regardless of where you come from.In a way i agree with some of your expresions towards Mexicans, Mexicans with criminal records should be deported and processed as criminals. Regarding the culture, its a beautiful way to remember your origins,in my opinion i think you need to do a little more research because you sound ignorant.You see a bunch of Mexicans celebrating the cico de mayo and you say that's UNAMERICAN but you see a bunch of Americans celebrating their irish roots and consider that American? I dont think so, and that is totally ok.


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      • #57

        Spanish is such an ugly language!!! Your music is the worst. I spit on you!!!

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        • stressedout1

          Your and ignorant asshe. I bet you asked a latina out and she laughed at your ugly ass. That's why your bitter.

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        • philip.hayes79

          I'm from Canada, you know the much larger, richer, safer and more educated country to the north of that 3rd world SHIT HOLE the United States of Poverty. I find it quite amusing that a disgusting, flea bitten, American mongrel would have such an arrogant attitude towards Mexico, considering the fact that American mongrel immigrant bitches come to MY COUNTRY with their disgusting culture and are too fucking stupid to learn French. I usually tell those 3rd world American monkeys to go back to their pigsty pitthole of Nebraska or wherever the fuck their American bitch Mother shitted them out, before they can come and ruin our beautiful country. Did you know that Americans are so poor they eat roadkill, like dead racoons? That's absolutely disgusting. Us Canadians bring bottled water with us whenever we cross that nasty border, because so many cases of Hepatitis C have been reported there, that it isn't safe to drink the water. I met this old American mongrel bitch from Kansas who had one tooth in her whole fucking mouth, I almost called animal control on that American cockroach. Please, please, please STOP COMING TO CANADA! You people are so FUCKING DISGUSTING AND LAZY you can't and won't work, you head straight to the Social Service office and beg for food assistance, meanwhile us decent, law-abiding Canadians have to work for our food. I am sick and tired of these American shit suckers coming over here and infesting our country. There are plans underway to build a huge electrical barricade along the Canada-U.S. border to keep those drug addicted American roaches OUT OF CANADA! Every time I see one I get the fucking hives and I feel like sending a bullet right though their little useless brain. They're nasty, obese, Ignorant and lazy! God was having a really bad day when he created that 3rd world shit hole called the United States. (Ugliest flag in the entire world by the way, looks like an American mongrel bitch had her period all over it) Osama bin Laden should have finished them off when he could, but their outdated airplanes are so shitty they missed the mark. The world would be a much better place without that poverty stricken shit stain just below us called the United States. GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY COUNTRY!!!

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          • Getthehellout

            Shut the fuck up you spammer fag.

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        • dramaturgo

          Spanish is an ugly language, well its the third most spoken language on earth, if you dont like the music fine, but probably the best literture was written in spanish.

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          • Proud_american1776

            For starters, more people in the world speak English, so fuck off there, and Shakespeare is way better than any writing you wetbacks call literature down there!

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            • Getthehellout

              HA! The only literature Mexicans ever wrote was a pamphlet on how to sneak across the border.

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            • philip.hayes79

              I'm from Canada, you know the much larger, richer, safer and more educated country to the north of that 3rd world SHIT HOLE the United States of Poverty. I find it quite amusing that a disgusting, flea bitten, American mongrel would have such an arrogant attitude towards Mexico, considering the fact that American mongrel immigrant bitches come to MY COUNTRY with their disgusting culture and are too fucking stupid to learn French. I usually tell those 3rd world American monkeys to go back to their pigsty pitthole of Nebraska or wherever the fuck their American bitch Mother shitted them out, before they can come and ruin our beautiful country. Did you know that Americans are so poor they eat roadkill, like dead racoons? That's absolutely disgusting. Us Canadians bring bottled water with us whenever we cross that nasty border, because so many cases of Hepatitis C have been reported there, that it isn't safe to drink the water. I met this old American mongrel bitch from Kansas who had one tooth in her whole fucking mouth, I almost called animal control on that American cockroach. Please, please, please STOP COMING TO CANADA! You people are so FUCKING DISGUSTING AND LAZY you can't and won't work, you head straight to the Social Service office and beg for food assistance, meanwhile us decent, law-abiding Canadians have to work for our food. I am sick and tired of these American shit suckers coming over here and infesting our country. There are plans underway to build a huge electrical barricade along the Canada-U.S. border to keep those drug addicted American roaches OUT OF CANADA! Every time I see one I get the fucking hives and I feel like sending a bullet right though their little useless brain. They're nasty, obese, Ignorant and lazy! God was having a really bad day when he created that 3rd world shit hole called the United States. (Ugliest flag in the entire world by the way, looks like an American mongrel bitch had her period all over it) Osama bin Laden should have finished them off when he could, but their outdated airplanes are so shitty they missed the mark. The world would be a much better place without that poverty stricken shit stain just below us called the United States. GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY COUNTRY!!!

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        • MLP159

          Hey so.... if you dont know on the radio on MEXICO is full of American artist, they barely play any Mexican songs bitch. And i dont get why you hate us so much because Mexicans seem to freaking support you a lot since we all go to America to buy clothes and other stuff. We fucking pay your bills Bitch.

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      • stephmd86

        you should be ashamed. go back to Mexico if you don't like it. i rarely see irish people tagging and throwing up stupid signs. at least everyone can participate in st. patricks day and cinco de mayo is only for indian mexicans to dance in the street. can i go to mexico and
        hold up my american flag? i dont think so

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        • #57

          And irish fathers don't break their daughter in either. They are all interbred...

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        • dramaturgo

          How many times have you been in Mexico, the anser is simple, none so dont talk of a nation you have never been, cinco de mayo is the aneversary of a battle, we are not an indian nation what we are is mixed with White european, if you think you can insult us you are wrong are indians lived in palaces, while yours lived in tents, dont talk or write of things you dont know.

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      • 4221

        I think you're right

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      • casasruby

        Knowledge can erase ignorance. I totally agree with you.

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    • stephmd86

      don't listen to these stupid people. you are entitled to your own opinion, which i agree with. i didnt know we were being tested on our spelling and grammer. and that disgusting person said retarded that is totally unacceptable and rude. good for you for saying how you feel. whenever there is crime on the news 95% of the time its a mexican abd when people call me and start speaking spanish i say i dont speak mexican haha. if we went to mexico do u think they would learn english for us? yeah right they would just kill us for speaking english. by the way im mexican so people naturally don't like me cuz i feel this way oh well:·)

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      • philip.hayes79

        I'm from Canada, you know the much larger, richer, safer and more educated country to the north of that 3rd world SHIT HOLE the United States of Poverty. I find it quite amusing that a disgusting, flea bitten, American mongrel would have such an arrogant attitude towards Mexico, considering the fact that American mongrel immigrant bitches come to MY COUNTRY with their disgusting culture and are too fucking stupid to learn French. I usually tell those 3rd world American monkeys to go back to their pigsty pitthole of Nebraska or wherever the fuck their American bitch Mother shitted them out, before they can come and ruin our beautiful country. Did you know that Americans are so poor they eat roadkill, like dead racoons? That's absolutely disgusting. Us Canadians bring bottled water with us whenever we cross that nasty border, because so many cases of Hepatitis C have been reported there, that it isn't safe to drink the water. I met this old American mongrel bitch from Kansas who had one tooth in her whole fucking mouth, I almost called animal control on that American cockroach. Please, please, please STOP COMING TO CANADA! You people are so FUCKING DISGUSTING AND LAZY you can't and won't work, you head straight to the Social Service office and beg for food assistance, meanwhile us decent, law-abiding Canadians have to work for our food. I am sick and tired of these American shit suckers coming over here and infesting our country. There are plans underway to build a huge electrical barricade along the Canada-U.S. border to keep those drug addicted American roaches OUT OF CANADA! Every time I see one I get the fucking hives and I feel like sending a bullet right though their little useless brain. They're nasty, obese, Ignorant and lazy! God was having a really bad day when he created that 3rd world shit hole called the United States. (Ugliest flag in the entire world by the way, looks like an American mongrel bitch had her period all over it) Osama bin Laden should have finished them off when he could, but their outdated airplanes are so shitty they missed the mark. The world would be a much better place without that poverty stricken shit stain just below us called the United States. GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY COUNTRY!!!

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      • dramaturgo

        Your ignorance is so great it hurts, well for starters idiot, ass hole Mexico is the country where more americans live outside the USA, so yes their are many resorts where you will be treated in english, try baja, you stupid idiot, and no we dont kill americans un less they are drut loards like their are so many around

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    • Aztecaymaya

      If you are a horse maybe is because your mother and father are too, if you born in the US you are still a horse do not try to be a giraffe, sorry but it is true. You are a second class US citizen.

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    • philip.hayes79

      I'm from Canada, you know the much larger, richer, safer and more educated country to the north of that 3rd world SHIT HOLE the United States of Poverty. I find it quite amusing that a disgusting, flea bitten, American mongrel would have such an arrogant attitude towards Mexico, considering the fact that American mongrel immigrant bitches come to MY COUNTRY with their disgusting culture and are too fucking stupid to learn French. I usually tell those 3rd world American monkeys to go back to their pigsty pitthole of Nebraska or wherever the fuck their American bitch Mother shitted them out, before they can come and ruin our beautiful country. Did you know that Americans are so poor they eat roadkill, like dead racoons? That's absolutely disgusting. Us Canadians bring bottled water with us whenever we cross that nasty border, because so many cases of Hepatitis C have been reported there, that it isn't safe to drink the water. I met this old American mongrel bitch from Kansas who had one tooth in her whole fucking mouth, I almost called animal control on that American cockroach. Please, please, please STOP COMING TO CANADA! You people are so FUCKING DISGUSTING AND LAZY you can't and won't work, you head straight to the Social Service office and beg for food assistance, meanwhile us decent, law-abiding Canadians have to work for our food. I am sick and tired of these American shit suckers coming over here and infesting our country. There are plans underway to build a huge electrical barricade along the Canada-U.S. border to keep those drug addicted American roaches OUT OF CANADA! Every time I see one I get the fucking hives and I feel like sending a bullet right though their little useless brain. They're nasty, obese, Ignorant and lazy! God was having a really bad day when he created that 3rd world shit hole called the United States. (Ugliest flag in the entire world by the way, looks like an American mongrel bitch had her period all over it) Osama bin Laden should have finished them off when he could, but their outdated airplanes are so shitty they missed the mark. The world would be a much better place without that poverty stricken shit stain just below us called the United States. GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY COUNTRY!!!

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    • mfmartinus

      Hello, there are no such things as Hispanic traditions.

      Things work a little bit different outside the US. You are usually a citizen of the country you are born in. For example, I was born in Mexico so I am a Mexican citizen. We do acknowledge there is some sort of shared cultural heritage among Latin American countries and Spain, but we tend to think of each other in terms of nationality only. There is no Latino or Hispanic identity outside the US.

      What is more, Mexico is so big, most people can spend their whole lives there meeting very few foreigners (from Latin America or anywhere).

      Maybe you should give Spanish a try? It is a very interesting language. For example, do you know you can tell how to read a text even if you do not know the language? That is because, unlike what happens in English, you only need to know a few rules to tell how to pronounce any Spanish text.

      The language has also a rich literary tradition and a long history. Do you know that the first Spanish grammar was written by Nebrija in the XV century? And that it reads as if it had been written last year? Spanish had almost its current form 500 years ago! How cool is that?

      The other cool thing about learning other languages is that when you do not lose anything by doing it. You actually gain something, the ability to communicate with more people and to read about what other people have done. I know, besides Spanish, German and Japanese too.

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    • pepeisthename_

      You are a shame to the latino/Hispanic community. Never put your race down. Remember you are Mexican, white folk will always see you as a wetback even if you only speak English.

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    • dramaturgo

      Well, this is typical of a son of a wet back who is ashamed of his origins, once he thinks he knows english which its obivious that he dosent, he thinks he is better than us, well you are out of touch with the country of your parents, and yes the Mexicans who stay in Mexico are better, so god bless you, chicano.

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    • Thetruthhurts

      I agree with your perspective. Well said!

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    • Mexican1011

      Hahahahaha you make me laugh. Surely your parents were wetbacks and you abandon your own heritage and if not you still did. This is why Mexicans don't like Mexican Americans. Have you looked in the mirror lately honey? You are Mexican you STUPID ASS BITCH. Even though you might hate being one you are nothing than a stupid ass white washed piece of stepped on shit. Haha the funny thing is that white people still dislike Mexican Americans and evidently Mexicans feel the same way so shut the fuck up

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    • #57

      they should all be lynched!!! Go home mexicans!!!

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      • philip.hayes79

        I'm from Canada, you know the much larger, richer, safer and more educated country to the north of that 3rd world SHIT HOLE the United States of Poverty. I find it quite amusing that a disgusting, flea bitten, American mongrel would have such an arrogant attitude towards Mexico, considering the fact that American mongrel immigrant bitches come to MY COUNTRY with their disgusting culture and are too fucking stupid to learn French. I usually tell those 3rd world American monkeys to go back to their pigsty pitthole of Nebraska or wherever the fuck their American bitch Mother shitted them out, before they can come and ruin our beautiful country. Did you know that Americans are so poor they eat roadkill, like dead racoons? That's absolutely disgusting. Us Canadians bring bottled water with us whenever we cross that nasty border, because so many cases of Hepatitis C have been reported there, that it isn't safe to drink the water. I met this old American mongrel bitch from Kansas who had one tooth in her whole fucking mouth, I almost called animal control on that American cockroach. Please, please, please STOP COMING TO CANADA! You people are so FUCKING DISGUSTING AND LAZY you can't and won't work, you head straight to the Social Service office and beg for food assistance, meanwhile us decent, law-abiding Canadians have to work for our food. I am sick and tired of these American shit suckers coming over here and infesting our country. There are plans underway to build a huge electrical barricade along the Canada-U.S. border to keep those drug addicted American roaches OUT OF CANADA! Every time I see one I get the fucking hives and I feel like sending a bullet right though their little useless brain. They're nasty, obese, Ignorant and lazy! God was having a really bad day when he created that 3rd world shit hole called the United States. (Ugliest flag in the entire world by the way, looks like an American mongrel bitch had her period all over it) Osama bin Laden should have finished them off when he could, but their outdated airplanes are so shitty they missed the mark. The world would be a much better place without that poverty stricken shit stain just below us called the United States. GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY COUNTRY!!!

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      • dramaturgo

        Your mother should have aborted you.

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      • Unknown6776876


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    • #57

      You are awesome!!!

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    • Fredfoot123

      Hi I live here in California kind of new so far most of the Mexicans are rude to me for no reason and I really find it hard to love them as people because I had one experience with couple.

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    • mexican420

      I just wanna say that your hilarious, oh my god ignorant ass.
      First, your parents didnt take you there with "hispanics traditions" as you stupidly say cause I imagine the kind of assholes they are, they failed in their country so they immigrate illegally and fall in love with the US, they start feeling totally US americans, when they have anchor babies, they educate them as if they were usamericans, but of course STILL IGNORANT. Just as you, or Do you think your parents became legal magically? Of course not, so your part of what you hate moron.

      The first thing you need to know to recognize a wanna be mexican: They dont like to speak spanish, they pretend not to speak spanish LOL
      I think being bilingual is great, I mean the more you know the bigger you are. Did you know that spanish is the second most studied and spoken language in the world? No you dont, cause you ONLY speak english, big deal lol lol So if a person speaks two languages, is actually admirable, of course not in the opinion of another woonna be mexiquense like you.

      They tag on walls, their rude, some of them might say something bad about you in spanish and you dont understand because your so retarded, BUT NOT ALL OF THEM, your the living proof ballsucker, but its ok just go ahead and keep begging for acception. I just hope youre white, if your not, you would be the most ridiculous joke ever lol lol lol I mean you know the typical wanna be mexican, who makes their american accent the best they can so that their brown skin may go unnoticed, PITY

      They grab welfare from YOUR taxes? you just make feel like making fun out of your brown ass. Yea, illegal mexicans dont pay taxes, you, a lucky legal MEXICAN pay taxes, but also make the native americans pay MORE, so for the nationalist people over there in the US you are part of the immigration problem just as the illegal ones, a little less worse, but still part of, specially if your prietito lol

      Anyways, you look ignorant, I feel sorry because you cheer you came out of third world, but your still a goddamn ignorant, youre receiving first quality education and all the services that the first world offers you but you are still stupid :/ That sucks really bad.
      Look, as William Blake said "to generalize is to be an idiot" Learn from it asshole.
      Man, you just speak english correctly, cause you have spent your whole life there as you say so proudly, ANYONE can do the same in that situation, ok? Its not a big deal dude, OBVIOUSLY a person who hasnt been there for life, is not gonna have the american accent, what happens is that youre a retarded legal mexican who likes to make fun of what you are or were.

      One last thing, let me tell you that even though you feel totally USamerican, you are not :( haha your just a mexican born in the US, and that is the category youre always be in, just ask a nationalist patriot to find it out lol Do you get it? A MEXICAN WHO GOT THE CITIZENSHIP because your family illegally invaded the US and that is it.

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      • stephmd86

        retarted is an ugly word. go back to mexico if ur so proud. thank you. and bring me some chicklets

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        • stressedout1

          Go back to the trailer park your mom and her brother conceived you in. Hillbilly inbred.

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        • Unknown6776876


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      • Unknown6776876


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      • #57

        Lynch them all!!!

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        • Unknown6776876


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      • casasruby

        [quote]"I mean you know the typical wanna be mexican, who makes their american accent the best they can so that their brown skin may go unnoticed, PITY..."

        sorry dude, I was with you, until you brought up the language and skin color. I'm a Mexican-American, proud Chicana, I speak English so well that Anglo Americans think I am white when I speak to them on the phone. I speak an educated Spanish, that Mexicans think that I am from Mexico. NOT ALL MEXICANS OR MEXICAN AMERICANS ARE BROWN SKINNED!!! I hate this sterotype. My father looks freaking Spanish from Spain; white, tall,hazel eyes, light skin, my freakin grandfather was a red head with blue eyes, dammit! NOT ALL MEXICANS OR MEXICAN AMERICANS ARE BROWN! Being brown is not a bad thing, it's just that you are unaware of the racial makeup of Mexico. About 60% mestizo, 30% Indian, 10% European. I might be off a couple of numbers here and there, but you get the jist of it right? So you are only adding ignorance to the little idiot who is self hating.

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        • casasruby

          ...and I am not defending the little self hating chicana above you (pendeja), she has embarrassed herself, and I am not dignifying her self-hating rant by answering. But there is hope for you.

          My father came here with a visa, my mother WAS illegal, not anymore. Not all Mexicans come here illegally. Stop generalizing, please stop feeding the ignorance monster (cucuy).

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  • NopeNotNormal

    i'll likely be e-stoned to death for this, but i'm not a fan of the mexicans. i just can't find it within myself to accept them. i won't dig my grave deeper here and elaborate, but i simply have no good thoughts about them.

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    • stephmd86

      good for you. people get to crazy. Mexicans would never learn English for us our allow us to represent our flag in their country

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      • mexican_girl

        I am a Mexican living in Mexico and guess what? I know perfect English. Oh and btw, in my school assemblies we show the Mexican AND American flag since we have many American teachers.

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        • Proud_american1776

          Good for you wetback

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  • Gidget

    i feel this way about all non americans u come to america speak american and quit with the whole f@#$in Mexican pride bs if u love mexico so much go bk this goes for all immigrants u come to america so act american or leave

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    • glex90

      You sound so childish, Look smart ass how can anyone speak AMERICAN???? i know americans speak ENGLISH but never heard of people speaking american, what a stupid thing to say.I belive that most people here are careless to what you feel about Mexicans or at least i give a crap!!

      ps: LEARN TO WRITE correctly.

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      • casasruby

        Its really silly, these little "americans" claim to speak American. I guess they must know how to speak native American. LOL

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      • stephmd86

        why? uh oh are we being tested?

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    • dramaturgo

      You are so stupid it hurts, all immigrants are proud of their origins, and Mexico has more than one millón americans liveing in Mexico, and we dont make them learn english, you can walk down a Street in Mexico and see people from difrent nationalities and nobody makes them leaen english, stupid ass hole.

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    • XxMrWoottonxX

      American? I suppose this means all other English speaking countries must put on rediculous squeaking accents to qualify for this? Act American? Basically you're saying put on 20 stone or GTFO.

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      • mralgomez

        GTFO why? you can't do anything about it, we rather stay here and make your life miserable. hahahahahah!!!

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      • jrfunk2004

        I think you are an idiot. Americans speak more grammatically correct then you do.

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        • mexican_girl

          But do they spell better than I do? BTW it's than not then.

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  • christine

    I hate them too but mostly because I know that 90% of the Mexicans here are illegal immigrants stealing money from the hardworking American taxpayers. In my opinion, you can speak whatever language you want as long as you are a LEGAL immigrant or a citizen. Although there are some really smart sucessful Mexicans around, most of the ones I meet are ugly, stupid and don't speak a word of English.

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    • girlygirl87

      wow you are an ignorant person I'll just leave it at that!!... FYI some of those illegal immmigrants not just mexicans do jobs that are below minimum wage, with no benefits or job security so little miss us citizen please have a wack at one of those jobs see how long you'll last!!

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      • jrfunk2004

        They have those jobs because they are to stupid to do anything else! Uhh not really hard to pick fruit just watch the discovery channel you can watch monkeys do it all day long!

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        • mralgomez

          You are right they are the dumb ones that work, not me I live off of your taxes, we look at you the way you look at them you dumb f**k!

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    • dramaturgo

      I wonder how you can steal money from tax payers, you are so stupid it hurts

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    • dramaturgo

      Well, maybe its becasuse you go around the slums where you probably live, and you hate Mexicans because they are better baby sitters than you, but no, I am Mexican, live in Mexico City and we are not dumb, we are the largest city in the world, and we are the bigest spanish nation on earth.

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    • MLP159

      What about your hard working psycho killers , we get news about you crazy Americans who are murdering their own families and killing people for no reason. I have never heard that type of thing in Mexico

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    • Unknown6776876


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    • casasruby

      where did you come up with that exact percentage? do you know every Mexican currently residing in the United States? Some "Mexicans" have been within the U.S. border ever since the United States stole land from Mexico. They were on this side of the border. They have been here for generations. My father came to the U.S.A. with a visa. He did not come here illegally.
      How ignorant you sound. Must have been all those years of hearing your redneck grandfather and father talk smack about other races. How embarrassing to demonstrate your ignorance on a public web site. You must be relieved that we can't see your frustrated white butter face.

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  • stanley_fedoraless

    They're not obligated to speak English just to make sure people who are rudely listening in on their conversation will know what they're saying, and they're almost certainly not talking about you. You sound very self-centered.

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    • mexican_girl

      Yeah like I once went to a summer camp in Minnesota and they didn't let me speak spanish with my friend while we were having dinner. I couldn't even ask for the salt in spanish!

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    • casasruby

      Exactly! I speak both languages, and I purposefully speak Spanish around white people, because they are so nosy and meddlesome. They have opinions about EVERYTHING, they need to butt into every single conversation. If someone is not talking to you, don't butt in. Very rude and narcissistic. I don't care about you, and your opinion, and if I did, I would ask you about your day. STOP TRYING TO FIGUERE EVERYTHING OUT AND SHOVE YOUR OPINIONS INTO EVERYONE'S FACE!

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  • Aztecaymaya

    If you buy, steal, invade or take the half of China, it is going to be a high possibility to have 500 to 700 millions of Chinese people, don't try to find blonde people speaking English.

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  • pepeisthename_

    Is it normal to hate white people? I mean they are always racist to anyone who isn't white, they cant speak more than one language, they are so loud, they think its cool to buy drugs, they assume anyone who is brown cannot speak English, they get offended if you express your culture, they murder and get away with it, they have no culture, they are always on crack and get upset when other races who aren't on drugs replace them at their jobs, they are on welfare because they cant work because they are high, they think they can get away with talking shit ( (hopefully they get shot by people of color), and don't get me started on hygiene I think their parents thought them how to shower. I think its time to send them back to Europe.

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  • sci111

    I truly loathe mexicans and their filthy culture. My mexican neighbors are always watching me, observing every little thing I do and reacting to it. They watch what time I turn on my lights in the morning and honk. Filth. They aren't earning their way into my heart. They're earning their way into my hate.

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    • sci1112

      I am sci111. I came back to right a wrong. I have left a very mean post here and in a few other places. I have projected my own shortcomings onto "Mexicans" or "Latinos" or not sure what the proper term would be. I have been unhappy in my own life and in my own ability to reach my life goals. They have done wonderfully against incredible odds and against much abuse such as my own abuse which I directed at them. I am truly sorry for the things I have said and the projecting that I have done. I wish all the best.
      If they were honking at me, I have no right to complain. I have definitely directed abuse at them many times.

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  • amloc

    I'm Mexican and I think you should kick the Mexicans out of your country, are like the plague, is not a good idea to have them with you,they do not solve the problems that exist in their own country !

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    • dramaturgo

      I am sorry, you are Mexican and you want the whites to kick you out, wow thats new, he hates himself, I think only Mexicans could do that.

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  • Pennyfarthingchap

    Although I do agree with some of the posts on here I don't feel comfortable saying that I hate mexicans but I will say that I hate certain aspects of the attitude and behavior. I understand maintaining some level of pride in ones culture and heritage but a complete failure to assimilate in any way bugs the shit out of me more than anything else. I think it's great to be bilingual or even in the process of learning a new language but in my experience most mexicans (with the exception of a few Colombians and Guatemalans I've met) they seem to have an expectation that I either learn Spanish or read minds. I work in the service industry and I cannot tell you how many times I have to ask a Hispanic man/woman the same question a dozen times because I can't understand a damn thing they say. After all is said and done they look at ME cross ways as though I made an error. What the hell is that bullshit? This isn't even a question of being a naturalized American or a citizen or what have you. This is about geographical location. This is the United States and the national language is and has always been English. This fact would lead me to believe that I am not required nor obligated to learn another language unless I see fit. But for some reason I get Hispanics scowling at me in disgust because they cannot be understood. The sheer audacity! I can't even imagine going to a foreign land and flat out expecting people to understand English if English is not the national language. You want to speak Spanish at home, work or even in public? Fine but don't dare cop an attitude with me because I don't understand what the hell you are saying, especially in a country that identifies itself as English speaking. My big question is why not learn English? It will make your lives immeasurably better and easier. Unless you enjoy fumbling through language barriers and wasting precious time tying to explain if you want 15 or 5 dollars worth of gas. I just can't see why that is an unreasonable request. Learn the damn language. I know I would if I was in Central or South America. Do us a solid people.

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    • jessicabonie

      I agree with you, I'm Mexican, i've never been in America before, but i had to learn English anyway, It's because i'm Engineer, all information is in English and i really wanted to get a job at "Cisco Mexico" (Speaking English it was the only way) So i'd like to explain you something about our pshycology, I grew up in an environment where everyone tell you that Americans are very racist so when i asked to my American friend for help (He's lived here for 10 years) He helped me and i still remember the first time that i spoke to him in English, he didn't understand anything that i said, the first thought that came to my mind it was, "you're racist when you was trying to learn Spanish i didn't act in that way that you're acting right now" but on a second thought, i remembered he is my friend he would never do something like that so i spell the words and he taught me the right way to pronounce it (Yea i was so wrong), and not just because i didn't know how to pronounce some words but because I assumed that the Americans were racists whenever they couldn't understand, it's not their fault, it's our fault... Americans are really good people, i've never been in America but i've worked with Americans here in Mexico and there's nothing wrong with asking people to speak English well even if they get offended, It's for the sake of communication and they have to understand there's nothing racist about that.
      As far as i can see in the comments nobody will accept this but it's wrong speaking a foreign language in front of native who doesn't know that language. (It doesn't matter where you are) and at the same time i was shocked when was reading the comments because I have heard about Mexicans returning to Mexico from the United States and they don't stop speaking English even if they can speak Spanish so What's the deal? When they are in U.S speak Spanish and when they get back to Mexico speak English? (God i hate that behavior as well) And not because they are Mexican or American, but because they are silly, Why they do that? And there're something else that i like to tell to Mexicans... Please don't be mad at me for this but the fact of being proud of our Mexican culture, It doesn't mean that you are imposing it on other countries and more if you are FOREIGN, preserving your culture is as important as preserving other cultures, you must show respect to native.

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    • dramaturgo

      We are a proud race, and we dont feel the need to learn english, your society is dieing, the anglo saxon world as you know it has its days numberd, and I pity you, but its the truth, anglo saxons in the USA, will become a minority in 30 years time, and all of your patiotism will go down the drain, nobody will care, you will be the minority that is what you are afraid of, its not that their ilegal or not, its because we have a richer and older culture than yours and you know we will prevail,sorry but its the truth, aztlan is comeing soon

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  • 12ABCalifornia-

    It is completely normal to dislike Mexicans. KR0126, I am proud of you. You don't have to stand up to hatred from people of your home country. This shows how low they really are. It is true, that when you assimilate into a country, you need to learn the language and speak the language. There is no favoritism. Mexicans are not exempt from becoming Americans, learning English, getting an education, and bettering the USA. Mexicans need to know that gang-banging, graffiti writing, and laughing at people for no good reason will not be tolerated in the USA. This is the most powerful country in the world. If Mexicans continue to be delinquents, then they should be penalized until better behavior is achieved. We don't have time or money to show favoritism for one country, such as Mexico. We have other people from around the world who can take their spot. Next time I am around Mexicans, prove to me that you deserve to live in the USA. It is a privilege, not a right.

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    • dramaturgo

      You have no idea of your own immigration laws, it is very dificult for a Mexican even if he know the language to get a permanent visa in the USA, its not about the language or fitting in, its simple discrimination, americans hate us so for you its normal to hate us, we should do the same become nuclear capable, and make an Alliance wiht China and Russia.

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    • texmex0396

      Im proud to be an American and Mexican. Hey I bet you you're one of those 'MURICA type of people. LOL

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  • twohamburgers

    It is totally normal I'm SPANIARD and Italian . My mom is the first generation Spanish we look white but my mom was brought up Mexican because her mom thought she would fit in better my mom was made fun if cause of her Spanish accent (it sounds diffrent fom a stupidican accent) and cause she looked white. So she was pressured into getting a tan didn't work out she just got red anyway she tries to be Mexican even though she doesn't even look Mexican. Well I hate it when I was little I was bullied by Mexicans cause of my white skin I would pray to God that I would tan. I didn't I never want to. I'm proud of my skin. Mexicans always say that us white people are racist when they are the racist ones .

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  • abra1957

    Who said that english is the only language in America or should I say in the USA, We have french,chinese arabs,germans russians,czecks and many other ethnic groups and they all speak their own language don't you speak your language?

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  • el_putaso

    Haha I was going to say something but nah, just keep my mouth shut, dont want to upset the american peeps. Pinche americanos maricones, hijos de putas, in english it means we love your country. ;)

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    • mralgomez

      Muy bien! al carajo con estos cabrones vamos a joder con ellos. Soy de Puerto Rico pero defiendo mi sangre latina, ya estoy harto que estos gringos nos trate como mierda. Me uno a mis hermanos Mexicanos!

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      • dramaturgo

        Bien dicho, Puerto Rico es un país junto con Cuba que quiero conocer, arriba el Caribe, me encantaría conocer su fuerte, me recuerda el de San Diego en Acapulco.

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    • abra1957

      No you said "efing americans homosexuals.Son of beaches" thats what you said.

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    • MLP159

      Oh Americans support our economy what about us Mexicans coming every freaking month and buying almost everything we freaking own in your country and supporting your exonomy. Wonder why your country is sooo rich well here you have it Bitch. I personally like Americns but not the racist ones.

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  • kelili

    Not normal. People who do not like people for stupid reasons are often jealous of the said people.

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  • jermath35

    Mexicans work harder then Americans! And closer with their families...Americans might be smarter at times and technology but each race is unique and has good things about them... I'm white American

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  • Tho i agree with you about the spanish thing.

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  • sierrahearts

    Mexicans, and Spanish people in general, speak spanish because it is there first, natural language. It seems that you are judging a whole population based on a few. I am not even sure that THESE mexicans are laughing at you and being rude to you... do you know for sure? Or are you judging because you dont understand them? Say if you were to go live in a spanish speaking country, would you speak their language all the time- or around other americans would you speak english?... Think before you speak and stop being so prejudiced.

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  • zii

    I hate mexicans too. They need to go back and We need to tighten the damn borders. Its okay to have some immigration, but they are taking over. Its lame. if I was a bit more psychotic I would do something... someting. weird.

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  • xoxo29

    To all of you who claim to hate mexicans, you are all idiots. If ALL your so called hardworking Americans were trully hardworking, there wouldn't be any jobs for UNDOCUMENTED workers to do! We come here to work and prosper and pay taxes just like you. We come here to do the jobs that ignorant Americans like you feel are below them. If u have fresh veggies/fruit to eat that is thanks to all those people who do hard back breaking work from dusk till dawn 6 days a week. So before you judge look around and see how undocumented workers truly make your misereable existance a little better! And as far as the ugly Mexican comment is concerned, you obviously haven't looked around at some of ur race (I'm assuming you are white) many of you fell from the ugly tree n hit every branch on the way down...twice.

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    • Crazymanalaric

      Most Mexicans are ugly, but damn, there are some hot chicks in there...

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    • jrfunk2004

      Let me remind you that This message board is here for people who share the same opinion that illegal Mexican immigrants do not have a place in the United states. We all understand that Mexicans come here to work and prosper but we Americans do not want you here. We don't like your retarded circus music, you shitty food, or your ugly faces. Get the fuck out! This is our country. I'll tell you why they are coming over here-because Mexico"s leaders or retarded just like the people running across the border!

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      • Crazymanalaric

        Are you a Southerner?

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      • dramaturgo

        You dont remind me of anything you ass hole, I will write what ever I please you stupid idiot, I will exercise my right to print what ever I want ass hole.

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      • mralgomez

        Hola amigo!
        Guess what? you have a big problem. You want us out of "your " country, but being your country there is nothing you can do about it. Hahaha You have to put up with us whether you like it or not. (laughing harder now!)
        You don't have to like us, because I enjoy you hating us til the day you die.

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      • LOL! Agreed.

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        • abra1957

          You should do some research.. where did your ancestors come from? You all are ignorant this great nation was made form different ethnecities(a melting pot) I am American and very pround but I am from Mexican descendent and also from american born father and you don't have to be a certain race to be ignorant to say go back to your country well maybe you should too.. your ancestors country where is it from? Germany, England,Ireland,Russia.. oh I forgot you ancestors are native from the USA.Well news flash not even indians are natives they came here too just like everyone else So please grow up.And start reading get educated then repost a comment again.

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          • #57

            At least we speak proper english, dumb ass roaches!!!

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  • Whats wrong with immigrants? Everyone in america(except indians) is descended from immigrants. A hundred years ago ppl would have been racist against everyone except english protestants.

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    • jrfunk2004

      I think you need to do a little more research! American Indians are not andionous to the America they actually came from Asia during the ice age so ya think a little harder.

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      • mralgomez

        Wow you are so intelligent, yet you sound so stupid!

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      • stephmd86

        your boring. this is not a history lesson

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  • XxMrWoottonxX

    SHUT UP. I am Mexican and we take joy in bitching about you beaners. SHUT UP I have a professional teaching job. I do not hate US Americans just the individuals who are in my country illegally and starting their gangs, conversing loudly in English whilst belittling us, knowing full well we do not comprehend a word. I suppose you shall play the race card now as you beaners always do.
    Tallyho to the illegals here in Mexico and good riddance.

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    • dramaturgo

      Well that is typical,a Mexiacan calling beaner to another Mexican, poor people they hate where they come from, and are not accepted where they are, it must be hell, I sincearly pity you, pobre puto chicano.

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    • DROP DEAD!!Motherfuckin SPIC!!!

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  • allison_m

    By the way, you're kind of contradicting yourselves. You say we're jerks but you're here bitching about it and saying you hate us. Aren't Americans supposed to be 'peaceful' and 'respectful'? Why are you judging us? we're not perfect and we're not all like that.

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  • allison_m

    I am Mexican and I am nice. I really hate racism and sometimes I am afraid people won't like me just because I'm Mexican. I agree that some can be mean but not ALL of us are. I don't hate Americans but I think sometimes they can be a little harsh too. I am not saying all of them are either.
    I don't get how some may think we're jerks when they're the ones being racist. It's not fair. Americans can be jerks too you just can't see that because you think you're perfect. They make fun of us by stereotyping us, thinking we all wear sombreros, eat tacos all the time, that we're poor, etc.
    When I go to the US some people even look at me weird, like I'm filthy. Well you know, we're human too. Just like you and we're not perfect. We may not be as pretty and rich as you but we have feelings too and our country is beautiful.
    We have beautiful places, traditions and food.
    If you don't like that then I'm sorry we won't change who we are just for you to be happy. You need to learn that there are bad people and nice people in the world. Not just in Mexico.
    Oh and I will speak whatever language I want to speak. If you can't accept that then learn spanish. I had to learn your language in school and I'm not bitc*ing about it or hating on you. VIVA MEXICO!

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  • mtnw

    i think you mean you probably hate the mexicans you know. you are normal.

    just know that a whole country of people can not be judged by the few jerks you've encountered.

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  • soccergirl17

    I agree with lemon <33

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  • dog_hunter

    Racist, what is that anyway someone who hates someone because they are of a certain ethnic origin, I assume. What causes hate, probably a lack of understanding. I do not hate mexicans some of them are actually nice.. might have to look awhile to find one but they do exist. These nice people have taken over two counties in Arizona and proceeded to make it unsafe for American citizens to go there. Time to get out the long range shooting equiptment and do what the politicians won't. Go hunting. If you are hunting coyotes along the border and a mexican shoots at you you can shoot back, wow what fun. I never got to hunt people before. It's self deffense if they shoot first. I suggest the 338 Lapua as the weapon of choice, because they will fire on you long before they can hit you chances are none of them will realize you are a half mile away and there guns won't reach you, but you can reach them at 3/4 of a mile if you are good. I love mexicans they are so much fun to hunt and the way us laws are written it is legal and you don't even have to buy a license. Whats not to love. As far as being a racist I have no problem with legal immigrants. I am a native American and you are lucky we didn't have better weapons when you took over our country. But don't hate mexicans they are fun to harrass. Enjoy them take a dozen eggs and leave them in the sun for 3 weeks add one bottle of skunk scent and a bunch of fly attractant hold breath and mix well apply to cadillac escalade of mexican person etc. If you put it in a hypdermic needle you can inject it around the windows and get it inside. It is time to put aside our petty differences and just have fun with imigrants use your imagination look up misdemeanors you can ususally commit a few of these and even if you get caught, no big deal. We need to develop a rapor with these half breed spaniards to help them see they need to get the hell out of America, because they are welfare sucking, low life druggin, criminal types who rape our women and small children and represent 3/4ths of the prison population west of Nebraska. I won't waste my time hating them though thats a wasted emotion but if you find one on a fire ant nest in arizona eaten alive wow that sounds like so much fun to watch but don't hate these people. God sent them here to be our entertainment. God bless america... now you know what to do.

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  • yomorris

    This is the reason many countries hate the U.S. Because of ignorance! There is no such thing as the language "american"!! Read a book!

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    • jrfunk2004

      If you are not going to contribute in a pro American way that you Presence here so not appropriate

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      • dramaturgo

        Two words, fuck you.

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  • Lemon<33

    oh come on guys! This person isent judging a whole country, theyr just trying to say, most of the time You can tell when someone is talking about you. And if its in front of you, in a diffrent launguage, its veary annoying. Its true it dose sound like you blame all mexicans for the only ones you know, but if your anythnig like me, they just irritate you and just happen to be mexican. the same thing could happen with any race. so yes, i belive its normal to be ANOYED by CIRTAIN mexicans. and if its not, im not normal eaither.

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  • And up north we love mexican culture!

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    • dramaturgo

      No you dont, like I said Mexico should be a nuclear cabable nation, do nuclear tests, with our nuclear eingeneers, become allies with the russians and chineese and up grade our military, and nuke Washington.

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    • glex90

      I agree its a very interesting way to learn.

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  • Gullart

    What you described happens in every culture lol
    Americans, Canadians, British, Frenches, Germans, Russians, Japaneses, Australians, Arabians, Africans, Brazilians, Indians, Greeks... basically every country has people like that. So, it's not normal to hate Mexicans specifically, for that.

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  • hotchickie81

    I don't think you should hate ALL Mexicans in general, since there are some really nice people from Mexico. Yes I agree, it would be frustrating if they choose to speak Spanish around you, and you have no idea what they're saying (especially if they sound rude). But really, you shouldn't hate ALL Mexicans.

    A friend of mine feels the same way about French people. In Canada, our first language is English, but we also have a lot of French people in some parts of the country. He happens to work with several. They often choose to speak French, knowing fully well he can't speak a word of it. He gets REALLY frustrated.

    Maybe you should take a Spanish course, so you know what they're saying ;) And if they are saying something rude about you, then you have full rights to hate them.

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  • amberinboston

    Do not judge a whole group of people on those you don't like. And who cares if they speak another language infront of you. Learn swahili or dutch and get over it.

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  • KeKe313

    First of all,Racist people can go to hell.Secondly, you can't speak "american". Its not a fuckin language a**hole. Third, I think all you people that have a problem with any minority are ignorant. Black people and native americans (not indians) were the first man on this land not white folk. So I think that all u f***ing racists out there need to get a freakin' grip!

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    • glex90

      I agree with what you said about white folks not beeing the firt one on land, but we ALL know that Blacks were NOT the first ones on this land either. It was the Native American and only them who were here first.

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      • Thetruthhurts

        Actually educated people know Black people were here first. Where did ALL life start. Biology anyone?

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        • dramaturgo

          Black people were first in Africa, not America, the first people came from Mongolia, you should do more Reading, its not so bad to read about world history.

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          • Crazymanalaric

            True, true, right. But then, what are Native Americans? The descendants of those that crossed the Aryth Ocean ( sorry, Bering Sea ) and established themselves there. What are Mexicans? Corrupted descendants of the Native Americans and whites. ( Mestizos. ) Therefore, Mexicans have some lineage to those who crossed the Bering Sea Land-Bridge.
            Therefore, Mexicans have more claim to the world than Americans do.
            But then I'm an Asian, so that means Mexicans are technically related to me. So yeah. My best friend is a Mexican, and he's well-educated, although he displays a few "gangbanger" traits. That's my take on this bloody flame-war-starting subject.

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            • Valeera

              stay your ass in china slant eyed chink

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  • Hadrianvs

    Im from Mexico.

    Some are assholes but most of us are helpful, polite, friendly, and caring. But overall just as good as Americans.

    some vices are true though: we're: loud, playfully rude, extremely proud of our shitty country, dirty, drunk, ignorant of other cultures (like a lot of americans), condescending (again, like a lot of americans), old fashioned, conservative, religious, poor, womanizers, stubborn, serious, and sexist.

    Most mexican immigrants are the worst. they come from slums and poor rural areas. So you have the worst from Mexico. Don't judge the whole country because of our "rednecks".

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  • Andyes

    Dude nobody give a shit about you. No one is going to waste their breath talking about you.

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  • Neel-Rivera

    Mexicans are antiphatic people because they are the real racists.
    There are so few Mexicans that are not that racists and the good people.

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  • Neel-Rivera

    Primero creo que los Mexicanos no deberían de meterse en un país que no les pertenece sin permiso... Es como meterse en una casa bien entrometido y sin permiso.

    You know.... I really hate Mexicans not because of their appearance , nor their 'stupidness' but of their "Real incompetentes comentarios antipáticos" and because they believe they can come and take not only the part of the country it was taken historically but the hole union. I believe we Americans (But I'm Puerto Rican) should prevent what it is just happening to Spain Division (Colliding).

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  • Valeera

    i cant wait to trump starts deporting all your illegal asses and makes america great again , i love the see the faces of the liberals when they lost on election night and piss them off reminding them hillary is a loser , dam i hate mexicans if i lived near the border id shoot every one of the filthy animals i seen

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  • TheTruthOfAll

    Oh boy, this world is Polluted enough as it is.

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  • skoshie11

    My mom was raped and nearly beat too death by 2Mexican men, I can't imagine how traumatic that experience was for her. I didn't find out about this till 12 years after her suicide from my aunt my family never told me of this cause they knew how upset I would get, I was not living with my mother at the time, the majority of crime that we have in my area is mostly from the Hispanic community. I don't know how too feel about there race this could go with any race there is good and bad in everyone, I try too not harbour bad emotions towards them cause there are many of them I like!

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  • Big_Al_Logan

    If you have had bad experiences with Mexicans then yes. For my entire life I have dealt with critics, addicts, thieves, perverts, conttol freaks, and bullies all of Mexican descent.

    I work as a temp and whenever I am off work my family tells me to my face that I can either help push crystal or get on SSI, because "everyone does it." Lately, some have become wealthy by draining bank accounts. Whenever I speak up, I am told to never lash out at family.

    Mexicans are also known to slander the masculinity of other men. The older men love to brag about what p****** their sons are for some imaginary fault. The women are no better since they love to talk about what failures their children are as parents. When it comes to sexuality, everybody has to go into graphic detail about what they do with their spouses and what goes on when they listen in on others. Anybody who does not get enough sex is labeled a f***** by the rest of the family; as a man who does not date I get a lot of verbal abuse from these "people." Then again I cannot lash out against family.

    Working with Mexicans is just as bad. The so-called paisa class will band together to discriminate against hard workers. They are more concerned with their spots than actually doing a good job. They will gossip to the bosses in order to protect themselves. When they run short of people to bully, they will loaf around listening to their loud circus music.

    But not all Mexicans are bad. Few can be decent. My Great-Grandmother, for example, broke the sterotype. My Grandma was a hard-working housewife who took care of three generations of family. Up until she lost the ability to walk, she maintained the household and made sure we publicly respected each other. During her final days, she lamented over what her children would do to her family.

    Is it normal to hate Mexicans, yes. But please only hate them if you have had bad personal experiences with them.

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  • iin1111

    Mexicans try to copy everything Americans do, which is why they say "go back to Europe." They are missing the point that Americans say that because they are here illegally, not anything to do with "who was here first." Who was here first is long gone. If you want to play that game, they should cut themselves in half and send a piece back to Spain.
    Mexico is totally corrupt, and we don't need that crap over here. In fact, it is the corrupt Mexicans that are willing to break our laws and come here illegally. Then, there are those that are THAT corrupt that they dare to tell American citizens to vacate our own country after being here for generations.
    Mexicans are a bunch of small-minded, corrupt racists.
    Yes, it is completely normal to hate those bean skins.

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  • MexicanTruckDriver

    All this race going on while im tapping the shit out of a big booty white sexy bitch, another one down the drain LMAO I cum to your cuntry and cum all over your white sexy bitches and black girls too, Fuck what y'all say Ima Hispanic fucking all the bitches it could be your next upcoming wife and this Mexican cock was all inside her haha I love being Mexican I can talk shit about these crack heads Who fk up their worthless lives trailer trash always asking me for money and yet u wanna say were the worst kind get a grip dick wipe, Meth heads, heroine users, krokodil, etc you name it, the only people I see on the streets are white people abusing these drugs and ID hate to be racist but it's shameful to see y'all in y'all own cuntry suffering hehe I gave a dollar to a white albino shit and he almost sucked my dick for it, seriously wtf Who gets happy for a dollar haha especially coming from a " Mexican " say what u want my kind is still here ain't going nowhere baby.. Open your eyes cracker jacks we're taking over all your girls(: them white girls love Spanish cock even your own race sucking my dick so I read the comments getting deepthroated laughing hehe

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    • iin1111

      Don't break any laws you illegal bastard. You know they'll ship your ass back to Mexico so fast all that will be left of you is the smell of burrito.

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  • Ninjaghost

    Nice question my dear friend, I'm not American nor Mexican, I don't hate my heritage either, I'm Mexican but my heart doesn't allows me to say so, my country isn't the best of all neither the USA; therefore, I'm going to say this as simplest as I can: Mexicans shouldn't hate Americans nor Americans should hate Mexicans, I agree that Americans might feel in an instance of hope, perhaps they think Mexicans should be deported from the USA, I'm not against that if that's the best to help your economy it's okay, as human I don't like when Americans call all of us illegal aliens or any other tag they might take out of their pocket as people from the USA or any other we are humans and that's equally, Mexican are not Indians as you know the term Indian was used by Spaniards after they found the American Continent they thought they found a root to the India and Asia until they met native Americans, we have many mixtures including Spaniards and other Latin root such as French or including Germanic ones, there's diversity if you know about Mexican history you might understand what I'm saying, our government is a joke and our scholar system isn't the best of the world, the only thing I can defend is the national autonomous university of Mexico is the only university considered one of the best in the world just like Harvard and any other recognized university in the world, I don't know if there's scholarships for foreigners available, I was searching about it time ago but I only found out that you can enter if you apply and pass the same test as other students competing for the place this includes foreigners.
    Anyways I don't tag people nor Americans, South Americans, Europeans, Asians, Australians, Africans, Arabians, etc.
    Tagging people isn't the smartest action to take.
    I speak English, Spanish, and I'm going for French and Russian, I love English and Spanish equally, I speak both properly with education and respect, my parents educated me in the best way they could: with eduction, respect, values, ethics, good manners and without bad words or laziness, I was taught to study and never give up.
    If I would intent to travel to the united states and residing inside the country I would totally respect all laws and culture such as traditions, my expedient would be clean, and I also would like to adopt the culture and language too; besides that makes me richer which is not a reference to wealth, rich can be taken by many meanings.
    Also, I would pay the taxes including giving back some of the support to the people who needs it.
    My total respect to the United states of America ( to their people ) as I said before I don't like tags
    My total respect to Mexico ( to their people)
    By the way some persons might be asking themselves why a person like me would be interested in commenting or watching  this page including their comments, reasons, many, facts couples, one of them was curiosity and comprehension.
    And trying to assimilate the sour taste that some comments can be, thereby I'm retreating myself to travel to the United States again (legally) but as I said before I don't tag, some persons might say things without being 100% conscious.
    Mexicans are not perfect neither Americans are.
    An opened mind has always opened doors, a closed minded will only achieve close doors.
    I Hope someday that dumb hate and tags disappears from earth.
    If there is any Mexican or Mexicana-American or American that feels sad about all this hate, I can share some words for you, feel proud of yourself because you are unique there won't be any persons in this world or universe or timeline like you forget the dumb pride that divides us from being humans, only because dumb arrogant and hypocrite persons divides us while they sit in a comfy chair or desk or whatever eating the best, drinking the best, watching the best and enjoying while our back, hands, brain and eyes hurts for working or studying or both for a better condition of life.
    We shouldn't be their puppets, think about it they might be laughing about us, showing a dumbs up to our eyes and by your back preparing a huge bat to knock you down.

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  • lazyCleverMex

    first off, when i came in america all the people are nice but then later on i noticed mexicans are the ones talking shit. They have no respect and have nasty mouth. Im cool with mexican men but the females are so loud and proud they're thinkin they're better than anyone else. They like to lump on u and would not allow any race to go with them. They fucking love to speak fucking spanish even if other races are around. I like speaking spanish and my language has some spanish history. Mexicans are beautiful but i find their attitude worst than any race. I've had many mexican coworkers before and my experience with them was they let u work hard alone they are lazy clever people who claims for the job well done that they didnt do. They talk shit alot like hella alot, they even laugh they thinking we cannot understand their actions. Mexican women are the most unfriendly women. They sell cars that have so much problem and wouldnt let u know. They want to trick people around to their advantage. I dont usually signed up on websites but i did in here because i want to speak out for myself about what i experienced with mexicans. Not all mexicans are like that but most of the time the mexican women are the ones having this bad attitude or whatever u call it. They love to party in the apartment pool with loud noises. Their women are rude shit..some though. Most of my bad encounters are with far blacks are better than them.

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  • kennmaestasisafag

    I love how mexicans say they are proud of their mexican heritage but somehow they always want to be anything but mexican. First of all, do not call yourself "spanish", because you are NOT. You are a shit brown mestizo from central america, not spain. You aren't white and you will never be one. You short little tater tot vermins are nothing but untrustworthy animals who are jealous of other races of people who are smarter, richer and BETTER than you. I live in a mexican jungle and I can't stand every last of of them. You just can't get away from these filthy, smelly, ugly, obese, stupid third worlders.

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  • soydeméxico

    Yeah, hey, so I don't understand why you think Mexicans are bad people, because, trust me, we are raised to be polite, and I think we're much much more polite than Americans. We don't call you slurs, like you do to us. How are we dumb? I was born in México, went to school there, but I speak fluent English, Spanish, Japanese, Italian, Polish, and some Purépecha (a native Mexican language) and Portuguese. I would say Mexican education is better than in the U.S. I spent half of my seventh grade year in México, but then came to the U.S. to finish it off, and EVERYTHING that they were learning, I had learned in the fifth grade. I am a legal citizen, my parents are not, and they don't speak English that well, but hey the official language of the U.S. is NOT English. My parents pay their taxes, they don't commit a single crime. Stop stereotyping us, your ignorant people.

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  • Fall_outxc

    You people need a brain check, what's wrong with Spanish being a 2nd language in the U.S? Obiously being bilingual people get payed more, because they can handle any customer that needs help. Mexico isn't a 3rd world country, if you say it's a 3rd world you probrably think about Africa. Mexico is a 2nd world country, it's the 15th powerful country in the world and the 3rd biggest trading partner of the U.S. You say that Mexicans Breed like roaches, they have lots of kids because allot put their life's on agriculture to help them with chores. If you don't agree, ask your ancestors your great great grandparents pretty sure they did that. You say they are "Stupid" but yet still manage to take your jobs and do better at them. Mexicans don't finishe high schoo, the farthest grade the get to is 9th grade. They don't get it because probrably the family can't afford it, the parents need help. If Mexicans went to school and finished pretty sure they will be smart. Let's see U.S Mexican drop outs 14% percent of Mexicans drop outs! In 2015 and it's going lower and lower. Speak to me I'm a Junior high school Mexican with a 3.8 GPA right now and the majority of graduates are Hispanic in my high school. Learn before you speak, because then you sound really stupid and sound like you hate them for stupid reasons.

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  • pepeisthename_

    "Get out of my country" retards, I would say go back to the Caucasian mountains but they don't want you people there.

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  • pepeisthename_

    white people are pigs

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  • Fluvirus

    I'm laying in bed with the flu and nothing better going on so I'll post. Nutshell, yes Mexican culture is considerably different than the mainstream white Caucasian culture of the U.S. While I would say it's not surprising to be offended by some of the cultural difference causing behaviors of one group or another, you are probably causing yourself more trouble fighting this way than good. A group of people from x are allowed to move to a new country and settle there (or not but find a way to come anyway). They do so for economic and financial reasons just to get a better life. The people already living there, y people, have a culture in which many of the normal behaviors of x are considered rude etc. It's normal to have feelings of frustration and annoyance when local social rules and norms are violated. However, as long as you from y are living near those from x, there is really no way to avoid that... You can move from that neighborhood, put up with the unacceptable behavior and possibly push for political ends to change or better the situation (vote for reps who want to make English the only official language, restrict immigration and laws if that's what you believe, push for programs and laws requiring more assimilation into the country, etc). However, I really have to wonder what good storing up more anger and dissent on this website does... I have had problems with the loud music and trucks blocking my parking space etc... I believe this is the usa and I pretty much handle it the way we do here-- push for assimilation-- nicely ask them to turn the music down or move the truck the first time and then from there take more invasive measures such as not asking nicely but basically threatening to call the cops, or doing passive aggressive stuff like any american would do to any other american in that situation... Thus far that seems to work ok.. I can see how yeah if it didn't id be inclined for more drastic measures listed above.. Not to include posting racist words on an Internet forum

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    • Crazymanalaric

      Wait... this conversation has new belligerents! I immediately take the side of the Mexicans.

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  • P.Iru

    I don't hate them but they definitely have superiority issues. No body likes that. They lack a lot of good qualities other Hispanics have and they definitely give the rest of us a bad name.
    Like in any culture, not all are like that but, the majority of the ones that come here are ugly, ghetto and proud of it! Take advantage of the country in negate ways, nonrational, ignorant and the list goes on. So yes love, I think a lot of us agree that it can be normal to "Dislike" Mexicans.

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  • aes

    Most of the remarks stated here about Mexicans being dump is simply not true. As a Mexican myself, I am the top of ALL my classes and I have honors in every class. I have won the spelling bee at my school every year, even with my first language being Spanish. So please, do not we are dumb. Yes, many illegal aliens are not the brightest, but this is mainly because they are the poorest that cannot afford private schools in Mexico-which are far better than the crap public schools.

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  • fabulousjoy

    You know you racists should keep it to yourself. You white people were immigrants at one time and took over native american home. Now your hating mexican people whatever, deal with it. Why not pick on chinese, indians, british, irish and all those immigrants. Oh and by the way if spanish is bothering you so much then learn it rather than asking people stupid questions, how ignorant.

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  • bellezamexicana

    Hey, yeah, hi. I'm a teenage Mexican girl, which, surprise, surprise, doesn't do drugs! My parents both immigrated here illegally in the early 90s, had me, have never received welfare in their life, never gotten any type of ticket, court violation, etc. My mother works part-time at a school, my dad works full time as a chef, and I didn't grow up with him because he was always working, but he always had time for me. I don't understand where you get the stereotype that Mexicans are lazy and rude? All the experiences with rudeness I've ever had are with white people, and that's considering I don't know that many white people! I've always been top of my class, even without private tutors. I taught myself to play piano, read sheet music, play guitar, and learn two other languages. I have an award from the president stating academic achievement. And you know what? I had to work twice as hard to be acknowledged in this country, simply because of my last name. My parents have tried to learn English, and they understand it well enough, but my dad actually can't find time to try, but he still talks to me in English and his grammar isn't the best, but he tries. My mother has me teach her and goes to classes, and of course they speak with accents, anyone who's first language wasn't English speaks it with an accent. Why do you consider Mexicans as rapists and drug dealers when I've only had white people offer me any type of drugs, and my rapist was a white man? If you saw me, you'd think I was white, until you heard my last name. Why does my last name change your respect towards me? Why does my heritage change your view on me? I don't think all Americans are people who commit incest and steal land from Natives? Why do you hate my culture for coming here for a better life when our life has been so plundered by drug trade from YOUR country, a shitty government, and all the world dumping their problems onto us? America is meant to be a land of diversity, a mix of all races. Why kick us out?

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    • Crazymanalaric

      True, true. Mexicans are not a bad people. It's just the poor ones.

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  • tdirtz

    "MEXICANS" were 1st indians, most were in this country before the US took there land. Technically they were here in Nortn America 1st. Before Spain and the British raped, robbed , killed, enslaved and stole their land. They speak Spanish because that's what colombus spoke. If he step on US soil than we would speak Spanish too. Most Indians and Africans were forced to slave n die so ur ass can b where u are today. Soooo, I would be a little more considerate when you see a Mexican, you should apologize for what ur peoples in Europe came over here and did, n b more thankful that you are here and what we did for ur ass!!!

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    • dramaturgo

      Mexicans, are not idians, its a nationality, and the first nation on this part of the world was called New Spain which conquered most of what we call North America, the Sapanish did not rape, or stolled anything in North America their were no settlements to be considered a nation, they spread the Word of Christ, mostly and created missions.

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  • DanielBoone

    I don't hate Mexicans, but I am tired of their entitlement attitude they have, because (like blacks) they don't like whites (most of them anyway). In California, it is getting hard to live in a community where things are so corrupt wherever you go, you feel like you are living in a third-world hell-hole. It is hard to find a nice area to live where there is little crime. I am getting really tired of hearing on the news about the crimes being committed everyday, and the majority of the crimes being made are by Mexicans: stabbings, gangs, assaults, shootings, robberies, burglaries, home-invasions, hit-and-run, drunk driving, carjacking. YOU NAME IT! I really believe it is a cultural thing with Mexican people, they don't want to assimilate, but they don't want YOU to exclude them either!

    This country is getting reaaaaally fucked up!!! It certainly isn't the society that I grew up in as a child. Rotten shame!!! I don't feel like I am living in America anymore, and the politicians do NOTHING to change it or make it better for the good law-abiding people who put these assholes in office! FOLLOW THE MONEY!!!!!!!

    DONALD TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT!!!!!!!!!!! 2016

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  • Thetruthhurts

    I think majority of people on this thread are uneducated and well, just plain dumb. First of all what is a mexican? A little history for you: Where did life begin? Ding ding! You got it Africa! How did lighter skin come about ? Migration out of Africa (by Africans) into other continents and into caves. Lighter skin comes from mutated Black skin (albinism) that is why 99.9%of the worlds population is of the same genetic make-up. Race is a "socially" constructed theory. Now back to Mexicans. After the color of people's skin mutated and the socially construction of race was created
    , Mexicans were created from African, Native American, and Spanish blood. The Spanish captured and colonized them and they have nerve to be proud to speak Spanish, yes they are a special people indeed. So when you ask is it normal to hate Mexicans I say yes it is. Mexicans are some of the most ignorant people on the planet, and they are a strain on the American economy. They say "we were here first" bull!! No you weren't you're not even a pure breed you're mutts a mixture of mutated DNA. Many Africans were already n America. They migrated through what is know today as Asia and that's how you got Native American people. This is why the ankh is on he Mayan temples just like it is on the pyramids (remember history all life started in Africa). Mexicans have done nothing but sit back and benefit of the struggles and fights of others, and try to claim a country that their captures colonized that never belong to them. Try not to consume your thoughts with hate though its not good for the spirit.

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    • Crazymanalaric

      LOLOLOLOL.... that's true, but not all Mexicans are evil scumbags.

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  • Jdean13

    I don't think your a bad guy, I'm Mexican and I speak more English than Spanish. Every race has good and bad people, I've met lots of white people with bad qualities but I don't assume they're all like that cause I've met lots of good ones too. And please don't come to the internet and tell people bad things about Mexicans cause the next time somebody who read this sees a Mexican theyll already have they're minds made up that they're bad people and not even give them a chance

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  • Sa2b

    Obviously people who think every single mexican is short, fat, dark-skinned, and ugly. Come ON grow up at least a little. Just because the Mexicans you know are rude and do a lot of terrible things doesn't mean every single mexican is like that. I do know white guys that are complete jerks and it's like saying 'if they're jerks then that means every single white guy is a jerk! that seems totally reasonable!' And yes i am mexican, and guess what? I'm tall and have very white skin and so does all of my family. All of my siblings became american citizens and me and my parent have green cards and are legal here. I speak very well english and did well in school and isn't as poor as you think. The only REAL 100% Americans are the Native Americans. And a lot of white people I know have the blood of different countrie and cultures. How can people just believe for what they see?

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    • Thetruthhurts

      Where did Native Americans come from?

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  • jon3000

    I Dont want to hate them, but there soo fucking stupid its incredible.. bunch of insrcure midget assholes . Not all of them just the indian pieces of shit..

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  • BrandønSixx

    I agree, annoying as hell -.-

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  • David4069

    I'm so sick of these unbelievably stupid fucking lowlifes. They become ten times as stupid when it gets close to spic pride month. Stupid Obama going out of his way to coddle the illegals who are leaching off our tax dollars only emboldens these subhumans. If they were worth a damn, they would better themselves instead of breeding like stupid rabbits (which we get to pay for). Of course, that would mean going to college, which they won't do unless someone else pays for it (give me an example of a spic working his way through college). Just keep pissing off real Americans, you retards, see what happens. You just might spark a race war in this country. Too many of you are begging for some retroactive operation wetback.

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  • toni89

    well i cant blame anyone for hating them, cause they really made us hating them.And im not only talking about mexicans but the most of these hispanic people are like you discribed them, the most anoying thing about them is they dont give a fuck about learning englisch,its even worser when you have to work with them , they always try to trick you or to use you for their own good,they mostly act like you were working for them and they are your bosses, to make you look like an idiot, to blame you for everything that went wrong, to talk shit about you in front of you, or behind your back ,even if you are maybe doing a better job than them, trying to work less or to hide from work.etc i always try to have an better image of them , but they always prove me the opposite with their behaviors.

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  • Aleksz

    Most white hate Spanish people in general because they really hate blacks but they are afraid to say it and for your information any illegal alien can't collect any help from the from the goverment and also they do pay taxes with out collecting any thing back do to the fact of not having social security card and they work harder then u withe fuckers !!!!

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  • Helena400

    The whole problem starts with the big stereotype that all Mexicans are the same cultural level . Hellooo .. inform you that unfortunately the people with less resources and not too much education is the one that crosses the border , in that way I can understand their your feelings... But not all the mexicans are the same , we are very friendly and we live mestizo, white, and indians in the same country , I personally love living in Queretaro, I speak three languages ​​and we are more open culturally speaking ... things that Americans hardly are.
    This is The Proof!!

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    You know this is one of the less offensive posts I read. It really should offend me more. Talking about you in front of you is rude for anyone. I don't think having bad manners has anything to do with race though. Its just the personality people take on. Next time someone does I would call them out on it.

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  • danbear84

    Yes I hate the illegeals...they act like we owe them something and seem to be stupid to the fact that we don't want them here...and to the person who says there is nothing we can it is only a matter of time before we take matters into our own hands and run these illegeals and their spawn out of here...we see you as are robbing the country and enjoying our freedom that our men are dieing for why you sneak over here like cowards. Go home you are not welcome here.

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    • dramaturgo


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  • catsworld

    Mexicants and Mexicunts there like cacaroaches infesting so cal fkn rude driving drunk... coughing all over you in stores ...spitting while they talk at you oh yes no to you at you... rude rude kids playing ball around your vehicle yelling screaming ....learn some fkn manners I hate them alllll

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  • Natasha20

    First off there are some exceptions. But overall Mexican music has got to rank up there as the WORST music ever & I can't stand when I am making calls for my job and have to listen to caller tunes for what feel like forever of the damn trumpet and accordion and guitar and these God awful screams. Oh the torture. Then, it's loving and respecting yourselves. When you see so many Mexicans and Mexican Americans stuffing themselves silly and walking around with 2 stick legs and bulging belly, don't you ask yourself ...hmm I think I have consumed too many flour tortillas today, I better do something about this. Nope. Just keep on consuming until diabetes develops and still not follow a self respecting diet plan so little by little they have toes and parts of feet amputated because they can't control how many damn carbs they are ingesting. Then you see the children ...these poor little balls for children...don't tell me it's the genes and laugh it are feeding those kids too many damn flour tortillas and those nasty beans everyday. Also, I don't like that Mexican people generally do not like to try new things. Why should I eat that oily ass menudo if you don't want to try my hummus. Additionally can't stand the machismo among the man. It makes me want to rip their heads off and these stupid women put up with it. Finally I cannot comprehend why so many are dependent on the government. We weren't rich growing up but I was ignorant of all these programs these Mexican people know all too well. And they still popping out kids. I can't get that why have kids if the government is footing the bill. Have you no shame ? I can understand 1 or 2 but damn 4 and 5 kids on Medicaid and food stamps. Grr

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  • einstein20112011

    All of you are just screwing things up. I am neither Mexican nor American and let me tell you something: both Mexicans and Americans have disadvantages or let me say flaws!! this is because nobody is perfect on this planet. For instance, I hate corruption or the so-called "bribery" which is very normal in Mexico, I hate how Mexicans drive generally. As for Americans, they think the whole world is theirS, and they are superior to anybody else while the credits must be given to Europe and Africa and maybe to Asia. Wake up please and stop judging, nobody is perfect!!

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  • einstein20112011

    All of you are just screwing things up. I am neither Mexican nor American and let me tell you something: both Mexicans and Americans have disadvantges or let me say flaws!! this is because nobody is perfect on this planet. For instance, I hate corruption or the so-called "bribery" which is very normal in Mexico, I hate how Mexicans drive generally. As for Americans, they think the whole world is theirS, and they are superior to anybody else while the credits must be given to Europe and Africa and maybe to Asia. Wake up please and stop judging, nobody is perfect!!

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  • jocelin

    hello, because I'm Mexican and I agree with some of his opinions, is real Mexicans are conosidos by gang members and disorderly, I live in mexico and I desirles I can not all people are like that, some people are very hardworking, responsible and educated people who like reading and instrumental music, and obviously to me either like me to arrive to my country to make mess, but as people who migrated to USA. are poor people who have no other obcion so well is people with less educasion, and ugly women? There are beautiful women in mexico, is the best of all, here you will find all kinds, tall, stubby, thin, fat, blondes, brunettes ...
    We are human, the same planet ... haver deveria not racism ... do not forget that Americans just are hated around the world

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  • 12ABCalifornia-

    If they all turn to Jesus Christ and learn about him, they have a chance. But, because Mexicans don't care about spirituality, they will die.

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    • dramaturgo

      You are the dumbest person I have ever read, we are much more spiritual than you dumba stupid bitch.

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  • 12ABCalifornia-

    Mexicans should laugh at themselves for being inferior. That is where they will stay.

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  • 12ABCalifornia-

    Mexicans are inferior. They laugh because they don't know anything. Mexicans say that they believe in God. They don't believe in God. They are anti-Christ. Ask them a question about the Bible or a book in the Bible and they won't have the answer. They don't know Jesus Christ. They don't care. They are inferior. Jesus Christ is too good for Mexicans. That is why you should stay away from Mexicans.

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    • pepeisthename_

      No actually Jesus Christ is to good for you. Love thy neighbor dumbass

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    • dramaturgo

      Mexico became a Christian nation way before you did, California when it was part of New Spain was conquered by catholic priests in their missions, we know the bible, we will be saved the mother of Christ came to us, we know Chirst much better than you we dont have to quote the bible to know Christ, you do ass hole.

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    • Xerox

      Jesus wasn't born in Mexico because they couldn't find three wise men OR a virgin.

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    • 4221

      First of all moron, second maybe the mexicans you asked where atheist

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  • mermer10

    u shouldnt judge ny the ethnicity. u sound like an ass hole. its rude cuz were all people and dont generilize us becus of our genetics and look cuz u cant change it

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  • Girlygirl20

    I don't get why you just hate Mexicans they aren't the only illegal people in the u.s. and they aren't the only ones that speak a different language in public so shut up.

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  • yomorris

    @ Him, how north are u talking about?

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    • Flumeghost

      Probably Minnesota, everybody gets along with them just fine. I hate racists.

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  • midontcare

    When people laugh it does not automatically mean they are laughing at you. Really the only way you are going to find out if they are talking about you is to learn some Spanish. Please stop judging a whole nation of people, by the "possibly misinterpreted" actions of a few.

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    • Crazymanalaric

      LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.... I am not white or African American, and I am probably intriguing on an argument undisturbed for decades. I wish to be an intermediary so lololol

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