Is it normal to hate "modern" art?

ok, so i went to the art museum like, a week ago... and i cant get over how someone can mix 2 or 3 colors together as a backround on a 12 by 12 canvas and put 1 white dot in the middle and call it art?!?!?! a F***king 5 year old could do that!!! it drives me nuts, anyone else?

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92% Normal
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Comments ( 34 )
  • RxE

    I'm 100% sure that about 99% of artists and anyone in general hates this except for the talentless artist who is doing said modern art.
    Some of it IS good but it takes more than 4 colors and a dot, honestly.

    I once painted an oil painting, beautiful for my first painting, and got less points in a competition than a block-colored shitty talentless painting.
    I died a bit inside.

    It's like the same thing when modern art gets so much attention.

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  • ixxdgxxi

    Back in highschool I took this arts class. I remember me trying my best on this beach setting i was trying to pant, it took me 2 weeks. Then there was this other student, skipped class 4 days in a row, finally comes in, throws a whole bunch of colors onto a sheet of paper..and he shows the teacher for it to be graded, (while he's giggling) she goes..."that is excellent work! Look how much emotion went into this,we may have to submit this in the 2003 state art gallery" an A went right into the book for him...and as for me...i got a B-

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  • I hate it, there's no talent behind it. Modern art is something I did when I was six.

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  • cado

    AGREE! i wrote a whole essay at school about how fake and pretentious modern art is. its just so devoid of talent or real thought.
    i mean, i could just vomit on canvas and call it art.

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  • mouseyy

    I am an art major who thinks that most Modern Art is bullshit. A career in art is basically creating a career out of being an awesome bullshit artist.

    If you can connect those three colors and that white dot to like a comment about the government and our economy or like a feeling you had as a child it becomes art.
    It's stupid.

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  • TurtleVision

    And another thing;

    the current art scene is indeed what it appears to be - a market place.

    very little consideration goes into the creation of comercial art.

    It has to look sleek, smart, a desireable object contained within it's self.

    They are not artists but designers making product for extradinary amounts of money. Its all rather sick and festering as the people who buy it are using it to get out of paying tax.

    The current art scene is there so WE normals have to pay for THIER taxes.

    There is no artistic merit in what these people do. They should be arrested.

    But I DO sepurate good art (no matter how unusual or alien to my taste) and these grand-swindlers.

    But Yes, I think you are normal as Most people hate "modern" art.

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  • brontosaurus

    I agree. Not only is modern art a true deception - and not only do art schools teach people to be B.S. extraordinaires - the above comments where people try to defend modern art shows just how infected someone can become by this brainwashing.

    One need look no further than the other arts to see.

    No one who banged on piano keys like a 2 year old would get music critics to applaud or get their song played on any radio station and no music teacher would find value in it.

    No architect could draw blue prints that would make a building with no structural integrity that would immediately collapse just to make a "statement about politics or the human condition."

    What is allowed in visual art is purely the "emperor has no clothes" syndrome. If you can't admit that, then you are an easy host for any brainwashing scheme.

    If an actor pulled out their script on stage and read it monotone, then vomited on it, it would not be a hit show on Broadway (who knows, maybe nowadays it would be).

    If I hear another person parrot back what their art professor taught them about how it's all about the "artist's intent", I don't know what I'll do, but it won't be pretty... in which case it will probably be art (I just need to hire a really good writer to show my convoluted intent)

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  • yumichu

    FFFFFf- I totally get you.

    It seems the artists who make them are all "lol Im so deep and profound, Ill make somethings so weird and meaningless that people will be so confuse that they will think IT MUST have a meaning" ... or something like that. I know i may not be right, but i cant help thinking that way.

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  • lynny4949

    ah! i HATE modern are too!!!! yay! im not alone!
    it makes me mad how people can do the shittiest paintings and call it art! drives me nuts! THAT IS NOOOOTTTT ART! to me art should be very detailed, thought about and lots of time put toward it. not done in 5 minutes and become a "master piece"

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  • somethingnotquiterightthere

    Yes. I hate pretty much most of it too. And most get paid LOADS for it. What's worse is when somebody creates something amazing and nobody gives a damn, then toddles off to a canvas with a dot on it and their eyeballs fall out in awe. I have seen some alright "modern art" that I like. But not much.

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  • katherine1

    i agree, i went to sf moma and i was like WTF THIS STUFF IS HORRIBLE. i mean three mops connected to a cement block? really? i completely agree, i even got to the point where i was so confident that i wanted to make some shitty art and try to submit it to the mueseum.

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  • mms32295

    All of those modern art sculpturs are a waste of money. And they never make any sense.

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  • HarshbutTrue

    dude i could throw paint over a canvas in a completely random manner and all i have to say to not look crazy is "this is art"

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  • Flabbergasm

    I hate it too, I hate the whole concept of "High Class" art... if you're anything like me, you'd think that real art is not the one we find in museums.

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  • CharlieGunn

    I both like and dislike abstract 'art.'

    I find some of the structures to be appealing (and yes, some of the 'shapes' actually have a plan to them). It's all about how to painter puts the figures on the page. There are certain shapes and certain areas where you can put the shapes that are more attractive than others.

    On the other hand, there is the guy who just splashes some paint onto a canvas, or makes four chartreuse dots on a board and calls it art. There is no real talent there, and a lot of these paintings are too boring or simply unattractive.

    My final thought is this: I don't think of abstract paintings/sculptures/etc. as art. It's wall-art. It's (sometimes) attractive, but it doesn't accomplish anything that art is suppose to accomplish. Art is should have a message, make you feel an emotion, make you closer to the artist. I feel the same way about a lot (not all) of music. It's fun, but it's not art.

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  • TurtleVision

    firstly, it a nice buzz word would be subjective, but I prefer to look at it like this:

    If something falls outside your personal (or perhaps not so personal) definition of art, then one does not call it art.

    So then it must depend on someones definition.

    Maybe if you think that a peice of art is bullshit, you should be looking at why you think it is.

    I have discovered that if I don't like a paeice of art, ten it usualy mean I do not understand the intended purpose or use etc. of the peice.

    further more, i discovered that we could say that art is an expression of human consciousness. i.e. the product of a human conscious mind.

    It is a mirror we hold up to ourselves. If there is a picture of something we think is 'cool' or 'beautiful' etc. then it is because it fits inside our accepted and pre-experienced idea of beauty - whether from personal experience or borrowed/collective.

    Most people see an MC Esher print (for example) and can see the artistic value in it - whether it is to thier taste or not - yet only 200 years before it would have caused ourage and would have provoked much the same reactions to the ones being expressed here.

    Also, I would point out that there is no such thing as "modern" art any more - that was pre-1970.

    And if we consider that art has always portrayed concepts and ideas (as well as the age that it comes from), if you look at it one way, nothing about art from now and art from the 1600's is really all that different.

    The world that we live in a full of business, machinery, mathematics, utter prescision, computers, factories, buying into a cheap alternative etc. etc.

    Is there any wonder that the art of today is cynical, cold and lacking in humanity? after all artists are only (as they always have) using what is available to them - trying to create new ways of describing the world.

    I think your lumping things together without really understanding any of it.

    BUT having said ALL of that, Yes you are right. I'm also sick of seeing souless, lifeless crap being paraded under my nose, trying to convice me that;
    'this is art'.
    'because I said so.'

    Well DON'T! Artists have been banging that drum for 50 years or so and It really is getting old.

    Andy Warhol said - everyone will have thier 15 minutes of fame.

    He predicted (not only in the art world) but in the entertainment world how it would turn out. He predicted X-factor, Big Brother, T4 and all the other feckless morrons who think that it is their god given right to get their time in the lime light.

    The rules have been dismantled, everyones welcome - you don't need tallent anymore - have a go and we'll convince everyone that 'your worth it!'

    I think it's important to look at the case at hand rather than putting everyone into a box.

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  • amcs

    i don't like the modernist art era but i do like the modern design era. is that normal?

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  • They make money off of it too!

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  • MajorKusanagi

    Yep, its normal. As someone who has appreciated, studied, and done art my entire life, I feel I can gauge how much effort/talent/ingenuity that goes into someone's process and work. Just because I dont like a piece doesnt mean I cant appreciate the skill that goes into it. A lot of modern art does something "weird" in an attempt to be perceived as talented, when usually that couldn't be further from the truth. One of my favorite/hated examples is Andy Warhol. The man couldn't draw, did prints of other people's work, and sold people images of stuff that already existed. His image outweighed his talent and apparently he was a dickhead on top of it. People buy into this crap because they think they can appreciate/see someting in it that the rest of us cant -ahem- PRETENTION. The irony of course being there's nothing great behind it.

    So if you want to do well in art, dont train yourself for years in the classical arts and study and draw until your hands get callouses, just act "edgy" and throw shit (literal poop) on a canvas and say its about sex in the artist's statement. Become friendly with some rich folk and sell them on your bullshit. It sickens me.

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  • ewanmcn

    If there are any practicing artists in the UK who still enjoy traditional forms of art like representational or figurative drawing or painting, please drop me an email. You might find some handy information.

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  • willystylee

    Normal.... does anyone watch the reality show on bravo with the group of 6 or 7 young adults, and they just really suck bad! thier stuff is all modernish stuff like op described lol.. it can be totally rediculous and lazy but there are some great modern artists who make great pieces

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  • I say its very normal.all people have their dislikes.

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  • Proudfear

    agreed that's not art. but check online it sells.

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  • ixxdgxxi

    so yes to add to my comment, i think it's fake art, it has no appeal to my eyes what so ever, it just looks like crap. Anyone can replicate those plantings.

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  • ashwinder

    That's the thing with art; a landscape that took 7 years to paint which is hugely detailed can be boring and ugly whereas a sculpture that took the artist just a few days to throw together can give you shivers.

    As previous posters have said it's all about intention; if two mops and a slab of concrete has meaning then it can still be art. Also, you may well be able to cover a canvas in a single shade of green but the fact of the matter is that you didn't. The quality of an artwork is not decided by how hard it was to make.

    Don't get me wrong, a lot of modern art is (for me at least) pretentious rubbish but some of it is really really good. Be openminded, you are allowed to hate artwork but don't write off all of modern art in one go.

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  • notnormal89

    What we call art is totally subjective. I could go on stage and take a crap and call it art and yes it would be art if I had an intention behind it. Intention is the key word here, and in modern art the intention isn't always clear. I suggest you watch the documentaries: "My kid could paint" and "Who gets to call it art"
    Just because you don't like it,or understand it,or some academic douche bag didn't call it art doesn't mean it's not art.

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  • Yes, as you said, a five year old could do that. But the point is he didn't. Art have changed a lot through the years. Though art was once being good at painting (for an example), art is now the creativity of doing something no one else have thought of doing. Don't get me twisted though, I hate modern art too.

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    • CheekyChihuahua

      Actually, sometimes a five year old really did do it and people rave about how they are a prodigy.

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  • theshiftingwinds

    I don't like modern artists either. I mean some of them have talent, but they don't have the brains to use it. I see the same type of art all the time. Either they're bashing a corporation or they're painting some pretty girls face or body. I wish there would be more thought put into modern art. Most art today is really shallow and pointless.

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  • myweirdself16

    The thing that irritates me most with contemporary art is the fact that pretty much anything can be considered "genius" or a "masterpiece". That is one of the reasons why i don't like Tracey Enim. The other reason is that she captivated the mind of someone I love dearly, and I'm just thinking, "Why? Why do you love this woman so much!?" AUGH.

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  • bananaskin

    There was a time when artists had to turn art on its head and question ideas of accepted 'beauty' and aesthetic value, but unfortunately we are witnessing a long drawn out echo of a particular revolution which is so aching for a bit of love and courage. Most modern art is embarrassingly shallow. We should not have to think whether an art piece is affective, yet the average currency of most art in its use of so called 'shocking' media; brooms, shit, boring videos etc ...just dilutes any possibility of a message. Quite lazy and self referencial and of use to art students only. I don't want to read a lengthy explanation in a gallery unless it is to help with historical placement or communicate something interesting/relevant to what the emotional context of the work involved.

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    Theirs usualy some deep sybolism behind it but i think they should do that and have a... forgot the word oh well

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  • art is whatever the artists wants to do. let them be for crying out loud, you jealous bunch :)

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  • querfist

    Thank god for "modern art," as it certainly seems to keep boring people away from the fun stuff.

    Seriously, who wrote these posts? Is it possible to be so cloyingly uninteresting? You do realize that you can apply thought to something, that you don't just have to stumble around life with an ideology of total complacency.

    Again, thank you for removing yourselves from the interesting parts of culture, as I'm sure they were just too challenging for your fragile, boring worldview.

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