Is it normal to hate mormons?
I just dont like them. I always end up pulling against BYU in football just since they are mormons. I just dont have positive feelings towards mormons.
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I just dont like them. I always end up pulling against BYU in football just since they are mormons. I just dont have positive feelings towards mormons.
I don't care for people trying to convert me. At least Mormons are polite, Jehovah's Witnesses are a scourge!
Its ok to dislike a relilgious group, i dislike protestants for example. But dont let religion prive you from people. I have many protestant friends and i've had two protestant gfs. I just let them know that i dislike, yet respect their religion and i wont talk about religion cos i'll get angry
I agree with filiasan. If you knew what I know yes. For a more in depth answer pls continue reading.
I was born mormon in Oregon and I loved it there. But when i was 11 i moved to Utah. Which as you know is mormon capital of the world. as a general rule mormons outside of Utah are not such bad people, and would be very happy if everyone around them was converted to mormonism. What they dont realize is how fucked up an all mormon society is. I could go on for a while about what Utah is like. But essentially you are guilted into doing things you dont really want to do. And everything feels very fake. Its just a bad place.
Yes it means you are an jerk. What next are you going to tell us how you hate black people since they got to burnt by the sun? I bet those Mormons hate you too.
i reckon theirs some hot cute mormon missionaries out there. it got to that point where i gave one my number , n now we are texting each other , but texting about god, but im trying to find a polite way of getting her to sleep with me.