Is it normal to hate my dog, but feel too guilty to get rid of him?

We got our dog about 3 years ago. After a few months, I knew it was a mistake. But, we got him from the pound, & he had been there for so long! No one wanted to adopt him. He's very annoying & very dumb, uncommonly so. He hates playing, hates our big back yard, is awful on hikes, & is an all-around dumb, whiney dog who just sucks up money & stinks up the house. I just don't like him, but I feel too guilty to get rid of him, so I figure I'll just put up with him until he's dead. Is this normal, or am I a big jerk?

Voting Results
85% Normal
Based on 1346 votes (1141 yes)
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Comments ( 91 )
  • arlene

    Not only are you normal, but you're right. Dogs are a pain in the ass. First off, they stink, it doesn't matter how much they are bathed; they will still smell bad. Second, there is no noise more annoying than a dog barking. Third, they constantly need attention and love; they have no self-respect. My cat has his own life that does not revolve around whether I've hugged him today, but a dog is like this pathetic creature that has to be told he's a "good boy" every ten seconds.

    There are dog people and then there are cat people; you my friend are a cat person. It doesn't make you strange; it makes you someone who wants independence, freedom, and some goddamned peace and quiet.

    Do you know why dogs dig people out of avalanches and earthquake rubble, do you know why they risk their lives chasing's because they're so freaking desperate for attention and praise that they're willing to prostrate themselves into slave labor.

    And I for one am sick of being told by society that I have to find these balls of pathetic, smelly, potentially dangerous, obnoxious, loud, and idiotic creatures cute.

    They don't need a good home; they need therapy because they have no self respect.

    I just don't get the dog thing. It's like having a damn toddler that never stops shitting itself.

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    • CmdrLal

      Your dog stinks because you feed it crappy supermarket phood. I’ve adopted several dogs who stank for only the first week while I fed them real food to replace the phood-stuff people like you eat has been eliminated from their system.

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      • Katshow

        That's your nose getting used to the smell.

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    • firilie

      My cat is more annoying than my dog. She meows at me when I get up, she climbs up on me to get petted, and if I don't want her to sit on me she starts chewing my things. She has stuff to do but she hates to play, she just meows for attention or climbs up all the way to my face. She doesn't wash herself properly so she always smell of poop and sometimes she has poops stuck in her fur and that's always when she wants to get petted the most. It's gross. At night she will come sleep on my chest with her face buried in mine and it gives me face rashes. At first I thought it was cute but now I'm not sure. So it has nothing to do with being a cat or a dog person.

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      • TornDreams

        I completely agree, you can absolutely find a cat or a dog that fits your personality more, being better with one does not mean you're a dog or a cat person, it's more about the animal's personality and how it fits yours.
        While I'm writing here, can I just mention how I hate people who make you feel guilty when it just doesn't work? You're the one who will have to live with the pet (I'm facing this right now so I'm a bit bitter).

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  • You should hire someone, like on Seinfeld when Elaine hired Kramer and Newman to get rid of a dog.

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  • Babel

    i think most people like their dogs, but hey man, i can relate. but really, before i tell you my story, you should really get rid of him if you dont like him cuz he and you will be a lot better off if he's in a home he'll like and where the people can put up with him, but dont send him to a pound or kill shelther. we got rid of our chihuahua, or should i say satan spawn 3 months ago, she was the most retarded, spastic, obnoxious, annoying little runt we could ever ask for. i always had to hope no one would ever come to the door, cuz she would go into huge spasm freakouts, and she would bark all day every day at nothing, and the shock collar and bark off couldnt tame her for more than a few days, after that she started ignoring it. but yet she was smart enough to know not to run away anymore, but i'm glad she's gone now.

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  • NorthernStar

    The reason dogs are so much "work" is because people try to humanize them, keep them inside all the time, only take them out for occasional walks, and so on. We have a dog, but we allow him to BE a dog. He lives outside, he eats the leftovers from the table, he is healthy and he is no trouble at all.

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    • LookUp

      Wow, I totally agree with you matter how much people try to elevate dogs to a higher status than animal...they are still that...They are loveable and great friends, but not human....and shouldnt be.....I was raised in a time when the dog lived outside and ate scraps also.....There are so many guilt pushers online now....trying to make people feel guilty if they dont treat every dog like they are superior beings.....dogs are pets..and workers too...if we allow them to be...and they are happy being useful.....My mom had a german shepherd who loved her, but never set foot inside our home, actually my mom never petted him...but taught him to sing and always brought him special scraps when coming home from town..that dog was totally devoted to her.

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    • NeedSerenity

      I agree that's mostly the reason why dogs become such a pain in the a$$ but mine is outside and gets "treated like a dog" but is still a huge jerk!

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    • littlelulu1999

      I really like this post....I am not a dog person, but I think you have an excellent point in that the trouble comes when people humanize dogs instead of treating them like animals....

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  • hot2trot

    It's best just to part ways. You both will be happier....

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  • hatedogs2

    I hate dogs with a passion. They are slobbering, dumb, stinky, & needy animals. I never used to hate them until my useless fool of a boyfriend got one and I wasn't interested in getting one. He promised that he would take care of it but little by little made me do things for it. Eventually I did put my foot down and he does everything for it now. He resents me because I get to sleep in while he has to get up and feed and walk that annoying whiny smelly needy animal. He is the one who was so set on getting it no one made him. I think he regrets it and hates the annoying thing too but he has too much pride to admit it. He never pets it or spends time with it. When it comes around wanting pets he yells at it to get away from him and if it still doesn't get the message he swats at it but doesn't actually hit it. He doesn't abuse it just doesn't give it any affection. He just goes through the motions of feeding it and walking it, doing the bare minimum. He works as an engineer and his job is demanding so the useless mutt just causes him stress and anxiety. It adds nothing to his life. Currently he is talking about getting rid of it making the excuse that he travels too much for work. But I can tell he hates taking care of it. Not everyone is a dog person.

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  • kokobee

    Just want to say, people who are NOT in this situation find it very easy to judge those who are. I am a veterinary assistant and have worked for lots of animal charities. I have always loved dogs and done what I could to help those in need. I had a friend about 7 years ago who adopted a dog and then became addicted to crack. Her small apartment was always crowded with crack heads and was always trashed, and the people were feeding the dog any and everything and she was in very bad shape. I went over there once and felt so bad for her I took the dog in an attempt to be a good samaritan. Anyway, long story short the dog had many physical and psychological problems and her behavior was a terror to everyone in my home and I put up with her and worked with her for SEVEN YEARS trying to fix her. She got better for a while but in her advancing age just stopped listening to any commands and constantly went to the bathroom in the house and got into everything. I had a baby and my husband insisted I "get rid of the dog" - nobody liked the dog anymore but I really didn't want to give her up. Nobody I knew would provide her a home. I knew she was older and not that cute and not likely to be adopted, or if she was, I knew nobody would put up with her for long. HARDEST THING I HAVE EVER DONE to take her to the pound. I feel guilt constantly about it. But really, if it weren't for me, I think her life would have ended a lot sooner. I gave her a whole lifetime in dog years of love and patience and safety and comfort. So I know I did the best I can but I still feel bad. It just makes it worse when people are judgmental. :(

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  • Liz199015

    I love dogs and all animals. I have since I was a little girl. Snuggled my dog and dressed her up in clothes. However, even when I was little and I saw an adult treating a dog more like a human or people trying to "humanize" their dog I saw them as very odd people. Of course now, people have gotten even crazier with this need to "humanize" animals.
    I absolutely love my animals I have now, but at the end of the day they are animals. I'm not their mommy, they are not my babies. They are my animals. Guess what, they act like normal animals. They are not in need of dog anxiety meds, I'm not neurotic about how long I walk my dog or if they got enough attention for the day. They are happier for it. I sit on the porch and my dog comes up for a pet, she enjoys her yard. My son plays with her and she understands no and sit. She is not even six months old. She sleeps in a well insulated garage with the other animals at night. She has her puppy things, but she doesn't drive us up the wall. We had her in the house for awhile and I was doting on her like a human. It was awful, she tore up everything, went to the bathroom all over the house, trying to potty train her took every second of the day and money! When I finally noticed I was trying to take care of her like a human, I changed my actions to treating her like a DOG. She comes in the main part of the house now and understands that she is not allowed to go potty in there but it's rare she comes in. She's not happy being in the house. She's just underfoot just like everyone who has their dogs running around their houses. Dogs need to be out in a yard and enjoying space. We TREAT her like a dog! And we love that she is a DOG, not some weird, half-human, half-dog. She gets her place in the family and she is stable and happy as a DOG.

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  • tkwonder

    I can't knock you for this one. About a year ago i got a shih tzu puppy and it has been a love/hate relationship for me. I never owned a dog before but this dog is such a prick. He's generally a sweet dog and loves attention but I hate him because:

    1) he's not neutered so he marks his territory all over my house despite his constant discipline
    2) he can never just chill.. he is always pacing around and whining like a little asshole
    3) when people come over he harasses them non stop until they get annoyed and ask me to put him away
    4) he has crazy separation anxiety and whines when he is in his cage
    5) when i take him on walks he feels the need to pee on EVERY SINGLE flat surface he comes across and i constantly have to yank him back
    6) he's so no independent, he needs to see me at all times or he cries
    7) and the list goes on.. really

    I've contemplated giving him away but i also feel guilty. It's only been a year since I had him and the thought of dealing with him for the next 15 or so is giving me heart burn. Im getting him fixed this week so hopefully that will curve this agitating behavior.

    I've never been much of a dog person and owning him has just made this more evident to me. I should have just stuck with some fish.

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    • CyndiLobster

      Snip those balls!

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  • wyldsylph

    I thought it was just me and I am so glad I am not husband and I adopted a dog from a no kill shelter back in 2012. We had a big piece of property with chickens, turkeys, geese, etc and from our understanding an Anatolian Pyrenees breed were supposed to be excellent for watching them and the property. My husband was set on that breed and had picked a dog out online prior to us showing up at the shelter and low and behold he was adopted right before we got there. So, he tried to adopt his brother, and he too was adopted just as we were looking around. One more brother was there and my husband was excited to get this animal. I knew as soon as I saw and heard him he was not the one to get but my husband was adamant about this dog. It had to be this dog. Supposedly, he was around 7.5 months old but I could tell by looking at him he was a little older, maybe a year or more, which didn't bother me. What bothered me is when I went to check this animal out, he was barking and barking insanely at everything. My husband doesn't seem to share this memory. He insisted that when I went to check him out that he was sitting quietly and behaving. That was not the case. I knew this wasn't going to work. We talked it over amongst ourselves. We took him for a walk and my husband was in love. So, we adopted him. It was like 250.00 to bring "Gambit" home. Yeah, I got to name him and gave him a cool name. You see, the dog I wanted to adopt was there, and my husband walked past him and said, no, I don't want him, he is a year old and not a puppy. You see, I wanted to adopt the quiet Aussie Shepherd that was waiting patiently for someone to see what a good, quiet and trainable dog he was and my husband did not. So, we took "Gambit" home. I figured there would be a period of time and adjustment and was prepared for this. My husband insisted he would spend a lot of time with this dog and train him. However, we did not know yet that my husband had cancer. This was nearly a full month before finding out. Once this was evident, we spent the next nearly 2 years with tests, chemo, radiation, etc. trying to keep my husband alive. So, Gambit, never received a lot of training. He hates following any commands. He barks at everything and chases cars. We have a fenced yard but if he sees a truck or car he wants to chase, he runs back and forth and barks. We nearly got a ticket from the county because he barks at just about anything. We have bought him bark collars to try and keep him from disturbing our neighbors and sometimes that works. He won't come when he is called unless you have a treat for him. If you try to keep him from barking, he just runs away and does it anyway. He won't heel on command. He has a really strong stinky odor that no amount of bathing seems to take care of. I've thought of spraying him with febreeze because he stinks. Of course I wouldn't do that. And the thing is, I love animals dearly. I just don't love this dog. I wanted a dog to take trips with us, go riding in the car, hiking, someone I could play with and bond with. This dog is horrible. And it isn't just me either. Barely anyone in my family or friend circles even likes this dog. It took my daughter two years to start liking him some. He is too massive for me to bathe so my husband gets to do that. He fights most of the time to get a bath and I can't lift him into the tub or make him sit still to bathe him. When we have deliveries I barely have enough strength to move him from in front of the door so I can get my packages or sign for them. I have tried over and over to love him. He is very clingy because he doesn't seem to get the love he needs. Since my husband went through all that medical business and is still ill with other disorders he doesn't have the strength to get this under control. I am very unhappy with this animal. I wouldn't have a problem with the house smelling like dog if the dog would just listen. He refuses to listen and that just upsets me to no end. I can't afford a training school and to be honest, I don't think it would work with this particular animal. My husband says I can pick out the next one but to be honest, I am now thinking I will never have another dog because of the one we have now. He is 5.5 years old and I just dread that he is here. We can't leave him outside because of his constant barking. So, he gets to go out for exercise and potty breaks but back in he goes. I guess I am done ranting. I was glad I saw that I am not the only one out there. I have 2 cats that I love. And I never thought of myself as a cat person but a dog person. And when I first met my husband, he was a cat person and not a dog person. Go figure. Oh, and I wanted to take him back to the shelter when we first adopted him and found out my husband had cancer but he was really sure that he would be this truly amazing dog. I wanted to find him a home with a family that could spend oodles of time doting all over him but I couldn't find anyone to take him. Because he is not "proven" to work with animals none of the farms where I lived would have him. I would like him to have a life that I feel he deserves but my husband doesn't want to "abandon" him because he is afraid that they will get rid of him and something bad will happen to him. So, basically, he can't work with him because of how sick he is, the dog refuses to listen and is always challenging for the alpha position. So, he is here until he passes on and I didn't want that for either side. I am stuck feeding and taking care of this animal that refuses to listen, extremely clingy and stinks. I love my cats more and more each day.

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    • dianaabd

      I feel the same way about my dog and after reading your post I feel less guilty about mine. I got my dog from an individual who rescues dogs and puts them up at a vet until someone rescues them. Her vet bills were totally insane so she was happy that someone came to adopt "Patty". At first I was happy with my pup too, at 3 months she was round and cuddly and had floppy short-ish ears, a mix breed and I was so happy with her. She would stay in my apartment while I was at work and pee/poop in the bathroom where I trained her to. She was the cutest thing, had lovely white eyelashes against a white face and body and I loved her to no end. But NOW, now she is bigger at 4 months and all she does is pee on the bed EVERY SINGLE DAY even tho I tried everything to stop her including splashing vinegar and citronella on the mattress so she wouldn't be so tempted to jump up and do her business there. When she was younger she couldn't get up on the bed but now she can and she does when I am at work. So every day when I come home, I have to spend one hour washing the mattress and drying it with an iron and now I sleep in a stinky bed that smells of dog pee. At night she refuses to sleep through the night and wakes up every single time someone passes by or whenever neighbours come home. It's insane, this crazy loud whiny howl of a bark that is so loud it disturbs all the neighbours! And she does this at midnight onwards, when people are trying to sleep or get some rest. I can't even put her outside because she barks at every little bloody thing and is so LOUD even I can hear her all the way from the other side of the compound. I tried introducing her to all the neighbours so she would know them and not bark (there are only 5), and take her for walks three times a day, morning, evening and night and let her run around the yard in front but NOTHING works. When at home, she would chew up tissues, newspapers, the wood on the bed and dresser drawers, and yes, pee on my bed. I really won't mind if she pees on the floor of the apartment as it would be way easier to clean than my bed! But NO, she has to choose the toughest most important space in the house. I have tried clapping, scolding, using smells, smacking, giving treats, praises, everything and nothing works. Now I chain her INSIDE the house so she won't jump up and pee in the bed. If I lock her in a room she cries and whines and that would disturb neighbours. If I put her outside she barks at everything. I don't like how some self-righteous people make us feel guilty for hating our dogs, I mean why should I suffer when the dog is making me so unhappy? My health is affected with lack of sleep and dog pee. And why should I make the dog suffer because we can't get along? I think she would definitely be better off with another family.

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    • JustOneAmong7Billion

      I too am having to put up with my husbands dog. Sorry to hear about your husbands health that sounds hard, I cannot imagine the emotions that you would be going through while having to deal with this animal. My husband got to pick the puppy he wanted and he picked the dumbest one., even though he always defends him and says he's a smart dog he just doesn't pay attention. Either way training him is a nightmare because he similarly does only what he wants. He's disgusting constantly licking his genitals and looking for whatever animal poo he can munch down outside. Then he will try to lick your face.. I know most dogs do this and it grosses me out! They seem so much more dirty than cats to me I would never put my face near a dogs face. But my issue is my husband lets him do whatever. He tears up our yard and he gets mud and fur everywhere he goes. He's not allowed inside the house but he has access to a storage room with a doggie door, complete access to a full acre of our yard, and our front porch. And now all these areas are his 'territory' if I need to go outside there he is, trying to jump on me (I'm pregnant so this gives me anxiety especially when he's hyper) trying to lick me or trying to herd me. But I like other peoples dogs, for the most part. My dog is constantly wearing me down until I just resent him. But I am stuck with him and his current territories because of my husband. Hopefully I can convince hubby to not let him have the porch for the babies sake but I don't know who's more stubborn, the dog or the husband. I agree with a previous poster I like that cats are less needy and noisy. But I've always wanted to go on hikes and camping with a dog.. just not my crazy one ..

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  • deepthought33

    I understand where you're coming from. I got a dog from the pound about three years ago. I was months away from having a baby and my husband had just deployed--she was filling an emotional need. Problem is, once the baby came and once hubby came home, I stopped feeling anything for her. She was a good dog, but I was picky and felt guilty knowing that any faults she DID have were my own fault. I've since found a new and better home for her and I don't regret it.

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  • Mayfair

    You are not a jerk, but the fact the dog had been at the pound for "so long" and "no one wanted to adopt him" should have told you something was wrong with him. You've given this dog 3 good years, that's more than most folks would have done. You don't owe him anything and you should not allow a dog, or any other animal, to make your life miserable. Take the dog to an animal shelter or the local pound and take back your life. You have nothing to feel guilty about.

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    • littlelulu1999

      I second Lilylove3. Fair, honest, and well said Mayfair.

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    • Lilylove3

      Great comment, thank-you.

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  • NorthernStar

    Get rid of the dog, you deserve better.

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  • Nisha29

    I married a man with a dog, and I hate every bone of that animal. She is the source of all of our fights. If he didn’t love her so much God I would get rid of her in seconds!!

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  • Ncrr94

    It's beyond normal. I have the same problem. I've had this dog since he was 2 months old. Lately I hate him and everything he does. He constanly smells like shit and corn chips. Every night when he goes in the cages he barks, whines and scratches it so violently it wakes the children. He shakes the cage so hard the thing MOVES ACROSS THE FLOOR. He throws a tantrum and whines because I won't let him in my room, he has allergies so he sheds all the time, he even has bald spots in his fur during fall months. He licks his butthole as he poops and gets a dog boner from it. Follows us into the kitchen and begs for food 24/7. Won't listen, barks no matter how many times he's told to quit, won't let you sit alone, has to be locked up when we leave or else he'll tear up the entire house. Hes chewed through over $500 worth of shoes, dvds, toys, clothing, etc. He's eating my fucking couch. Literally crawling under it and shredding for no reason. Alas, my children and husband love him so there is no chance at rehoming him.

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  • Tybabyucf

    The length of this post just confirms why she got to go and I'm never getting a dog again

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  • olive88

    This thread is so insightful to me. THANK YOU. I got a puppy two weeks ago and realized I got her for the wrong reason-- because my husband is a dog lover. I thought she would "grow" on me but each passing day is harder. She is extremely high maintenance and frankly, I hate the games of fetch and tug-of-war and I just don't get euphoric when the damn dog obeys a simple command. I'd rather spend the time on improving myself, building a lovely garden, writing, etc rather than waste it on an ungrateful dog that will be loyal to whoever feeds and shelters it.

    An ad is going in the paper TODAY. And I am SICK of people who say that those of us who don't love dogs make bad parents. That's hogwash if I've ever heard it. You wouldn't say that gay people would make worse parents than straight people based on their preference, so don't judge us non-dog lovers, mmk?

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    • Fizzler

      You just explained my dog to the T. I love dogs but the one i currently have from the pound(staffordshire bull terrier/golden retriever, male) is very well taken care of and loved but boy he just does not appreciate anything at all. Only listens when he wants...whines and moans for everything. Fuck dog has actually put me off owning a dog ever again. They really are like owning a child, but the difference is they're not worth half of it.

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  • TyLee

    Omg I feel the same way!!! I want to get rid of the dog desperately but i just can't!

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    • Lilylove3

      If it's because of the guilt...don't feel guilty. Both you and the dog would be better off. Good luck.

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  • I_love_furbies

    uh...I dont blame you. I feel bad, but I sometimes feel the same way about my dog. I also got her from the shelter. Shes not mean, just VERY annoying cant walk her, cant jog with her. She just WHINES AND WHINES! But I have grown to love her. So I wouldnt want to get rid of her. I just put up with her BS

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  • xsavealifex

    Rehome him with a local rescue or shelter. Would you want to be with someone who didn't want you your whole life? You have to think about what's best for him. Sounds like he needs to find a nice home with someone who loves him like he deserves. And thank you for rescuing from the pound.

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    • Lilylove3

      Ha..that's what i've been trying to do but our "shelter" won't take her back. This dog has become a huge problem and i'm ready to move out.

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  • maramowse

    I feel this deep in my bones. Which is why I googled this. I'm a cat person, have always known this. I like the company but I also like that the cat doesn't NEED me but chooses to be my friend. I like that. There is no dependency outside of the fact that my cats don't have hands. But my sister got a dog when she left for college, I DO NOT KNOW WHY. I hated this dog very quickly. She picked him out of the litter because he liked to bite her finger (when is that ever a good sign?) and figured he'd be more playful. Now, I like dogs, but I prefer a lazy dog that doesn't follow me everywhere. This dog is OBSESSED with my mother if she moved an inch, so does he. So much so, that when we weren't home, he panicked and ran out the door so fast my dad couldn't catch him and was hit by a car. Now he has a limp but other than that is unscathed. My mom hates to discipline him. He's always tearing things up, he's impossible to train and is honestly dumb as a rock. No nice way to put it. He's an idiot. Dumbest dog I have EVER met.

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  • Hating_Harry

    Yeah it's normal. Dogs have different personalities, and just like people they have personalities that can make you hate them or love them.

    I have two dogs. I hate one but, like you, am feeling too guilty to get rid of him. We got him from a shelter, so he's a rescue.

    The other one I totally adore.

    The one I hate, Harry, is a beagle.

    He's always seeking attention, always wants food and eats shit, like, literal feces. He will eat anything, really, so walks suck. He also doesn't listen to me on walks, but the other one? Total obedience.

    The beagle stinks, probably from eating anything. He steps on my feet with his big, fat-assed feet. Yeah, fat ass. The vet told me to put him on a diet but every time I do he fkng paces back and forth letting out this really high-pitched whine. The floors are wood.

    His ass also leaks. He tries to sleep on my bed, but I dont let him because when he gets up there he leaves behind ass leakage. He scoots his ass on the floor leaving streaks.

    I have tried finding him a different home and also surrendering him to a shelter, but I always feel so guilty when I do so I back out.

    How do I get rid of the sentiment about him so I can give him to someone who will actually love him?

    (Ima keep the other dog, hes just too cute)

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  • MojoZozo

    I feel so relieved. I've always been a cat person, but my husband insisted we get a dog for "protection" I insisted we get a home alarm system instead. As usual, he didn't listen to me. He found a free dog..I repeat DOG, as in full grown...on Kijiji. Big mistake. He brought home a nervous wreck of a beagle. Within 10 minutes of it coming into the house, it jumped up on our brand new mattress and peed. I nearly lost my mind. It jumped up on the couch, and left fur EVERYWHERE. Ive never seen any animal shed so much. This dog has such severe separation anxiety that it pees and poops in the crate (and ROLLS IN IT) if we leave the house for 2 hours, yet if we leave it out it will wreck the house. It cries and whines and shakes if anyone leaves the house(even if other family members ate home) and tries to run away any time the door opens. There have been so many times the dog bolted out of the house and I didn't bother chasing it...but some good samaritan would call and return it. It stinks within days of bathing it, it sheds fistfuls of fur every day, it's needy and whiny and just the worst dog ever. I can't imagine having to put up with this for another 10-15 years. I constantly imagine the day the damn thing gets sick, and when the vet says they'll have to put the dog to sleep, I'll just shrug my shoulders and say "Deuces, to be you." I've had TONS of animals in my life, and this is the first time I've ever hated a pet. Ugh.

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    • CyndiLobster

      Ps I also didn't even want to chase my dog but I only do because my son would be sad if it was gone. Someone could steal her and if he like " thank you".

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    • CyndiLobster

      Get a gun for protection.
      You shouldn't train a dog to be aggressive and there's no guarantee a dog would even defend you.
      My dog would just stand at a safe distance and bark at a burglar

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  • Cantelli1989

    I don't think it's normal but I think it happens. I got a rescue dog a few months ago and he seriously tests my patience. I haven't had a dog before and I did so much research before I got him and I continue to do so. He's incredibly smart and understands everything I teach him but he's SO effing stubborn! He goes on two 30 minute walks a day which took me the last three months to get under control as before he would constantly drag me along and then bark, jump, growl and nip me when he got over excited to the point that my legs and arms were covered in huge bruises and scratches. When I'm at home alone with him he is an absolute angel. As soon as I have friends or my partner over he is so whiny and emotional. I always ask everyone to ignore him as I have read that's the best way to deal with this behaviour but he goes on and on and on to the point that he growls and barks at me/my friends, stomps his feet when told to do anything, doesn't respond to simple commands that he knows well and he ends up giving me insane anxiety. The people I'm with then shout at him which riles him up even more. I rarely shout at him but having other people around him I think is making my training methods really inconsistent as they always tell him off for misbehaving. He follows me everywhere which doesn't bother me too much but he's incapable of just chilling out if anyone else is in the house. I actually really regret getting him and I don't feel much if an emotional bond with him when he acts like this because I try so hard with him and he just pushes and pushes me.

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  • Pippa

    I hate my dog. She was basically dumped on us by a family member about 5 years ago. My husband is awesome with dogs, even the really mean ones, and he can only barely keep our dog in line. She's a coonhound lab mix, and she's horrible. She barks and chases people down the street, barks viciously at neighbors. Jumps the fence ( she only goes outside to play and go to the bathroom now.)She has to be locked in the back room when people come to visit because she either barks non stop or forces her nose into their crotch and has to be physically pulled off. She constantly licks herself on rubs her back on the wall until now it's black. The vet said there is no physical reason for her to be scratching constantly, she is just obsessive. We have spent so much time and money trying to train, love, and take care of her but she gets worse everyday. We tried to find her another home with more land and squirrels she can chase but no one will take her because she refuses to stop viciously barking at people and chasing people like she wants to kill them. The only person she gets on with are us and for some odd reason she loves our cat and he tolerates her back. I'm scared she's going to chase the wrong person and we will get sued. She has never even attempted to bite or nip anyone but you never know.I can't bear to take her to the local shelter because they will put her down for sure. My husband thinks that we need to keep her because we are the best life she can expect with her behavior issues. I love her but she is such a burden that I feel our family and social life revolves around her...I wish I knew what to do...

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  • Reckless13

    So normal! I hate raising puppies, mine currently won't stop eating shit. I've never seen a dog so obsessed. I changed her food, had her checked out by the vet (perfectly healthy) tried a trainer. I've done everything in my power to stop her and she still does it. The only thing that works is putting a muzzle on her while she's in the backyard and she still sticks her nose in the piles and licks it off the inside. She always smells like shit. Her breath is rancid. To top it off she's a licker. I've raised a lot of good dogs but this one is quickly getting on my last nerve. Not saying I'll get rid of her right away but a couple years down the road and it hasn't stopped I may be singing a different tune.

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  • Fizzler

    I'm in the same boat.Got mine from the pound also.We started off alright and i tried really hard to get along with my dog. He's also a BIG WHINER, whines for evrything like a baby. Moans for his bed/ blanket which i took away from him, the only time he only really listens is when it's feeding time or any time food is involved. He's also very manipulative and i hate that his manipulative bs causes me and my mum to argue. I've gotten to the point where i really really want him gone but my mum won't allow it. I guess i have to just live with him till he dies...uggh

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  • ChockyB

    Same here,my husband and I got a whippet cross dalmatian from a pound,and it was a bit hard from the beginning since she had the history of getting abused from the previous owners.She wants attention 24/7,wants us to be with her all the time,and the part that really annoying is she just loves to be with others compare with us who feed her,and provide her shelter and everything.I try my best to give her all the attention that she needs as much as I could,but I can feel that she really don't like me,sometimes I can feel that she don't really care whether I exist or not.She whines,barks,dig holes,chew things.I know she is depressed because she wants more attention,and I can feel that she would be happy if she is with somebody else .She don't follow the commands when someone else comes to our house.Sometimes I just wish nobody comes because it's hard to calm her.

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  • shade_ilmaendu

    Seems like there used to be a lot of people on IIN who don't know shit about being a responsible pet owner... :/ This post depresses me and I regret that I read so many of these fucked up comments.

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  • 8Serene8

    Maybe find someone willing to take him off of your hands for free? Someone who might actually love the dog, like a family or something.

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  • jrphotographer

    Aww :( ya dogs from the pound have a lot of history to mightve been abused?

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    • dianaabd

      Yes they do have lots of history, it's the same with cats. I had 2 street cats I rescued and they refused to be trained and refuse to shut up. They demand food and attention and meows like the world is coming to an end. But when I bought a persian, it was SOOOO easy. From the minute I brought him home, there was no trouble. I showed him the litter box, the food and there were no accidents from day 1. No noise, no crazy demanding yowls no nothing. He was perfect, and beautiful and now I understand why "adopt don't shop" almost never works and why people always buy puppies/kittens from the minute they are able to eat (1.5 months) because of the lack of baggage and therefore easier to train.

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    • Lilylove3

      Yeah it probably was...but I can still relate to her dilemma. We adopted an abused lab/rottie and it was the worst mistake of my life. We've had it for 4 years now and it still barks, shits, quivers, pisses, is void of emotion, doesn't appreciate anything, and is dumber than a bag of hammers. My husband was too soft with her and was never consistant with the training, and now i'm starting to resent him, too. The stupid s.p.c.a. won't take her back, either, and i'm ready to move out. So my advice to anyone is before you get an abused adult dog...make sure you have TONS of time and patience otherwise you will be bringing far more baggage home than you could ever imagine.

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  • aussiewolf

    its just silly to get a dog from a pound thinking that is wont need training or any dog for that matter. you dont sound like a responsible pet owner. and the dog stinks up the house? why dont you wash it every now and then. instead of just getting rid of it to a shelter, put an add in your local paper to give the dog away to a loving home. people who will look after it and wash it and give it proper training and the love that it deserves.

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  • I_love_furbies

    My personal opinon, being an owner of pittbulls my whole life, they are GREAT dogs. They are GREAT! any dog needs ALOT of attention. It really is almost like a child. (not as bad) But they whine, they will fuck your shit up, but you have to give them what a dog needs. Daily excerices, play time. Bascially be active and give them as much attention as possible! Its alot of work, mainly when your not there during the day! So When you get home its like "OMG!!! MOM!!!! or DAD!!! PLAY!!!! PLEASE!" but as the dog gets older, saldy they slow down. This subject reminds me of the movie "marley and me" But to the person posting this, what kind of dog do you own? Curious. Some breeds are less maintenance

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  • blackjackWIFE

    Dogs can also sense human emotions. Your pup is most likely reacting to the negativity it feels and deserves a chance in a loving home.

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    • Lilylove3

      I'm sure she had every good intention to give it a loving home but sometimes these things happen. I agree, dogs can sense negativity but sometimes the dogs are to blame, too. Sometimes you can clash with a dog just like you can with people.

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      • dianaabd

        Agree. Also, I can't stand how some people compare dogs with actual human babies. Really? All life on this earth are valuable but please don't make stupid comments like "Would you give up your baby if he won't stop crying" how can you even compare in the first damn place.

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  • That_Guy_From_The_Party

    Try to retrain him or ask a proffessional dog trainer for a help.

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  • Sodapopgal22

    WOW! Okay, so ummm you hate your dog, you my friend have issuess! You should consider going to the therpy! LOL Never hate your animals becuase they will hate you! Animals are smart! They understand what your saying, but they pretend like they don't. Just testing you. So dude, not normal.



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    • NorthernStar

      And who gives a F--k whether animals hate them or not? We have a dog and we feed him and he has a dog house. That's all that anyone owes a dog. If he started acting up, whining, barking, being clingy, or some of the other shit I've read about on this site, he'd be at the pound so fast he wouldn't know how it happened! No one should EVER let a dog rule their lives.

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      • CmdrLal

        Why do you have a dog just to leave it in a yard? Do you keep a chain on it too? FFS... Euthanize the poor beast, put it out if it’s misery.

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      • Lilylove3


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      • littlelulu1999

        I agree!

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    • Ktothej

      Some dogs are truly hateable!

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  • Tuesdayafternoon33

    Guys, in order for a dog to be happy,
    You have to feed it good food, walk the dog at least 3-4 x s a day ( a dog will not exercise in a yard, just because you want it to) You have to either walk the dog yourself or hire a teenager etc… & it’s actually healthy for people to walk 🙄 & if it doesn t walk on a leash well, teach it!
    & ummm dogs actually want to be with it’s human family, just because your grandma left the dog in the yard, doesn’t make it right, people who say dogs WANT to be outside ,are the lazy people who don t want to train their dogs ,
    Also, Learn to groom the dog yourself, so it doesn’t smell & make it fun so they like it, read up on how to train your dog, they will appreciate the interaction, give the dog praise & love,
    I got a terrier puppy, it was a “holy terror”
    alpha demon spawn, everyone hated him,
    He ate shoes, underwear, furniture— he wasn’t nice at all, but I refused to admit I didn t like him & give up, I read everything about training, food & exercise for dogs, I liked the dog whisperer’s approach & started cooking my own healthy dog food , walking him 20-30 minutes , 3-4 x s a day & found someone who could walk him, when I couldn t , made some obstacle courses at the park & in the yard , that he loved , slowly introduced swimming & taught him how to ring a bell ,when he needed to pee, I learned how to groom him myself & when he went nuts ,would gently but firmly , hold him on his side ( like his mother would do) for a few seconds,
    got him neutered, & after a year & change , he was transformed into a “Love” ,everyone adored him , at the beginning it was hard work, but only because I needed to learn ,instead of just whining ,what a pain he was , it really was all about me, so all you lazy bones ,who are complaining, get up & research , learn & start the transformation & stay with it , it takes time & patience & work & you too will start like/loving your dog

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  • CyndiLobster

    Omg I hate my dog too. Moreso, I hate owning a dog. Mine is so stupid does all that annoying stuff and and constantly poops & pees in the house and runs away. She will escape even though we have a yard. Steaks food and eats cat poop. Drives me nuts! Give me a cat anyway they are so easy. This damn thing is such a mess/ pain in the ass.
    Btw my friends dog annoys me to its all up in your face sniffing IN your mouth, jumping on you, licking his balls & dick and barking at trains ( he's lived there for 7 years you'd think he'd get used to the same train).
    I am not a dog person. My advice is, try to deal with this one but never get another one. I'll keep my dog cause my son loves her and she might not get a good home. But if you really can't deal give it to someone else. You count too.

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  • Aethylfritha

    Im sorry but yes! I also cannot deal with my dog. Sometimes i hate her. Someone gave her away because shes dumb and cant/ wont be potty trained. She also barks at everything. I just chased her through pouring rain and mud she refuses to come when called we treat her great and dont neglect or abuse. Honestly this dog is too needy I just cant. Id totally ditch her if it wouldnt break my sons heart.
    I guess i will just put up with her till she dies.
    Gosh Im totally a CAT person

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  • QuiltyBefevered

    Everyone who agreed with you voted for Trump I'm sure.

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    • CyndiLobster

      Nope I don't vote jackass. And your assumption is idiotic btw.

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  • NationalVelvet

    Looks like most of the people commenting (negatively) about dogs will mention that the breeds/types of dogs they have are KNOWN for being incredibly high maintenance or having behavioral issues. (re: rescue dogs, Shelties [most herding dogs in general], companion breeds that live with people who aren't home often, etc.). It's not at all surprising to me that most of the comments are having a hard time. You have a dog with specific needs you are unable or unwilling to provide (nothing wrong with that) but this could all be avoided with heavy, heavy research, or fostering instead of committing to a dog completely.

    Tip: if you're a novice dog owner or want one that's easier to care for, look into "low energy" breeds, go to a top notch breeder (AKC/breed club registered - this tends to be cost reflective, a well-bred dog will cost you upwards of 2,000 dollars), etc. This also helps a lot with health issues arising (great breeders make a point to only breed very healthy dogs).

    That being said, that's all for naught if you don't set VERY CONSISTENT boundaries with your puppy from the get-go. My parents have a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. I found her for them. She came from a top notch breeder (she's heart clear at age 6, and Cavaliers are usually RIDDLED with severe heart issues. My childhood dog was a Cavalier too, and she started having heart problems at age ONE). She also is friggin' beautiful (truly one of the most perfect looking Cavaliers I've ever seen - each of her grandparents is a champion), and is generally a very sweet and gentle dog (typical Cavalier personality). Never, ever aggressive, and gets along beautifully with my pet bunny as well. She was not cheap. 2200$.

    Any/every behavior issue she has is because my dad isn't the best dog owner, and she is unusually dominant for a Cavalier (once again, this dominance was reinforced by my dad - he thought the "I'm dominant!!!" gesture of humping his leg was hilarious and he never corrected it. She tried it with me ONCE and I kicked her off with impressive force and she never did it again). Her only real issue (caused by my careless dad) is barking. My dad thought it was funny when she was a puppy and now responds to her yapping by giving her what she wants (inadvertently or intentionally - could be food, attention, etc.) or, rarely, swatting her.

    When I visit home, the dog never barks when I eat my meals (alone). She barks incessantly while every other family member eats - brother, dad, mom, grandparents, whoever. Barked her stupid head off. With me, she sits patiently while I eat my meal in peace. If she even quietly whines, I look at her in a way that suggests I'll tear her a new one if she does it again (although I'd never lay a hand on her). She quiets instantly. Why does she only behave for me? Simple: I only give her scraps if she's quiet. She lasts through a whole meal without bugging me, she gets a scrap. In short, I have established dominance over her and have stuck to my expectations CONSISTENTLY. When I dog sit her, she's quiet and well behaved, an absolute joy to be around. When my family is present, she's loud as hell. This training took months and months of consistency. It's what you're all lacking due to things like impatience or weakness or lack of time/energy. She does have an issue with whining in the car (an excited whine) but I don't drive her around enough to fix this issue. I guarantee if I committed to training it out of her, she'd shut the hell up within a few months at most.

    Point being is that training a dog takes a crap ton of time and diligence. It's not easy, either - how many times did I have to endure her annoying ass barking? How many times did I have to stick to my guns and not give in (re: give her attention or food on HER terms), or not resort to abusive behavior (which usually makes behaviors worse)? I lost count. And keep in mind, this is from a trademark easygoing, friendly dog breed who was never abused (unless you count a few swats from my dad) or rehomed at any point. I had more ideal "training circumstances" than most, and it was still a pain in my ass. But if you invest a shit ton of time and consistency, you generally can train even the most problematic dogs.

    That being said, unless you are a dog person through and through (and everyone you live with is RIGHT THERE with you), I wouldn't generally recommend the rescue route unless you foster first. I've volunteered for dog rescues for many years, I want to be the kind of touchy feely person who recommends rescues to everyone, but as you can see from these comments, it's not for everyone. Dogs with reinforced (engrained) behavioral issues are tough and rescue dogs tend to have those. That being said, if you FULLY commit to training, you can do it. Good luck to all of you, and please research very, very carefully the next time you decide to commit to an animal. Or foster first (can't stress that enough).

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  • Michelleins

    Uh I get sick with this question and with the answers as well. If you don‘t like dogs why the hell would you get one in the first place??? Dogs have emotions and different personalities, if you are thinking of having one, keep that in mind, patience is key, if you don‘t have then please don’t get a dog! It‘s simple!!!
    I have a dog and in the beginning it was complicated, he would pee everywhere, destroy everything he would find, and bite me so much sometimes it bleed. I gave him time and I was very pacient and didn‘t give up on him. Now he is so adorable, he is a good boy, doesn’t bark, doesn’t poo or pee in wrong places, does all the commands I tell him to, loves to walk and play, swim! It‘s an adorable creature and I am so happy to have him. And yes I „humanize“ him because he is allowed to sleep on my bed, he get new toys all the time, he wears a Louis Vuitton necklace and has LV bag where I can carry him, he is a baby, a doll! He is showered every week and do not smell bad, the opposite. For me that‘s the fun! I have fun spoiling him and in return his behavior is incredible! I go out with him and people love him, when I have friends over my place he is also so nice and friendly, doesn’t bother anyone unless a person wants to play with him.

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  • Mamacat200

    I got a dog from a puppy mill eight years ago. I believe he is primarily Pekingese. He was problematic right away. He began having seizures, he had a thing for humping shoes, socks anything foot related. He began to get thyroid issues. He has gone bald on several
    occasions. He lost an eye trying to run and bonked into a table leg. He has literally cost us thousands over the years. He pees non stop in the house mostly right after returning from outside. Most recently he is going bald and his skin is turning black after a round of medication and dog shampoo provided by the vet-Yes yes yes we have brought him to the vet. We are not jerks and we tend to his needs. Lately however I have thought about moving out of my house until the good lord takes him home. He has to spend nights in a crate as he pees at least three times throughout the night on the floor. ( he avoids the pee pads) He has developed this bark that threatens to raise ones skull cap. I cannot stand this sound! It is literally driving me crazy! I actually use the word “hate” during these times in the night where he incessantly barks. I wear skull candy headphones to drown out this sound. I can still fairly hear him. My heart races and I feel so angry. I can’t bear it anymore. I know there are people out there who think that owners who feel this way are cruel. I don’t care! We have done all that we could to keep him happy and healthy. When you are sleep deprived it is a dark place. We have tried to ignore him but he has mastered the most annoying bark for attention. I feel guilty as I am torn in my emotions of love for him and downright hatred. I write this at 5am after the third bout of barking this evening. Any suggestions? I feel completely stuck!

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  • Oochyrach

    I have two dogs and I am a massive animal lover I have 3 cats also.
    I hateee one of my dogs! I’ve had him from a puppy since about 8 weeks he was meant to be a Rottweiler cross staff. I had 2 Great Dane cross American bulldogs and I would show them lovely chilled out dogs walk next to me I could hand the lead over and let kids walk them with me they are perfect. Sadly my male passed away last year.
    The only thing that ever made me question and sticks I’m my mind is when I got the dog leads out on the first day I got him they had chains on he turned over and weed like a little fountain then wouldn’t come anywhere near me alllll day all evening and then when he woke up he was fine again. So immediately threw them
    Away and got fabric loop leads with no clips or anything for him and the other two dogs. I thought that was the end of it.

    So it all started when he was around a month into living with us he was adorable, my pack loved him the family did too.
    THEN he got possessed is my only answer.
    he randomly started to get onto the sides in my kitchen and take the Tupperware out of the cupboards knock the food off on the floor as a TINY puppy. Like it was a game because he was so small I would just lock the door to the kitchen but I would keep the back door open as was summer so they had freedom to roam the whole house in and out so when I knew he was in was the clashing of the plastics.
    He if left unattended eg when I had a shower, making mine/dog food, putting the rubbish out. Running to the shop (I work from home). He would SELF HARM on the nearest plug socket he would rub himself till he bled as a tiny puppy!!!!! 😩
    After around a year and baby proofing every table end every corner of a door frame I even didn’t know there was a little tiny old phone line box behind my sofa and he would disappear down there I just thought was for comfort and dark place to then for him to come out one day and be covered in blood too.
    The vets had me doing everything to his food, scrapings for problemed skin the lot even Long walks as a tiny 6 month old puppy.
    He stopped growing around the age of 1 and it appears I was jooped which to be fair I’m not bothered... he’s a terrier like a border terrier or something he suits his name junior to a t he the little one in the house. I love him to bits but I also have the same amount of hate for the little s*** he’s 4 now and it’s like he waits to see what I hate and do it.
    He is so defiant I can’t tell him to do anything come here for normal things like putting a lead on him give him food the lot BUT he can come up to me and pile me with toys. Anything I ask of him he will and I’m telling you this ACT scared and turn over and wee. For example he’s laying down and I need to put the washing on for their beds I’ll ask all the dogs to get up he will not the rest are happy to and know they get to snuggle on the sofa or sleep on the pillows I have and they all love them as they if they are left out will sleep on them but I can’t leave them out unattended as he likes to pull the stuffing out of anything within a minute. So yeh anyway back to what I was saying I would ask them to move and he will become scared and then I’ll walk away and ask him from the comfort of my sofa once BIG mistake he jumped on the sofa and weed alll over me and that’s the reason I give him space so he’s not ‘scared’ bit that just is a real p**s take. I have tried every way to get him to listen to me even leaving a longgg training line so I could not even look at him pick the lead up out of sight say a command and then move him etc nothing worked. He still as a 4 year old dog does this. It’s pathetic. For his food I have to put it down for them both and leave then when I’m on the sofa again tell them to go and have their dinner. Sometimes he eats sometimes he doesn’t.
    From the crack of dawn I get piled with toys so he’s fine to come to me!! He’s the perfect dog on walks when he chooses to come and cuddle me but if I wanted a cuddle that’s it he would cower and pee everywhere. I feel awful as I’ve never given him any reason to make him like this it’s not excitement! My sister didn’t come over for a few months at one point as went travelling around the world so so the excitement that he showed I knew that’s not on the list. It’s completely a decision if he doesn’t want to he knows he will get away with it as I’ll have to stop and clean up.
    Even if I say get in the car no way he will want to go on his own terms.
    The worst thing is he wants the minimum of 7 miles a day I’m not joking. And may I add this is with a ball thrower! Allll the way around a countryside walk up down hills the lot. He doesn’t stop and when I think he can give his little heart a rest he will drop his ball and start chasing my female bully and attack her legs she’s covered in scars bless her.
    I feel very bad to rehome him and even worse to put him to sleep. This is just a few of the things he does as I’ll be here all year.
    I’m 27 I want children I want a life I want to even go on holiday but I know I’ll come back to a dead dog he will scratch himself to death and I can’t expect people to stay at home for me to go on holiday the kennels won’t have them I’ve booked one once and within a few hours he was bleeding and on way to vets and kennels are full of wiring ends... the dog sitters can’t baby proof their houses and can’t bring other dogs to my house etc it becomes very expensive to hire a person 24hours a day for a week. Kids imagine if I got pregnant and need a bit of time the other dogs are happy to do so. I can’t have meetings other than Skype calls He will be dead...
    This isn’t normal is it... that’s why I feel even more guilty as he got something wrong with him mentally!!!!

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  • RonnieAngelice

    I'm so glad I'm not alone. I just read an article that was like "I hate my dog but I made a commitment to him so even though he's ruining my life I'm going to keep him till he dies". That sounds so freaking miserable to me!! My dog is not my first, my first dog I trained and he was and is the best dog many people have ever met. We just got a dog a few months ago and I already hate everything about her. She is only nice to my kids and thats when shes npt tearing through the house tripping on their toys and plowing them over. For me she whines in her kennel, yips, barks...There's a comment somewhere saying that there's nothing more annoying than a dog barking. No, no... I must disagree. Because barking can be controlled with a bark or regular shock collar to an extent but no matter how sensitive the bark collar whining and high pitched yips will not be picked up. So you just dished out money for a collar that does nothing. And you could go get one with a remote but good remote collars start at $120. I can't stand my dog. When we first got her things were fine. Then she went in heat 2 weeks after we brought her home and she was like a PMSing teenager. (We rehomed her. And the previous owner LIED through her teeth about her "wonderful behavior".) We got her fixed as soon as she was done with heat, found a place that would. She had to stay on lock down because she was so bat crap crazy that she'd tear her stitches in a heart beat if we let her loose. Finally when she could run and play normally again she turned into this demon dog from the pits of hell. She started biting me, shredding my clothes as I wore them bopping her on the nose to stop, this is when the whining in her kennel began, she became impossible to train, if I didn't go to the park with her and run her until she would bring the ball back and collapse at my feet she was insufferable to deal with. One day I had 22 bruises over my arms all from her, so dark and numerous people I didnt even know asked if my husband was beating me, and she bit my thigh so hard she broke skin. What did I do to bring that on? Simply tried to play keep away with her frisbee, she did it with me all the time. I marched her demon butt in the house, striped off her collars, marched her back to the car and was on my way to surrender her didn't give a flying rip if she was put down for biting me or not. This led the way to the worst fight my husband and I ever had, since we had traveled 6 hours (one way) to rescue this "oh so awesome family dog" and he felt it was my fault we suddenly did this all for nothing. So demon dog is still here. Now we live in a place with a fenced yard and it's always something with her. If she's not whining she's barking, if she's in the yard and someone left shortly before she will jump the fence and terrorize people in the neighborhood, almost getting hit by a car every minute. Only reason she's here after biting me is I'm friends with 2 dog trainers and they begged me not to throw in the towel after only a few months with her. Owning a dog doesn't have to be a headache. Because really a lot of the time it's not. I want a smaller breed of dog. One that can't jump the fence for one and make her try to catch her stupid self before she gets killed. I understand the guilt too. I found the ad for her on the local Facebook page and I'm sure if I post an ad for her again her previous owner will see and start trouble. I cant afford or wish to go through obedience school with her, because the control collar works wonders. (I hate control collars But she's the dog I wish she was when she's wearing it.) But when she's not wearing it she's a demon and won't listen so it's probably a waste of money to train her in a class when I already know it won't work.

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    • CmdrLal

      Any dog that bites should be euthanized as a matter of course. I’m sure your neighbors would also breathe a sigh of relief. I have a rehomed sheltie mix and a shelter-rescued (twice returned) eskie mix, both smaller. My sheltie mix is annoying, but nothing terrible, and not agressive in any way whatsoever. She’s quite sweet and funny, but manipulative, as the breed is. My eskie is my guy, super chill cuddle buddy, undemanding, happy to be here. My biggest issue is my own anxiety paired with the sheltie’s anxiety. She suddenly freaks and shrieks every time meeting anyone, or when she thinks you’ll step on her feet (she’s always right behind me) and my very short PTSD fuse makes me want to kill her in that split second and my adrenaline takes a while to settle back. I don’t think it’s healthy for us to be paired together. It’s been eight years, she’s 10-ish now and she’s barely slowed down. Due to increasing health issues, I can no longer give her the total exercise she deserves. But my guy, he’s super cool, we just hang together, no drama. He and I happily sleep in, whereas she’s our alarm clock, staring me in the face every morning. And so it goes, day in, day out. Though I’d truly miss her, and cry and ruminate, I’d be grateful to find a better home for her and much needed ease for myself.

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  • INSANE710

    Low key the dog hates you more because it knows you hate it and is probably doing this for fun. Dogs are not dumb

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  • koozers

    for anyone stumbling across this thread late, I'd just like to point out that OP asks the question but continues to circlejerk with people on one side.

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  • Tybabyucf

    I agree I've had my Dog Star now for almost 4 years we got her off Craig's list and she was sick since she was a puppy. She didn't have any shots or vaccines or anything so we got all that done and found out she had mange. She had green snot drippin out her nose when she was first received from the sellers which turned out to be an infection. Fast forward two year after getting her mange under control she started itching every time I took her out to pee. Come to find out she's highly allegic to grass and breaks out in hives every time we take her outside. We take her to ban field to get the hives under control which cost us about 150 just for them to get the hives to go away. They hives then come back. Now she get red bumps all over her and starts dragging itching and actin insane when we take her outside. The vet told us she's a sever case and needs this 250 dollar medicine which includes 100 pills she would have to take one a day which means I would have to spend 1000 a year just on some pills. We jus added a new baby into our home and my baby is scared of her cus she acts real crazy with the itchin especially when people come around. The major problem we got with this damn stupid ass dog is that she eats her damn foot every day when she doesn't have the cone or the muzzle on!!! She eats her foot till it has blood all over her bed and till her food so badly chewed up she had blisters and scabs all over it and cannot even walk. This dog is driving me insane and she will b going to he pound in a week because I post a free listing for her and nobody wants her. She costin us an extra 3,00 a year with her medical needs and that doesn't include the cost of depression I get from having to watch her suffer in red bumps as well as deal with her and her grossness. Not to mention because her skin condition she always smells like Cheetos and her ears sometimes are filled with black shit. Long story short we provided star with a beautiful home but she got to go!!!!!!

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    • Ktothej

      Eww. That dog sounds like a monster. Get rid of it. Blech!

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    • CmdrLal

      Poor dog to be saddled with someone so heartless. I hope you’ll suffer the same hatred when you have major health problems.

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      • Mattie040

        Who are you to call someone heartless and wish on them major health problems. People like you; with their lack of perspective on all canine issues are the real problem. Shame on you. The dog described obviously needs specialist care and isn’t right for a family home with young children about. Guilt-mongerer.

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    • Tuesdayafternoon33

      Getting a dog is like having a baby,
      It’s work, you wouldn’t say the baby sucks , because it gets sick ,
      It s work, if you don t want to train, feed, walk, groom a dog, for god sakes, don t get one

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    • Adia

      Get some DinoVite. Put it on her food. It is a specially formulated vitamin and mineral powder for animals (dogs and cats) that they do not get from the food they eat. It really did help with my cat. His fur was coming out in clumps and he would chew his leg and scratch his ears till they bled. His coat is now healthy and shiny and no more itching , chewing and scratching. It really is worth a try.

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  • cutiebaby

    Contact Caesar Milan!

    I know what you mean though. We had a dog from a pound that chewed up the house EVEN WALLS! We gave him every chew toy and bone known to man and nothing worked. Other than that, he was a lovely dog though.

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    • CmdrLal

      Ah. You had a pitbull, not a dog.

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  • supersox316

    what kind of dog is it anyway?

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  • Punkfunk

    Yeah, two cheers for adopting from a pound! You should try to find a home that you think the dog would be more suited for nmh mom has 3 dogs and can't provide properly for them, and I wish she would just find them better homes too dogs need more than just food and water.

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  • katyd

    What kind of dog we are looking to get a dog

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  • dc22

    How can you return him or get rid of him? Dogs have feelings and emotions too

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    • Lilylove3

      So do people. If a dog is negatively affecting your life it's time for a new home. Sorry.

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      • littlelulu1999

        I agree Lilylove3.

        Good comment.

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        • you are a sad, sad bully....

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    • tkwonder

      Puppies can be little shits.

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