Is it normal to hate my learning disabled lab partner?
I am in college taking electrical engineering, which involves labs twice a week. My lab partner who we will call "dave" has learning and cognitive disabilities which he gets accommodations for. I have nothing against people with learning disabilities/cognitive issues but working with Dave every week makes me want to rip my hair out.
Dave always comes to the lab unprepared, and copies my answers to the pre-lab report. As soon as I start building the circuits Dave always rips them apart claiming I'm building them wrong, then proceeds to wire them very incorrectly,creating a short. He cant do even basic tasks and calculations(ie: he cant convert 5000ohm to kilo-ohms). He has no basic logic and every 2 seconds he calls the prof over saying " teacher she's doing it wrong" and then when the prof comes she says I did everything correctly. This always leads to us arguing over how to do it and since he screws everything up I end up doing the whole thing ( and we always get 10/10). Every time I assign even a tiny task to him he messes it up. For example, our circuit was hooked up to the power supply and I asked him to turn on his meter to measure the voltage. Instead of doing what I asked, he touched the hot resistors in the circuit with his fingers and got burned. I promptly shut off everything (cut power) and he said it was my fault he got burned. Later that day he tried to argue with me during the computer science lab saying that he was a year older than me even though we are 4 months apart( him feb 5 199X, me june 6 of that same year). I explained that we are 4 months apart but he said "NO IM A WHOLE YEAR OLDER, YOU DONT KNOW HOW TO COUNT". What an idiot...
In other words, I'm sick of having this moron for a lab partner who copies all my answers and acts like he's superior to me. I know he has moderate learning disabilities but he is so condescending and down right stupid that I was happy when he got burned. Is it wrong that I have no respect for him want him to fail out of this program? IS it wrong to think that people with such low intelligence/cognitive ability shouldn't be in a program like this? I feel so guilty for thinking this way.