Is it normal to hate other people's misuse of grammar?

Whenever someone talks to me either by speech or text, I absolutely hate it when they something incorrectly. For example, I have a friend that will say "brung" so nonchalantly it's sickening. Also, when someone writes out "did'nt", even if it is a typo, it annoys me to near death.

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73% Normal
Based on 49 votes (36 yes)
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Comments ( 22 )
  • anti-hero

    You might want to check yourself...

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    • Xyme

      There's a good example. The only thing that I get from your comment is that you need to put four periods at the end of your sentence instead of just three because if an ellipses ends a sentence, you still need the period that ends the sentence.

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    • binorm

      Before your wreck yourself. Unless you're making a joke. Then, it's well done.

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      • Xyme

        It's not a joke. Just looking at your sentence annoys me. I assume that it's a typo, though.

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        • I think you are missing the point, my friend. You have made about three to four grammatical errors in this post alone, which is why he said you should "check yourself".

          Being perfect with grammar (which you aren't), may be well and dandy for you, but don't expect people to take you seriously if you lack so much deductive reasoning that makes you seem like a troll being stupid for the sake of it.

          The irony is astounding.

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          • anti-hero

            That is what I meant for sure.

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          • Xyme

            I'm not trolling and I never said that I was perfect. However, when someone goes to that extreme of incorrectly conjugating verbs or putting in a random apostrophe or comma, it's annoying as fuck. It literally hurts my eyes to read it.

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            • Maybe people get irritated by the mistakes you have made aswell?

              I think you mean figuratively. Your eyes can't literally hurt from seeing grammatical errors.

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  • RomeoDeMontague


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  • Xyme

    The main person that I have this problem with is my friend. It always sounds like I'm talking to a child. Here's an example of a message that I just got from him: "i have maple story icon but says im disconected but i not". He will talk like that in person and through texts. It's so irritating.

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  • Xyme

    Thank you for being the first person to answer my question. The kind of mistakes that I made are the ones that don't bother me, however. The kind of mistakes that bother me are the ones that are really stupid, like saying "brung" or "did'nt". My friend who says "brung" says it proudly and it's embarrassing. For example, we were at GameStop the other day. I forget the sentence he used it in, but he said "brung" so casually like he knew for certainty that that was the past participle to the verb "bring" that I blushed and looked away from the cashier, a man whom I respect. I felt ashamed standing next to my friend.

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  • drugsrbadmkay

    According the the Vanderbilt Book of Etiquette, the ONLY time it is acceptable to correct another's grammar is if you are 1) their teacher, or 2) their parent. Since you are annoyed by complete strangers' misuse of the English language, you are are a dick.

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  • Avant-Garde

    It's a bit ironic since you made some errors yourself....

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    • Xyme

      The point of this wasn't for you all to show me how I'm not perfect. I know that I am not perfect. I never said that I am perfect. I did, however, ask a question that no one has answered.

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      • Avant-Garde

        I wasn't trying to tell you that you aren't perfect. In fact, no one is. Humans are a fallible species and it's a unattainable goal to strive for "perfection". Grammar is a excellent example. Everyone is bound to make some form of mistake with it.

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        • Xyme


          Errare est humanum. Descartes.

          I would rather answers that answer my question.

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          • Avant-Garde

            I often get the two mixed up, but oh well. It's past the 5min rule so it can't be fixed.

            *Also my knowledge of French is limited or at least I believe that's French.

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            • Xyme

              It's Latin. It makes sense that you would think that it is French since French is a Romance language.

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  • bristexai

    I hate you.

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  • Xyme

    What word did I miss out?

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