Is it normal to hate peeing in crowded bathrooms?

I physically cant pee when I know a bathroom is crowded at school and other places. if its crowded it intimidates me and if theres one guy in there than they'll be listening to me pee and I feel awkward! I always wait till the coast is clear and try to pee as quickly as possible at school before someone comes in. its not as bad if its at a mall with strangers or some place else but at school its different. I try to tell myself that everyone pees and its normal and sounds the same but I just cant do it. like my bladder becomes shy and shuts down.

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84% Normal
Based on 76 votes (64 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • Shroot

    I don't have this problem, but some of my friends think It's awkward and I can see why so you're 100% not alone

    I'm a nice person, so when someone is in the cubicle taking a dump I'll slide my hand underneath and yank their leg so they poo easier :)

    Society owes me

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    • Shackleford96

      That seriously just made me laugh aloud. Thank you sir, you have just made my day.

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      • Shroot

        Glad to know I could crack a smile


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  • Beach_Bro

    This used to make me uncomfortable, too. As I got older, it became a convenience issue, and I moved past being pee shy. I've been to stadiums, state fairs, and concerts where the men's room door is propped open and the urinals are visible from outside. I used to hate the open door, but now it doesn't bother me in the least if someone looks in and watches me while I pee. We all have to pee.

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  • Canttel!

    I hate it too!! So nasty!! Wat if they fling the door open

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  • cupcake_wants

    you must be a dude. poor dudes get the shaft as far as bathrooms go. You can't even take a dump w/o worrying that some dude is gonna come in the bathroom and see and smell your business for most public restrooms w/o doors on the stalls. and taking a piss you have to do it in front of other dudes.. that's gotta suck too. ya'll get no privacy.

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  • StorminMatt

    Going to the bathroom is one thing in which people generally want privacy. It's entirely normal to not feel comfortable going to the bathroom in a crowd.

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  • Pika-girl

    I don't like it when others are there. It makes me uncomfortable...

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  • gummy_jr

    I can't go unless I'm alone or REALLY have to go :(

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  • Holzman_67

    I used to have the same problem. It's just social anxiety really.
    this is when you need to transport your mind to that happy place, that shimmering oasis.
    I find by transporting myself elsewhere my body (including my bladder) relaxes up and I pee.

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  • ㅤㅤㅤ

    Normal, I do the same. But i tend to hide in bathrooms when I'm emotionally distressed anyways so eh.

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  • green_boogers

    Blame it on strict toilet training. These days, it's in style to make everything someone else's fault.

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