Is it normal to hate people of the same gender as you? (tl;dr below)

I'm female. I consider myself tomboyish. Whenever I meet other women that act feminine, I generally dislike them. I know that the way they are is NORMAL, but it always bugs me when I see a woman... Act like a woman.

This distaste for femininity has always been part of my life. As a child, I always told my older sister how much of a girl she was and how much I hated what she loved. I always disagreed with her. I always wanted to be stronger and cooler than her.

I connect more with men. I like to talk to men more than women because I find them funnier and in all honesty, more intelligent. The issue with that is is that when they find out that I'm female, they treat me differently. The respect I once had is lost. They either treat me like a delicate uwu or disregard me altogether. It's not fun.

These factors make it very hard for me to make friends. I dislike most of my gender and the opposite gender isn't interested in friendship. And I'm rambling.

TL;DR: I hate women who act like women and I prefer befriending men, which is difficult because I'm female.

Voting Results
55% Normal
Based on 22 votes (12 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • Tealights

    Minus the animosity toward women, I completely understand how you feel.

    For me, it's like being in limbo. I couldn't join the girl's team, because they don't talk about anything interesting and it's hard to connect with a lot of them; yet, I can't join the boy's team simply because their perception of women is fucked up and they want sex.

    You know how many male friends I was developing a bro-bond with until they find out I'm female? It's like the moment they get confirmation on my vagina status, I'm not their cool ass friend that had their back the toughest shooting match they had in days, I get demoted to "Potential girlfriend." Casual conversations turn into dumb ass questions about me being a girl who plays games, or what I look like, or where I'm from. The worse one for me is when they suddenly buy me shit in games that I've been saving up/grinding for, when months ago they told my broke ass to get a job. It's like a complete fucking 180. It got to the point that when I make male friends and they assume I'm another guy, I never correct them and simply never talk in voice chat. I seriously think that all men hear when you reveal that you're female is, "I have a vagina, Brad. It's wet and ready for you, please give me your dick."

    I wish I knew how to fix this. I connect way better with men online, but I can't comfortably be 100% myself like 30% of myself have to be shrouded in mystery. I tried to connect with women more, but it's awkward on many levels; and they always want to give advice when you never ask for it, it's weird...

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  • feedbackloop1

    I am a male and I sometimes really hate the masculinity shitshow some guys pull like walking like a bodybuilder and stuff. Trust me, these are quite normal where I live. And you are supposed to not be emotional and not cry and wear pink or even ethnic.

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  • So you want more women like you? You wanna connect with more or wanna fit in better or something? Sometimes I feel like an outcast cause I’m not super feminine. I am, but not as much as lot of em. Also are you saying guys don’t know you’re a girl till you say it?

    Anyway in conclusion it’s okay cause I hate you too.

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    • I don't want women to like me.

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      • Okay then I like you.

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  • Jimbo24

    Befriend other tomboys and masculine women.

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  • cipro

    It's normal, you sound cool.

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  • message-man

    cipro is right you sound awesome!

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  • Bitmap

    While I understand how you feel, and technically this is "normal" it's an unfortunate normal. It's a product of a society that despises women, views feminine things as weaker, and weaker things as repulsive.

    I used to feel very similar to how you do, but I personally realized that I am actually quite feminine and that I was denying that part of myself because I'm also a very competitive and power hungry type person. Those two things contradict each other in the traditional gendered society standards and I was actually very unhappy and didn't ever realize why. I still have friends from childhood that don't understand "what happened" and why I seem to "love pink now". And it's funny to me, because I never hated pink! I just didn't want people to dislike me for liking pink...if that makes sense.

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  • Flawless

    a lot of women hate other women but for different reasons.

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  • Doesnormalmatter

    A masculine woman, not a new idea. Have sex with the guys and then they will respect you more, or make friends with other masucline women. Other than that there really isn't much you can do honestly.

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