Is it normal to hate people pretending to be on diet?

B is obese and keeps getting fatter. One day B came in and announced her dietian put her on diet after series of health related issue which took her one year to finally see a doctor. She distribute the diet plan that the doc provided to "show" that she is on diet. But I know she is just putting up a show and pretending to diet in front of us. Normally I just ignore childish people like that but she is really going overboard to show that she is "on diet". Eating a two person portion fish soup+rice everyday (its suppose to be ok because fish soup is "healthy) but the thing is she is getting fatter and fatter. She don't eat vegetable and fruits, any attempt to ask her to go for a salad lunch will be rejected without hesitation and any concerned colleague (not me) asked her about the food choice she made she will argue her doctor did not say it is not allowed. Yesterday she ate fried chicken skin for god sake. I am hating her lazy obese ass more and more as I am trying be be healthy and she is undermining me all the way. We have this exercise programme that we do every week and everytime she will give an excuse to not join. Last week she said she has a stomacache but proceed to eat extra spicy chicken with fries during lunch. Is this what diet suppose to look like? My poor friends are tyring to be nice and encourage her but I know its useless because she is just pretending. When she is alone I bet she ate gluttonly which explain her weight gain. She is in denial thats her business but the way she is putting on elaborate show to indicate she is on diet everyday really annoys me.

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Comments ( 2 )
  • Terence_the_viking

    Pop a paragraph or two in there then we can talk.

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  • Ellenna

    Firstly, it's not your business and secondly, she obviously has an eating disorder, so why don't you just live your own life and stop bothering about hers

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