Is it normal to hate people who make noise

Is it normal to hate people who slam doors when they leave their house or when they make other noises? I cannot stand these ignorant SOB's anymore!! If you complain they look at you like they don't have a clue and that you're the one with the problem. Why is it that so many people DON'T know how to close a door?? You're suppose to turn the knob and just shut it gently. Do these idiots feel like the door won't lock unless they slam it so unbelievably loud? Believe me, it still locks securely. Just check it. I have new neighbors who let their kids run all through the house making all kinds of crashing noises. Stupid ass parents. One kid got really hurt the other day and was taken to the hospital. When I was a kid my parents would never allow my brother and I to run through the house. The parents in this place also seem to put their full body weight and slam on each step while going up their stairs. I don't know what the hell they're doing in there but I am curious why it is so necessary to make so damn much noise. When they bring in boxes they are too lazy to set the boxes down gently. They just drop them on the floor and it seems like my whole house is shaking. I believe that over time they are doing damage to their house as well as mine. I am very thankful they do not play loud music---well not yet anyway and I hope they don't. It's so damn ignorant to do that. No consideration for others. I have always respected other people and their right to live in peace. I will even tell them that if they think I'm making noise or that my TV is too loud to please knock on my door and let me know. All I've been hearing next door is thump, crash, bang. And it makes me wonder what the hell is going on in there! Don't these idiots ever relax and keep still or sit down to watch a movie? They have been living there for several months now so they should be settled. It is so unnecessary to slam your door when you leave your house. I would love to go over there and show them the correct way in how to close a door but I am sure they will look at me like they're lost and don't have a clue. Jeez, are there people THAT dumb? I guess there are. I had some friends over for dinner but none of them could relax. They kept saying "Just what are they doing over there"? People have a right to enjoy their meals in peace. I also hate those ignorant a---holes who play loud music in their cars at 3:00 am! They act like they have a right. NO ONE has a right to disturb other people! I would love to stand right next to them while they are in a nice deep sleep and blast some music right in their ear! They don't have a brain in their head!! No common sense to think that most of the neighborhood is sleeping at that time. Such low class idiots. I think of myself as an easy going person. I really don't have many complaints but loud people drive me crazy. I think people like this are insulting their parents. They didn't do such a good job in raising them. Thanks for letting me vent!

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78% Normal
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Comments ( 36 )
  • Sweet_Brown

    Honey this post is on need of paragraphs! I almost had an epileptic seizure trying to read this wall of text.

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    • gummy_jr

      In need**

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      • Sweet_Brown

        Correct me again punk and I'll knock yo lights out!

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  • azestypanda

    Eh, can you believe these fucking assholes hating on sound waves? They are just waves of sound. They literally don't have any effect on you, unless they are incredibly loud or you choose to pay attention to them. It will never stop. So you might as well accept that it's just a thing that happens in your life and move on. But yes it's normal.

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    • Jill123

      I do NOT "choose" to pay attention to them. Why would I want to pay attention to creepy low life pieces of garbage who have no consideration for anyone else? It would be so much better if I lived in a single home but I am in a row house and the walls are THIN. Unless you are deaf, you cannot help but hear these pieces of crap. I don't have to "accept" their ignorance when there are laws against "disturbing the peace". I know it's not just me because the people on the other side of them have complained too and said no one should have to live with such a low class of people. They pile their trash real high out on the lawn in big cans and the trash is overflowing. Years ago people would never do this. Their yards would never have anything showing in them except maybe some flowers. These low pieces of crap are drawing bugs and mice. The reason I don't go to the police is because my house is for sale now as I am looking for a place further out in the country. I have an Aunt who lives out that way and she said she feels like she has "died and went to heaven". She feels sorry for me and everyone on my street. Well she won't have to feel sorry for me for too long! (big smile).

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      • ThisIsImpossible

        Evil genius monologue voice. ^

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    • jeebley

      Sometimes they're so loud they're in your bellytones.

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  • As a loud neighbor I can probably explain things from their point of view.

    When seeking a place to live, I choose to be around loud people because they wont mind me being loud. I like to be up all hours of the night drinking and talking and making all kinds of noise. I play in metal bands and blast my PA system. I throw parties. I get in arguments with drunk friends in the middle of the street at 2 in the morning.
    Its just what I do.
    I would feel it is inconsiderate of my lifestyle to conform to other people because I would not be happy if I did not live this way. It's just how I am.

    When choosing a place, selecting compatable neighbors is very important. I would not move to a place where I need to be quiet.
    I understand some people do not like this life style but they too should find compatable quiet neighbors who are the same way.
    Of course you cannot always choose your neighbors, but you can select which type of place to live. This is why I will not live in apartments, or family style communities. I select places next to bars, or in ghettos, or in wooded areas.

    You wanting the opposite type of community should live somewhere where people are more likely to respect being quiet. I like people to respect my need to be loud and obnoxious.

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    • Jill123

      Okay. Be the way you choose. But I'm glad you are respectful enough of decent people who like peace and quiet and that you picked a place where the neighbors are just like you. Ghettos? And places where you argue with people? Sounds depressing to me. Not very healthy. I'd rather have fun with my friends and laugh, not fight and be loud. Anger raises your blood pressure. And high blood pressure can cause strokes and heart attacks. But if that's the kind of life you really like, then I hope you're having fun.

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      • I have fun and laugh too but sometimes arguments are unavoidable. Especially when your drinking with friends in the middle of the night and they start to get out of line I have to put them in their place which often involves a loud argument. For me I would be depressed if I lived a lifestyle of peace and quiet. I would get bored out of my mind. I like to party too much.

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        • Jill123

          Just because someone likes peace and quiet doesn't mean they never like to party. But my friends and I will rent a place to do that. It will be in an area where we respect and consider others. Our noise won't bother anyone. Quiet people also like to do things that might shock you. (smile). Didn't you ever hear the expression "You have to watch out for the quiet ones"? (smile).

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      • He was being so nice explaining the situation from his perspective, without being condescending or rude, and then you write this:

        "Ghettos? And places where you argue with people? Sounds depressing to me. Not very healthy. I'd rather have fun with my friends and laugh, not fight and be loud."

        Why did you have to put down his whole lifestyle and then comment about how superior yours is to his.
        Maybe you didn't mean to be but you just made yourself sounds like a big cunt. Good job! :P

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        • LornaMae

          I completely agree with you. And just for OP's knowledge, she did not call you a cunt, she said you made yourself SOUND like one, which is entirely different.

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        • Jill123

          I was NOT putting him down. I even showed concerned by letting him know that anger is not healthy and can lead to something very serious. In fact, in some people it can lead to death. Calling someone you don't even know as a "cunt" shows the type of person you are. Too bad. You can say all you want but I won't be reading this post anymore. Some of the people on here are way too sensitive and need a therapist. I did NOT call him any names like you did me. Too bad you have what's called "Diarea of the mouth". Writing me back will be a big waste of time since I won't be reading it.

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          • Anger is actually a healthy emotion, it's how people express it which *might* lead to troublesome behaviour.

            Technically, I didn't call you a cunt and I gave you the option to explain your way out of it.

            Perhaps it's your negative attitude that causes you to have so much hate in your heart for others. You might not be able to see it, but I bet it's obvious to everyone who comes into contact with you. Did you know that narcissists never question if it's them with the problem? Or they might ask if it is, but only in order for them to argue that it isn't---further convincing themselves. It's because they're too busy pointing fingers at other people and believing they are the victim.

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        • Jill123

          My life style IS superior to his! People who are kind, considerate and respectful of the feelings of others ARE better people than those who are loud, rude, obnoxious and don't give a crap about anyone else but themselves!! This is common sense, you fool! I have already blocked this website so please don't waste your time writing back. I definitely will NOT see your post. Just wanted to answer you before I get rid of this. You need to do some deep thinking. Anyone with a half of brain knows that considerate people who respect others are far better people than those who don't.

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          • But, you're clearly not one of those "considerate" people...
            you're just a cunt with high expectations.

            There, that time I called you a cunt and meant it.

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    • RoseIsabella

      ...wooded areas

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  • MasterOfWaffles

    Deal with it.

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  • lolol555

    Y'know what? I totally fucking agree. Fuck them. Really. Fuck them.
    The inconsiderate ones anyway.

    Fine, you LIKE to party. Fabulous. But when I was in dire need of sleep when my exams were just around the corner, I couldn't. I don't LIKE to do exams, I NEED to do them. These assholes kept making noise all fucking night and I couldn't sleep. I've complained about their shit before but nothing was done. I told them multiple times but they just laughed at me. Eventually I gave up, I didn't have time to make a big hassle about it. I was a very timid and shy person back then, it was almost painful to have to talk to these people who just took the mick out of me.

    Sigh... So yes. It's kind of emotional for me because I was so desperate for sleep that night and I never got it. The day of the exams I could barely see... Oh man. It was a nightmare.

    And oh yeah. At some other responses I've seen here, you think it's cheap to go and move somewhere else? Ha. Hahaha. That's hilarious. I can't say for OP's circumstances but for mine, I just didn't have the money. I was stuck where I was and sadly the people living with me just didn't care. I sure as hell would've gone to some dreamy countryside quiet place if I could.

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  • Foamy'sACoolSquirrel

    If you hate the noises so much, then why don't you move to a much quieter place like far out in the country or somewhere close to the mountains where there isn't so many people?

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    • Foamy'sACoolSquirrel


      Alright. Let me make one thing perfectly clear: I know it isn't cheap to move. I got it, ok? All I'm saying is that if the noise is THAT severe, moving is a well-thought idea. It's not an thought to be laughed at when one's in dire need of sleep or just peace of mind (I'm looking at you, Lolol555). Now that I've reinerated myself, I shall stop commenting on this and move on to the next post. Ciao.

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    Are you sure its there fault? I know every-time the conditioner on in my house you cant not slam the doors. Since the air creates a type of suction.

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  • Tommythecat.

    Is it normal to hate people who slam doors when they leave their house or when they make other noises? I cannot stand these ignorant SOB's anymore!! If you complain they look at you like they don't have a clue and that you're the one with the problem. Why is it that so many people DON'T know how to close a door?? You're suppose to turn the knob and just shut it gently. Do these idiots feel like the door won't lock unless they slam it so unbelievably loud? Believe me, it still locks securely. Just check it. I have new neighbors who let their kids run all through the house making all kinds of crashing noises. Stupid ass parents. One kid got really hurt the other day and was taken to the hospital. When I was a kid my parents would never allow my brother and I to run through the house. The parents in this place also seem to put their full body weight and slam on each step while going up their stairs. I don't know what the hell they're doing in there but I am curious why it is so necessary to make so damn much noise. When they bring in boxes they are too lazy to set the boxes down gently. They just drop them on the floor and it seems like my whole house is shaking. I believe that over time they are doing damage to their house as well as mine. I am very thankful they do not play loud music---well not yet anyway and I hope they don't. It's so damn ignorant to do that. No consideration for others. I have always respected other people and their right to live in peace. I will even tell them that if they think I'm making noise or that my TV is too loud to please knock on my door and let me know. All I've been hearing next door is thump, crash, bang. And it makes me wonder what the hell is going on in there! Don't these idiots ever relax and keep still or sit down to watch a movie? They have been living there for several months now so they should be settled. It is so unnecessary to slam your door when you leave your house. I would love to go over there and show them the correct way in how to close a door but I am sure they will look at me like they're lost and don't have a clue. Jeez, are there people THAT dumb? I guess there are. I had some friends over for dinner but none of them could relax. They kept saying "Just what are they doing over there"? People have a right to enjoy their meals in peace. I also hate those ignorant a---holes who play loud music in their cars at 3:00 am! They act like they have a right. NO ONE has a right to disturb other people! I would love to stand right next to them while they are in a nice deep sleep and blast some music right in their ear! They don't have a brain in their head!! No common sense to think that most of the neighborhood is sleeping at that time. Such low class idiots. I think of myself as an easy going person. I really don't have many complaints but loud people drive me crazy. I think people like this are insulting their parents. They didn't do such a good job in raising them. Thanks for letting me vent!

    Wall of text.

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  • Aliceee93

    I dislike people who slam my car door >:l

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    • Jill123

      Yeah, that too! I can't believe my windows didn't break yet! And when I tell these a---holes, they laugh!

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      • Aliceee93

        Same! My sister does it on purpose, wait until she starts driving mwahahahaha!

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        • Jill123

          On purpose? That's about as ignorant as anyone can get.

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          • Aliceee93

            To annoy me, it's what sisters do. Haha

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  • megadriver


    Anyone who slams my car door will get an ocean of insults and probably a kick out of the car!
    Oh and noone else but me drives my car. Gave it once to my girlfriend to drive literally 200m and for that distance she scraped half the rim! Then I had to repair it!

    I take pride in my car and just cause people are stupid and their cars look all dirty and old, doesn't mean they can turn my car into a clunker too!
    My car is classy, elegant and clean. The way a german sedan should be!

    I make sure my baby runs and looks like a dream.

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  • Jill123

    Tommythecat, I never got your response. Look above and you will see MY letter and it looks like it was written by YOU. Did you do this on purpose? I don't think so. Some kind of glitch in the system. However, I won't be reading this website anymore. I'll also be putting a "block" on my computer so I cannot get any more letters from here. Just don't care for the type of people on here. I can understand feeling angry and using bad language sometime, but it goes on too much here. Pieces of garbage. It would be so refreshing to read something from a person with a little class. Good Luck to you. Bye everyone.

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    • Hamid37USA

      Hello my amireca friend. My name Hamid. Your welcome. I look much foward to come in you country, USA, where I no have work. I will like you send I bank card number for use in deal for plane ticket. I am much excite to take your offer of sex when I arrive at you house where you will work for me.


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