Is it normal to hate religion?

Every time anyone mentions anything about religion or act on something because I religion I get furious because I think it is pathetic.

Voting Results
81% Normal
Based on 108 votes (88 yes)
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Comments ( 29 )
  • neopythagorean

    Well, it's not exactly normal here in our religion-obsessed society. However, I must say that I share your feelings of disgust when it comes to religion. It boggles me that adult men and women can believe in fairy tales and have imaginary friends like jesus and allah. What is more sickening is that peoples' rights get infringed constantly because of these delusions. I fucking detest religion. When will people wake up?????? Religion, if it MUST exist, should be a personal thing. In other words, people should keep it to themselves and leave it at home on election day.

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    • lickylickyloo

      so very true!

      religion is a fairy tale for scaredy cats who can't face the fact that when we die we cease to be.

      they use the bible and koran as a tool to manipulate others using fear and guilt. i see none of the love they profess to have in their strictures against gays marrying, the rights of women, masturbation and sex in general. they have their noses sniffing our beds when there's probably no action in their own.

      i also feel my gorge rise when they claim ownership of marriage (a SOCIAL contract, they get married in communist china too!). they claim there would be no morals without god as if we are incapable of being nice because it feels good to do good.

      there is no logic in their beliefs, they get torn down with ease yet they try to find a microscopic amount of error in evolution and claim it as a fallacy when their OWN beliefs are so pathetic they're laughable.

      they get laws passed that affect me (atheist) and can't mind their own f**king business!! i don't force them to NOT believe in god yet they try to make me compliant with their religion by proxy. for example, were i gay i'd have to conform to THEIR idea of what marriage is (in the 21st century no less)when they don't own marriage. lots of people use registry offices now

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  • anddrei

    dont get furious. be patient. maybe someday they will understand that adults are really not supposed to have imaginary friends.

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  • asscake

    I'm so with you on that I hate it to

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  • Ra1l

    The two greatest evils in the world are Organized Religion and Organized Government.

    I too hate when someone says "Thank God" for their achievements and the like.
    People are so brainwashed and they can't see it at all. Sheople.

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  • banananana

    So if god created everything then what created god? So there, god isnt real.

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  • theologian

    To be reasonable, I hate religion a little bit, but I don't hate a person. I wouldn't go so far for religious people to take over. Hermits I can stand, I can have a massive religious sympathy for hermits. Either religion is a corrupted tribe (or group of tribes), or Platonism has a different feel and the intellect is treated like a secular thing, which other Jews regarded as heresy.

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  • panicedatthedisco

    "There is indeed good and there is indeed evil, and both walk the earth. But good has little to do with the forms of religion, and evil has as little to do with so much behavior condemned by religion. Both good and evil vie for the passions of the heart. For love!" -ted dekker
    i voted yes
    right now ted dekker is the only christian who doesnt make me want to be a satanist

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  • Inspector019

    I suppose next we will get the ole "it's about faith in something greater than ourselves... Yada Yada... Sure sure whatever helps you sleep at night. Don't preach about faith until you are ready to leap off a cliff and have faith that your "God" will catch you. How do you explain an all knowing God that allows "faithful" followers and children to be murdered, tortured, raped, molested, beat, etc? Riggghhht, it's all part of God's "big" plan. I would hate to see what he is up to if that is the case, doesn't sound like anything I want in on. No thanks.... I will pass. Haha

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  • Inspector019

    Such compelling fact based arguments from the religious supporters on this topic....... Oh wait .....wait for it...... NOT!!! Hahaha

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  • squeegela

    Lol! I agree, it is pathetic! Also is very difficult to expect a believer to even attempt to see another point of view, even if they no longer believe in the tooth fairy, they still believe in god! WHY??!!??

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  • jokeresx

    It IS pathetic. So your completely normal.

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  • TheBritishBoy

    I wouldn't believe so. But then again, I wasn't brought up in a very religious household. How I see it is that people have made up their own religions to satisfy their needs. They shouldn't have to preach to others though.

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  • I just don't like the organized part of it. I mean, I believe in God and I believe in Jesus. Why doe the Catholic faith have to add these stupid rules. I'm so converting when I move out. I mean, did God HIMSELF say he didn't like gays or he didn't like IVF? No. Just a guy pretending to be God said that.
    So I'm going to live a happy prayerful life possibly without being part of a specific religion.

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    • Pretty_Hate_Machine

      Exactly thats why i don't believe in christianity. I believe that gay people have the same rights as you and i, even in heaven. i mean, why the hell should someone be condemned because of who they love? i think that anyone who believes in that part of the bible is a fucking moron.

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      • lickylickyloo

        and funny how those bits were only written by paul, a guy with a massive anger management problem. the other three weren't so hardcore.

        it amazes me xtians fall for this shit about god fucking his own mother so she could give birth to him so he could be nailed to a cross to make up for sins he encouraged adam and even to make in the first place (why make the tree, then TELL them about how great it is if you didn't want STUPID people to eat it (remember it was the tree of KNOWLEDGE, they were daft as dirt before that).

        and god killed everyone on earth except noah's family. how many did the devil knock off again? and umm all the animals fit on the boat and happened to be walking distance from it.

        onan - symbol of masturbation even though when he spilled his seed he was ... FUCKING A WOMAN at the time.

        christian logic = the ultimate oxymoron
        (and they say evolution is implausible .. lol)

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  • mshe11

    It's not suppose 2 b! According to, whoever decided that "we the people" believe in someone that NO ONE HAS EVER MET!!!! My father and I don't speak, because he became religious! Hmmm, isn't there a saying, "thou shall not judge!" I feel the same way as the 2nd person who commented, orgi gov & orgo relig!

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  • Pretty_Hate_Machine

    you know, i dont really like religion all that much. It creates fights between people and it gives people reason to do "nice" things instead of wanting to do them for the sake of being nice.

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  • Wow we all need God in our lives. You guys seriously need to wake up.

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    • timberwolves03

      Dude you need to start studying philosophy and reading books other than the bible.

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    • Pretty_Hate_Machine

      i think im pretty fucking awake : D

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  • chicabonita

    God is religion it should never be thought of as bad. God is everything and everyone it shouldn't disgust you God isn't pathetic there for religion isn't.

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  • mini

    Like ur body need food, ur soul need religion bc without it ur life's a mess. We need guidelines to live in a good healthy way.

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    • timberwolves03

      Guidelines are your emotions. People without emotions couldn't evolve. We do.

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    • Pretty_Hate_Machine

      my life is a mess regardless if i have a god in it or not. I don't need the backup of "oh im doing this in my life cause god told me so". no, fuck that. im doing the shit in my life cause god gave me the smarts and the stupidity i use everyday to make my decisions.

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  • quaips

    Religion is optional and voluntary, at least Christianity is in this country so what is all the fuss about?
    Some people want to control our thoughts, these are usually atheists.
    Here is a conspiracy theory. Those who hate religion and want to abolish it are running scared. They cannot be sure that there is no life after death or no reward of heaven so they seek to clear the world of religion so that there will be no qualifiers to enter heaven and God will see that the place is so empty that He will just let everyone in to fill it up. Hey presto ! the atheists and pagans get in after all alongside any remnants of Christians who have remained true to the faith. Wow.

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  • It's funny what your all saying because U won't be laughing when u r all in he'll and all the Christians are in heaven

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    • lickylickyloo

      hell doesn't exist\

      lrn2biblical history

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    • CaptainObvious

      Yes they will.
      Heaven is gay.


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