Is it normal to hate religion?

Why do so many people despise religion? Is it the religion itself or the followers?

Voting Results
82% Normal
Based on 93 votes (76 yes)
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Comments ( 20 )
  • bubber

    All you cocky atheists are all ignorant and close-minded. Religion is a way of finding peace with oneself, and help when there is none. Don't criticize any other religion because you don't have the strength of compassion.

    Say something worth saying. If not, close your big mouths.

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    • kawaiigurl

      Most atheists are atheists because they've given religion a chance and it's just not for them and they just are not religious people. You are the one being ignorant and closed minded right now for thinking people don't want a religion because being an atheist is "cool" some people like myself don't need a higher power to rely on during hard times and they just figure it out on their own. Atheists are not too weak for compassion lol it's just not for everyone. I'm sure your god said not to judge so stop.

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  • It's probably the followers, especially Christian and Muslim fundamentalists that people have a problem with.

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  • juswannahelp

    Anyone who hates religious people has most likely met people with many rules, or who gossip about others, just people giving people a bad name. I don't call myself religious, I call myself a Christian. If you would like to meet others who are non judgmental and caring, please look up our facebook site Disciples For Christ. Hope to see you there. God is love, not judgmental, not hateful or hurtful. He loves u no matter what you do or don't do.

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  • anarchy-is-glory

    I do Hate religion, all of them. It is Normal To hate it, it promises everything, it tricks you, takes your money, makes you have "faith" in something that probably not exist.
    Makes you separate others beacause they have different points of view or believes.


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  • jesusdiedlol

    Jesus died lol

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  • iboy038

    i was a victim of religion i was taught to believe in god but i gave him chances to help me why i suffer so much and then i gave up on him and then, i notice that he isn't real. he is just a thought that has been put in people minds to belive in without telling them real truth. that's that i have to say.

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  • cincy82

    Religion has never done anything positive. However if our focus is on a person Jesus Christ he will change your life. He truley is the light of this world.

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  • seascape

    some people see it as weak. a weakness in others that they despise. thet must fear weakness in themselves. i see it as a strength but if you look from afar its easy. up close the details can br nauseating. muslims ew yuk jews nthe same ew yuk.sniffing each others arses bending scraping in dresses all together in maledom.i spose its easy to hang around together, there on the winning side. anyhow who the hell cares.

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  • Rusty-Rider

    I believe in Martians but they admit that they are not gods.
    Their advanced technology just makes them appear to be gods to inferior races like humans.

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  • Missaye

    Religion is conformity, I don't like it or believe in it. I am a Christian, however, I attend a church that encourages you to have your own relationship with God. Don't let people think for you, think for yourself.

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  • Jeci_Cassidy

    I understand what your saying. I don't hate people that are not the same religion as me, I just don't like the people that get all up in my face and tell me I'm going to burn because I'm Pagan. So I just hate certain people of a religion not the religion it's self.

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  • YeeP

    @Seascape WTF did you just say?

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  • jaws222

    It's abnormal to believe in Religion. It was created to scare people. The opiate of the masses.

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  • Well if christians, Muslims etc were right then why do they keep coming up with excuses such as "you need faith" or "god can't show himself" or "the only way to heaven is through jesus". They are just a load of pathetic excuses.

    If there was a god then why doesn't god just show himself and prove he is real. All we get are very unreliable claims from "brainwashed" religious people that they have seen Jesus!

    Then you get the the wars between religions when most religions I know are based on peace and loving?? Doesn't really make sense. Sounds more like an old way of keeping people in check like some old king wrote a fancy bible to make people follow him without argument or something?

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  • inuteronevermind

    Religion sucks. It tears people apart, kills people by wars. You know what I say? Fuck religion. Blow it. Finger it. Hump it. Hate itt...

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  • kuro_inzen

    Actually God is that asshole kid in 3rd grade with a big fucking magnifying glass, setting the ants on fire at recess and laughing about it because he gets a kick out of it.

    If there was such a thing as God, this world would not be fucked up because a God would do shit right on the first try and make sure nothing can go wrong.

    my evidence: nigger in the white house.

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  • deepthought33

    The conundrum is that the weaknesses that one side sees in the other are in fact viewed as strengths by that latter side. There will always be hate, judgments, assumptions and oversimplifications as long as these divisions exist.

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  • [We are all] atheists, I just believe in one fewer god than you do.
    When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours. ~Stephen Roberts

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    • How about something that YOU think...not some quote you found. Why are you atheist? It seems like the "cool" thing to be doesn't it? Not a free thought, but a following?

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