Is it normal to hate religion
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I would like to know what you think.
Your opinion matters, but don't oppress anyone with your beliefs.
Hate is a strong word... but I certainly dislike it. It would be a positive thing I think if religion became exstinct and was replaced by peoples own, unique and personal "beliefs" systems, manifested from there own personal experiences in life, not dictated to them, or used as a tool of control. To each there own should be the way of the world.
Of course it's man's darkness. But those who fail to see the darkness that they created can never truly see the light.
You example of raising taxes is a bit extreme. Any society that experiences this will rise up and a revolution will happen.
Yes, men are selfish. But being selfish isn't always negative. We are often working towards a common goal. It all boils down to basic needs: chop wood, carry water. If you help me fell a tree we can both have wood. And why wouldn't we share the fire? Just because it benefits the individual does not mean it isn't benefiting the whole. Working together makes life easier for the individual. We are social creatures so this comes naturally to most people.
It's inherent. And of course we do, this is how the justice system works. This is the root of vengeance. It's a game of balance- searching for equilibrium of all experiences. This is how human sacrifice was morally acceptable in some cultures. But first, you need to define what is right and what is wrong.
Just because terror works, does not make it the only "true morality." Compassion works too.
I didn't answer the darkness in religion before because the post was getting lengthy. But I'm glad you are paying attention. Darkness- there are so many examples. The crusades, witch hunts, suicide bombers, the killing of doctors who preform abortions, protesting funerals of gay soldiers. If you deny that darkness exists, you can never see the light. You need the dark, to define the light. And you need the light to define what it means to be dark. They cannot exist alone. And if you ignore this shadow, you can't really see the light.
And yes, this darkness lurks deep within us all. How will it manifest?
And yes, I can be very naive. I know this about myself. But I have to believe that judges are fair and just because if I don't, then the world become a dark and ugly place. This does not mean I think that all judges are fair and just- many of them are corrupt. But not all of them.
There is enough cynicism in this world I do not need to add to it. But don't assume this means I let people walk all over me. Truly people rarely do.
Oh Valkeer...
A judge does not have the privilege to judge by this standard. It isn't his job. His job is to be a judge and to interpret the law as he deems fit. However, in his home- when he isn't working. I hope he treats his son with the same temperament he would expect from his father. (However this is often how negative patterns of abuse are established)
And don't fool yourself into thinking that people are incapable of punishing themselves. This is where guilt creeps in. Not that everyone is capable of this, Some people have very odd moral compasses.
But the man who skids on the ice and accidentally hits and kills a small child who is playing nearby will likely punish himself far more than any court system ever could.
I hate religion too. They all have dark shadows they ignore (or blame darkness on something other than the individual (self).)
My dad taught me to live by the golden rule. Do unto others as you would have done unto you. It's a simple philosophy, yet effective.
"To each THEIR own should be the way of the world"
By saying that every man should have the freedom to go their own way you are intolerant of any other way of life. You forbid others to live any other lifestyle other than the lifestyle you subscribe to.
And if you didn't you'd be intolerant of anyone who would try. Bigotry is coiled into any religion and any idea. It is unavoidable.
But for what reason do you mindlessly hate religion?
It's usually the atheists like Saloth Sar, Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler and Kim Jong Il that end lives so why not hate atheism as it produced more destructive leadership than any other idea/religion in the history of the world?
First, atheism is not a belief, it's a lack of belief. Second, who really knows what those four dictators, fascists, and whatever actually believe. I mean take Kim jong for example, he's actually mentally ill and he really likes pop culture.
The deaths that they have caused are nothing comparable to the deaths Crusades caused. Do you know what a crusade is?
Did you know that they actually thought they where right for doing what they did. The Spaniards came to the Americas to force the native people to believe in what they did, where the fuck is free will in that?
Read up on things before you think dude.
Atheism is no longer a lack of belief; in this modern world it is a belief system in itsself. It has become almost a cult, with men like Richard Dawkins urging atheists to 'come out' and stop being scared of being put down by stupid believers. Beware that you do not become the beast you slay.
Is it the history of violence, corruption, and child abuse that religion carries that you hate? If that is the case, it is not religion you hate, but human nature. If there were no such thing as religion, humans would find some other convenient excuse to exploit people and cover up immoral behavior. For Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin, atheism and evolution filled the role nicely.
immoral behavior? Morality is relative to the person who acts, so who are you to say what is and isn't immoral.
Atheism has shit to do with dictators or fascists.
What skin complexion is god anyway? Who made him, and what makes you sure?
God doesn't have a skin complexion; he's not made from the same f*cking matter as us! God is the creator. We live in a universe where everything has to come from somewhere. But if you try to diffuse belief by saying "Who made God?" and think you've won, you must hold true the rule of there being a necessity for a creator and ask who made flowers, trees, landscapes, worlds, nebulae, subatomic particle, galaxies and invented matter? Quite.
Yes yes totally normal! In fact as I see it religions are the source of so frraking many humanity issues. Religion fanatics are DANGEROUS.
Loof for "the root of all evil?" documentary over the internet.
Religion is a filthy disgusting murderous thing that has been the death of billions. Religion is man's understanding and rules about God. Belief and God, however, and the greatest thing in the whole of reality.
"Religion has killed billions"
First...LOL. There is no single event in human history that has killed billions let alone over the span of 6000 years.
Today alone there's only 6 or 7 billion people and in the ancient considerably less so. For your statement to be true religion would have to have killed everyone whoever existed in the past + more that never were.
I like how you ignored the fact that recent history's worst despots were atheists and hate religion just as you do.
Good DAY sir!
To put it more simply:
How many people would believe in Christianity if they knew it led to Hell? How many would believe in democracy if they could lose their lives?
Most people have never cared for what's right. They only care for their own lives and what will make it easier.
"Atheism isn't a belief"
A belief is anything that attempts to categorize and understand the world around us and states it as a truth. Atheism fits that.
Even if you said, "I don't believe in anything. There's nothing to believe in", is a belief in that there is nothing to believe in. It is an enescapable reality that you will hold beliefs in this life. Atheism IS a belief. Your accepting it or not won't change the reality of it.
Even if you were to resist me and say, "NO! It's not true that I have to hold beliefs in this life". THAT in itself is a belief.
"You just described religion"
A man void of virtue (religion) is a man ruled by his base desires and is no better than the unthinking animal. My example was to show man's failure to achieve greatness THROUGH religion, not that his failure was a product of it.
No, in fact man can only achieve greatness when he has put aside his own selfish desires and submitted himelf to an ideal.
Look at Martin Luther and the Diet of Worms, Wilm Hosenfeld, the Numantians, Martin Luther King, Emperor Napoleon, Charles Martel, and Rommel and tell me these weren't men who's actions weren't guided by their virtues.
But any man who desires his own life above all else will not only lose it but also solidify his place in obscurity.
Guys get this- I Can't Be Stopped.
@ Valkeer:
"in fact man can only achieve greatness when he has put aside his own selfish desires and submitted himelf to an ideal"
- SOOOOOOOOOOOOO many things wrong with that statement. This is a completely subjective statement (opinion) with no substance. Even more so, you basically say that a man "doing for self" will never accomplish as much as he would have, had he conformed to religion [correct me if i'm wrong]?
But isn't religion, within itself built upon selfishness? Personally, I view it as an excuse for ultimate selfishness. In 95% of religions (at least in the most dominant ones out there) "God" or whoever the higher power may be ALWAYS comes first (growing up in a devout christian home, this was stressed). Before family, friends, work, school, etc....comes god. But what is the ultimate goal of it all? 9 times out of 10, to be rewarded in some way; whether heaven, 50 virgin bitches, 10 tons of loud, etc.
As I see in many religious peoples' lives, every thing is done with the same mindstate..."I'll be rewarded for this eventually". So when Christians donate to charities and all the other goody 2-shoe bullshxt they go about...i see through the smokescreens for what it really is...selfish at its root.
Another problem that just sticks out to me is the whole "I am not worthy" bit. Even if a god DID create me, i would not spend my life bowing to him talking about how i was live it! if your creator took the time to create you...i doubt it was for you to spend your short period here on his dick -__- But I couldn't praise anyone in this hypothetical, let alone real world.
Religions all together promote group conformity (which I hate) and self-belittling (which I also cant fucking stand) so yes, "Anonymous Author"...I HATE the shxt too.
--P.S.--my first IIN response lol i feel so accomplished.
1. You're fooling yourself if you really believe there's anything inherit (read: born with) in human nature that desires to right wrongs and cares what's morally right.
Man's only true morality is the terror and punishment the law provides.
2. You never answered why you believe that religion has "darkness" in it.
A man sees the world as he sees himself. When you see the cruelty and subhuman mentality in religion are you perhaps glimpsing into yourself?
3. Again, you're being very naive if you think judges don't interpret the law through the lens of their own beliefs and "moral compass".
"They all have dark shadows they ignore?"
Like what? Explain yourself.
"Do unto others..."
Ok but when two nations clash over what idea/belief will create the best society, how do you apply that emotionally relative philosophy?
How does the judge apply it to the murderer? How does a father apply that to his son when he's screwed up?
If he were to live by that then the son and the murderer must escape punishment as no man dreams of punishment, terror, and destruction for himself so how could he deal it out to others?