Is it normal to hate slacktivism? especially internet slacktivism

Slacking off + Activism = Slacktivism, for those who aren't familiar with the term. Basically, lazy activism, or doing something minimal requiring no effort as a form of bringing about change or for a good cause.

Liking posts, forwarding emails, signing online petitions - None of these will do a thing in the end. Little Billy isn't going to get a new kidney if you just sit on your ass. And if you don't do those things personally, you probably know someone who'll spam your wall at a seconds notice.

If you're really passionate about an issue and want to make a difference, donate your time and money instead.

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81% Normal
Based on 69 votes (56 yes)
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Comments ( 15 )
  • dinz

    We have turned into a society of whiners. We can whine all day about a problem but instead of being proactive and think of a solution we are quick to jump off the soapbox and pass the buck to someone else.

    Funny enough eventually it comes back to us and BLAM back to square one WHINING repeats. Cycle repeats.

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    • KaffeInjection

      Now i want to sit in my couch and whine for 5 hours.

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  • Charmo

    I agree. We should start an online petition to end slacktivism!

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    • Johnnytherat

      i would soo spam the topic creators inbox/wall with that petition lmao

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  • dom180

    I prefer it a million times to people who don't even care. Signing petitions can work because it creates awareness for a cause, and therefore makes it more likely that other people will do something more proactive. It isn't much, but it isn't nothing and it seems like a silly thing to worked up about. It's annoying when people are arrogant enough to think they're changing the world by signing a petition or raising some awareness, but to be honest I don't see that happen very much at all. Most people who do those things know they aren't worth that much to their cause, but because it doesn't take much effort they think "well, it's better than nothing". And they're right, it is.

    There is a downside though, obviously. Sharing a Facebook post won't do a thing; those things are always created by people who invent some sort of sick tragedy (I saw one yesterday about a boy in hospital, beaten by his father, saying the boy'll get 45 cents for every time someone shares the picture) to get publicity for their Facebook page. The difference is that these are *obviously* fake causes, and the boy beaten by his father isn't even real. I don't hate the people who get taken in and share the image believing they're helping but the people who invent those lies in the first place.

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    • myboyfriendsbitch


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  • ProseAthlete

    Not only is it normal to hate slacktivism, it's admirable. All the idiots who change their FB profile pic to the cause du jour and feel they've made a difference make me want to spit.

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  • Light-fingered

    Isn't that what you're doing now? Protesting something on the internet and not doing anything about it?

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    • User-name

      I was gonna say that. Thanks for taking the words outta my mouth.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Johnny isn't ready for his close up.

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  • I am a proud slacktivist and I resent that.

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  • Shackleford96

    Ha! I might be somewhat of a slacktivist. LOL.

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  • anti-hero

    That sounds like an oxymoron to me.

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    • mixwell

      I agree..

      Slacking off + Activism = Oxymoron

      I think you should have titled it apathetic activism which would make more sense.

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      • anti-hero

        I assume by "you" you mean the OP.

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