Is it normal to hate someone and their dog so much?
I am a medical student living with a few other medical students. You would think that as future physicians they would show a certain amount of empathy and compassion towards all living beings, but this situation has shown me otherwise.
One of these roommates has an awful dog who continued to stalk my cats (going from door to door sniffing around and trying to get into the room), after several attempts on my part to eliminate this behavior. Little action was taken by him and the dog continued to be obsessed with my cats without the necessary disciplinary actions needed by her owner.
After returning from my short visit home, I was told on the way home (by my boyfriend who also lives here) that the door was left open and the dog had chased down my cat- leaving her paralyzed. The cat was left to suffer for 24 hrs until I returned home to take her to the vet. Unfortunately I had to put her down to sleep.
After I returned home, I notified the owner that he was to pay for the vet bill and to keep his dog out of my face- and to keep her away from the cat I still have. This means locking her up when he is not home- and putting a stop to her stalking behavior. He yelled at me and blamed it on my cat. That is when I lost all respect for this human being despite his actions to fix the situation a few days later.
My question: Shouldn't it have been his responsibility to take my cat to the vet ASAP in order to avoid suffering on her part?
Also is terrible that I literally hate this individual and that I dream of hurting his dog? I feel so terrible for wanting to hurt a dog, but I have never had so much hate in me before. It has been a week now and I still can't look at the owner in the face. He makes me want to puke.
What would you have done? Wouldn't you expect more out of medical students?