Is it normal to hate the bible?
It is just so confusing, and disagrees with itself so much that I hate it. What are your opinions? Is this normal?
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It is just so confusing, and disagrees with itself so much that I hate it. What are your opinions? Is this normal?
I hate math textbooks.
But I haven't read the bible yet. How does it end? Does Jesus find love and settle down?
I hope that was a joke. Because when you die you will be judged by what you have done, on this earth....I would ask God for forgiveness. I pray for you.
I suppose that's sort of True* if you believe in the triune God.
*Not to be confused with lowercase-t true.
Hate is a strong word for a book which is powerless without people to interpret it.
I love the bible. There's no better tool to argue with Christians with. The faces people get when you contradict them using their own source are rather hilarious.
It's hard to contradict someone who hasn't said anything yet. I'm mainly referring to the ambiguity and outright contradictions in the Bible that many Christians (not all) don't even seem to realize are there.
Alright. One simply example is when through some happenstance the OT gets brought up and the rather insane laws and genocidal events contained in it. Many Christians will say "Oh but that doesn't matter. That's the OT. Jesus did away with those laws." My response then is simply to bring up Matthew 5:18-19.
"For truly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass the law until all is accomplished. Whoever then relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but he who does them and teaches them shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.”
There's also the ever popular claim that God is love. Bringing up practically any OT event destroys this one as well as some of the things said by Jesus in the NT.
PICK something from old testament so I can explain it through the Bible. I asked you to challenge me, not tell me what somebody else said about it. So come on already. Pick as many instances as you want, and I give you my word I'll answer all of them, and give them to me in Bible verses.
Yeah I agree with you. This is why. People all have different opinions. The message is clear but the opinion changes over and over depending on who tells it. People change it to fit their own personal needs. So lets say the bible said "don't eat fish, don't kill, don't steal" but the people who find it like sushi they will add "Can eat fish, do not steal, do not kill".
That is also why the old testament was so extreme and the new testament says just to accept people for who they are. Since each interpretation shows the mind set of the person reading it. In the past everyone took everything very severe. In the future we did not think it was as much of a big deal. In the past people said "She is different must be a witch KILL IT!" which is absurd. Yet now there is actually some people who will sympathies.
I think there was a message in it somewhere but it became changed over the years so much that its just so different now. Most of the main rules are kind of obvious and any idiot could figure out but people are kind of stupid so we have to explain why "Rape, murder, and adultery is wrong". Here is one thing you should no.
I will sum it up for you. "Be a good person, treat other how you want to be treated, think about how your actions effect others before you do it". Remember we are all connected and everything you do might indirectly be affecting someone you never really considered. A law book has big laws, the bible is just a book saying how to live life. Without gods word or not should we not all just be good people? Yet no we have assholes everywhere and they will continue.
This might sound like something out of a film but we are all indirectly affected by everything and everyone else. Its like the butterfly effect. Its a real thing and its something we should pay attention to.
Just pointing out some ridiculous religious FACTS (ie What Bible believers agree to)
The Old and New testament were both the words of god (yes they stuffed up there big time)
The bible does NOT explain how rape and murder is 'wrong' actually it condones it, so much so that even your own children can be murdered by you for idiotic stuff.
The bible is NOT a 'be a good person' type of book. Actually so far as morals goes, I'd say its the opposite of good, or possibly placing it with a better 'feeling', it would be wise to 'hate' it.
I could see where you were trying to head. But the bible message is NOT clear, and since this topic is about the bible itself, you are wrong in saying just be good to others, since the bible itself is a total stuff up.
I'm generally met with abuse after criticizing peoples comments, but I can't help myself but to state the truth. The bible is just BS, and should be kept FAR away from any children.
Have you been on the internet for very long? The internet is crawling with atheists.
Of course it is normal to hate slavery, sexual abuse, ordering of killing of thousands of people, castration, burning of cities, killing first borns, slaugther just to feed the ego of their so called 'God'. It is basically, "Hey! You there! I am God. I love you but I will burn and torture you for eternity if you just not believe in me". Clearly an insecure God.
It's reasonable to be angry with it and frustrated with it, but hate is a strong word. I do agree that it contradicts itself and is full of bull (which doesn't run parallel to modern society... ok, I best stop there before I go off on one.)
The bible is filled with curses. And all curses can be undone & that time is near......
I think its normal. But also not so normal. Because the devil is taking over your soul and if you don't ask God for forgiveness and be holy then you might end up being....nvm
I had to read it in high school. For the most part, I found it dated and boring. The book of revelation was kind of cool though.
Well yeah its normal loads of people hate the Bible you can technically hate anything!
Jesus Is The One And Only , The Bible Tells Us That , The Bible Gives Out Hints On How To Live .. The Bible Brings Us Closer To God , The Bible Is Suppose To Be Like You Daily Bread , You Must Feast On It To Become Strong !!! The Bible Is Amazing , Do Yourself A Huge Favour And Start Reading It !!!