Is it normal to hate the eye doctor?

I hate the eye doctor so freaking much. Geez all my friends love it but i feel like its a waste of my time and i HATE the eye drops they put in. I feel normal but compared to my friends im a freak.

Voting Results
87% Normal
Based on 126 votes (109 yes)
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Comments ( 17 )
  • NotFloydzie

    My eye doctor is so strange. Every time I go he acts a different way towards me. The fist time he was humorous, the second time he tried to flirt with me, the third time he acted like he was having a bad day, and the fourth time he actually behaved like an eye doctor. I don't think any doctor can get worst than mine.

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    • Bonnabell

      First time he was probably trying to be friendly and make you feel comfortable, the Second time he was probably frisky and thought you looked appetizing and hey he could have just been having a bad day the third time. Maybe his wife got upset with him or something bad happened. Fourth time maybe he figure you were not interested or he just thought maybe I should start acting like a doctor. Or you could be mistaking his trying to be friendly and humorous as flirting. Not uncommon for doctors to try to make there patients feel less afraid.

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  • ForMyPeaceOfMind

    Although I am not as weirded out about going to the eye doctor as you, I find just going to a regular doctor a pain! You basically have to drag me there by the hair. Anyway, I can see your plight about going to the eye doc, I hate when they puff air into your eyes...but it happens rather quickly, so not too grueling! Afterwards though, you get to pick really nice glasses...something that compliments your style!

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    I never keep the same eye doctor, usually because I try to put off getting new glasses as much as I can because changing my prescription causes my glasses to give me a head ache.

    My most recent optometrist is a fucking dick.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I've had a variety of eye doctors and the two I liked best were both men. The rest were either a pain in the ass or they rubbed me the wrong way. The guy I'm with now is a sweet and interesting man. I was referred to him because I had a disastrous appointment with this woman. I have this extreme eye related phobia and I ended up having a panic attack when the assistant said they were going to stick drops in my eyes. So, I'm busy crying in the room and the doctor comes in and she was the worst. She acted so unprofessional by cracking jokes at a time like that! Then the people in her office were rude. Ugh! Anyway, the guy I'm with now has more technologically advanced techniques so I don't have to deal with those damn eye drops!

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  • Justsomejerk

    Yeah, that guys a dick.

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  • VioletTrees

    My optometrist is a really adorable old man who gets excited that I read books. ♥

    They usually don't need to do the eye drops on me, though, because my pupils are almost always dilated.

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  • I hate getting my eyes checked but I like my doctor. It's not a waste of time. I had to get laser in my right eye to seal a few retinal tears. They had to poke my eye with a needle to numb it.

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    • Avant-Garde

      I would literally die if I had to go through that.

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      • It sounds freakier than it really is because you can't see the needle coming towards your eye, they poke the white of it from the side, but it did pinch. The actual laser procedure was worse.

        I had 2 surgeries on my other eyes and the second time around I wasn't as groggy so I could hear the doctor ask to pass the various instruments he was using on my eye. XD It was kind of cool though because I could see what he was doing through my eye, like when he was putting silicone oil in my eye it was swirling around.

        You would have probably passed out before surgery because they have to put eye drops in your eye 6 or 8 times. XD

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        • Avant-Garde

          There's no way they'd be able to get anywhere near my eyes. I can't even finish my appointments with crying and panicking. I can't get drops put in or get my eyes "scanned". My doctor can only use a few electronic and manually techniques.

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  • howaminotmyself

    My sister inlaw hates the eye doctor. She doesn't like anybody putting things in her eyes, incuding herself. It's a strange phobia of hers. I've ony been once and don't remember the experience enough to like or dislike it.

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  • mike129

    going to eye doctor today,last time was 30 years ago

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  • dirtybirdy

    I went once a long time ago. I have no need for those people. These precious emeralds are just fine, you see.

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  • Anime7

    I like my optometrist. I think he suffers from depression though. Either ways, he's professional and very helpful.

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    • Avant-Garde

      I remember the first appointment I had with my current eye doctor which was going great and then he started talking about the type of doctors with the highest suicide rate. He said that it was dentists and we were all surprised that it wasn't therapists instead. I like him, but compared to all of the other eye doctors I've had he's different. There's something kind of sad about him.

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      • Anime7

        Sad isn't really a bad thing for me. As long as he performs his job I'm happy. I remember that when I was at my appointment I kept looking as his ring finger to see if he was married; turns out he wasn't. I feel bad that he's not married and I think that could be linked to his depression.

        Also, I'm surprised that therapists don't commit suicide as often as dentists. It's kinda funny because my dentist is extremely perky and a very nice lady to talk to. ha.

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