Is it normal to hate the sound of fat people eating/breathing?
I cannot stand the sound of fat people eating or breathing. Even if i see a fat person eating, it seriously bothers me. This sounds awful, and it actually is..but I just can't stand it.
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I cannot stand the sound of fat people eating or breathing. Even if i see a fat person eating, it seriously bothers me. This sounds awful, and it actually is..but I just can't stand it.
Same here but it's not just fat people; I don't like hearing the sound of people eating in general.
I hate the sound of stupid ignorant self-centered vain judgmental arrogant uncaring compassion-less assholes talking.
Table manners are important - small or large - anyone that displays more noise than polite can be distracting from even the best tasting food
Yes, eww. All that nasty animal flesh going into their mouth. But you're talking about people so fat that even sitting still or walking slow their breathing is labored, right? Especially guys (I'm straight). It's really sad some people have this disability, though.
Oh god oh god oh god...
I have a cousin that I just visited today (well, more like I visit his parents, but anyway), and he is obese. He has gained a shitton of weight in the past 6 months (around 5-10 pounds a month) and his eating habits are disgusting. He literally just fucking eats all of the time. Every two hours, he has to have popcorn or candy or a brownie or SOMETHING.
But it is not his constant eating that bothers me so much as the way he constantly eats. He puts as much shit on that food (cheese, dressings, etc.) as he possibly can and he just wolfs the food down. I don't even know how he can taste it, but he eats it as if he is starving to DEATH and his breathing and chewing... "nangh nangh nangh gasp wheeze nangh gasp nangh wheeze" is the most disgusting thing that I have ever, EVER seen. And an hour later he goes "I'M HUNGRY" and does it all over again.
And his breathing, my God... he is so fat that it is restricting his breathing, he wheezes and gasps and it just sounds like... I can't even describe it. One can't behave that way without having a complete lack of respect for themselves, and the sad thing is that he talks about his weight as if he has no CHOICE but to be obese. Whenever the issue of weight comes up he says "Well I'd be as thin as you if I could choose to be" or "I'd be lean and muscular if I had the choice". I seriously, seriously do not understand where he can't see the link between his sedentary lifestyle, constant eating and his increasing weight. I can't.
Vent over. Normal.
I hate people who eat loud to begin with but yeah fat people breathing is annoying):<.
I don't get it. My boyfriend is 365 lbs. and he eats and breathes in my presence all the time, but everyone has their pet peeves.
Way gross. It's especially annoying on airplanes and the sweat they eject from their bodies while their fat flows into the seat I PAID FOR is even more offensive.