Is it normal to hate the taste of blood?
I've always hated the taste of blood, i'd rather drink my own.. yeah i think you know what kind of fluid i'm talking about. Not only human blood (mine..of course) but from raw meat too when i'm going to cook stake or something to dinner. Even the smell.. it just makes me want to puke. If there is anything in the whole world that i've tasted that is disgusting, blood takes the price. For like an hour ago i felt a metallic caste in my mouth...immediatly knew it was blood (havent been taking care of my gums lately), i was about to puke, litterally PUKE. I ran to the bathroom and spit the blood on the sink and it was a lot of blood. Not alot alot blood, but, alot. I grabbed the mouthwash and i used it like five times..rinsed the gums real good and now there is no blood. And now i come i hate the taste of blood so much? Hate it hate it hate it! And the smell of it! Damn! I have had this problem as long i can remember. It just makes me want to puke. Is it normal? I mean, to hate blood so much? My blood is precious of course..but still, the freaking taste and the smell..even rusty coins and other rusty things! I cant wear some necklaces, rings and other things without feeling ill.. anywho.. so this is my first question on is it normal.. so, is it normal?