Is it normal to hate the way americans treat their dogs?

I moved here from the Phillipines 5 years ago and in my country we do eat dogs. Here they are pets but in my country, dogs and cats are food.

I'm not mad that Americans don't eat the pets so much as I am that they treat pets like kids. They spend so much money on animal we ate for food like any animal, they still eat animals but they pick these animals specifically and spend so much money and time on them and they are just animals! There are kids that would love such good home but instead, Americans spend ridiculous dollars on dumb animals!

I don't get it. I bond with kids but dog and I aren't going to have a good conversation. I can't teach dog to cook or work on cars or roofs. They're useless and require twice the work to even make them sit down when you tell them too. Is it normal I don't understand?

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29% Normal
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Comments ( 77 )
  • Short4Words

    It's your culture and you don't understand just because it's different. Just like I find the idea of eating dog repulsive. It's just what you are raised with. If you want to know though, dogs can offer a lot, especially for people who aren't that social or have a hard time being so. There were times I couldn't talk to anyone and my dog was the closest thing I had to a friend. They are smart and intuitive, they know when you feel hurt, and they make you feel loved and appreciated. They make great companions really.

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  • handsignals

    The Phillipines is fucked. I got to go play with my dog now because it's a living creature that deserves respect.

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  • sega31098

    Dog hate? On the internet? In English? You have just unlocked the gates of hell.

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    • asasasa


      such truth such defend

      very agree

      feel much loved and appreciated


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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    im hatin the way yall asians treat any animals. yalls gots no concept of animal cruelty, no concept of conservation, no concept of empathy for pain and sufferin. oh looky here there's only 3 of these things left in the world. lets eat em.
    yalls stupid and evil enough to think animals tastin better if yall skin em alive, hell there's internet video of some fucker doin that shit and the dawgs was still tryin to lick his hand.
    id happliy return the favor on any cocksucker I seen doin that shit, theyall can be tellin me bout them cultural differences as I do the deed on them, see how them all barbaric cocksuckers like it

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    • Your English worse than mine, bro!

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        cultural differences

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      • lolol555

        At least they're not a complete dickhead.

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        • You see that I eat dog and disagree with American and I am dickhead for but man living in country that kills animals with no sympathy to serve thousand of hamburgers at mcMcDonald's telling me my country is fucked up is not dickhead. No animal I have killed experience the slow painful death you guys give to cows and chickens.

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          • NeofelisNebulosa

            Guess what, Mr. Philipino? I'M A VEGETARIAN! I DON'T EAT DOGS OR CHICKENS OR COWS or whatever. So I DO extend the respect to all living creatures, not just the ones I keep as pets.

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          • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

            ill believe ya soon as I see peoples out a walkin they chickens or a bringin they cow to the cow park.
            does yall really believes that every american eats every meal at some clown based fast burger shithouse? yalls really are brainwarshed.

            and don't tell me that them livestock gettin five star treatment in the phillipines either. yall moved here, this is how they live here. some gotta fuck with animals i agree but its not near as bad as some would make yall try to think and its greed drivin it, not some bullshit voodoo superstition. the farmers I know take damn good care of they livestock and put em down clean when the time comes.
            how does they round them livestocks up? with theys trusty dawgs o course

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      • Riddler

        Yes I guess they should apologize for caring about other creatures. Would you prefer they kick the dogs instead? Dogs and cats are popular pets in other areas too.

        In fact Europe brought up a lot of popular dog breeds. Granted the idea seemed to start mainly for show. Dogs are not useless.

        They are used by officers and rescue squads. They can smell drugs on people, can sniff a person out in a disaster. They are also kept as guard dogs which is the reason many people have dogs.

        You know what else dogs and cats don't have? CHILD MOLESTERS! I guess you would kick a dog and befriend a child molester since you think humans are the greatest species on this planet. So sorry some people have sympathy for something others than themselves. BTW pointless animal abuse is sign of a sociopath.

        How about we tie you up and kick the hell out of you. How about we spit on you and beat you with a stick. So you know how shitty a person you are. Know what its like to be treated like shit and maybe you will have some sympathy for creatures other than yourself you worthless piece of trash.

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        • Riddler

          The sickest kind of person in the world is those that would harm the innocent for nothing. You see yourself as god and you see your species as superior. Does that really give you the right to prosecute?

          There is a little story you should look up. Its called FRANKENSTEIN MONSTER. A monster was created in a lab and from that moment everyone wanted to kill him. He did nothing wrong but everyone hated him.

          You are as awful as those towns people. Being a different race, species, gender, or sexuality does not make you automatically worthless. People like you are the scum of the universe and deserve to be spit on.

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    • MysticLane

      Stop judging other cultures by your own standards. How is what we do any better? We have slaughterhouses for cattle and chickens and they are kept in shitty conditions and mistreated. Don't be ignorant.

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        if it ain't a judgin by my own standards then it aint judgin now is it?
        cows and chickens aint kept in no slaughterhouses either. they show up and get kilt. mebbe yall spend some time on a farm and learn bout real life steada calling me ignorant

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        • MysticLane

          That's just not true. Everything you just said is false.

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          • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

            so I has to judge shit by yalls standard now?
            a pasture or feedlot is now an abbatoir?
            the only thing false was thinking yall might enlighten yallself to the realities of farmin

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            • MysticLane

              Companies that mass produce meat do not have their livestock on farms. I mean you can research about it I'm not gonna sit here and give you a lecture. And yes, if you want to learn about a culture you don't judge it by your own standards, you judge it by theirs. It's ignorant to do otherwise.

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  • lc1988

    I wouldn't go to another country and say "hey, you're supposed to eat that." Deal with it or go back to your shack.

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  • TheMayneDude

    Hate, sadly, is normal in our society. This is a cultural difference, so naturally it is expected that there be some divergence in opinion.

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  • Foamy'sACoolSquirrel

    First of all, a dog is better to be hugely loved and spoiled then abused. Second, for many folks dogs aren't "just animals". They serve as best friends, protectors, assistants, and for many people, furbabies (So yeah, they are very useful). Third, dogs are smart, intuitive creatures that care for their owners and would do anything for them. By the way OP, Crotch Droppings (AKA Children) are much more work than a dog ever could be. Lastly, a dog would love you alot more unconditionally than a Crotch Dropping would. Therefore, they don't need to cook, clean, or work on things.

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    • noid

      My dog wouldn't do "anything" for me.

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    • Foamy'sACoolSquirrel

      I'd also like to add that I have a dog and I love her very much. She's my dog, friend, and baby. She's the world to me and I would DIE for her. So no OP, dogs are much more significant than you make them out to be. FYI, I'd much rather deal with dogs than someone's Shrieklings (Another term for Children). And I'll have you know that humans are useless. Humans consume and waste billions of dollars worth of resources, produce huge waste, hurt and kill other creatures driving them from their natural habitats for no reason as well as their own need to survive when it's the animals that should be spared of that beldam. If ANY creature should be called "Useless" and "Insignificant" it should be HOMO SAPIENS.

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      • sega31098

        People have different attitudes towards dogs around the world because of different exposures to them. In the Western world, dogs are rarely a threat and most of the time we see them in loving households (like your own). In many other parts of the world, dogs are usually found in the form of strays that attack people and act like vectors for diseases, so people don't get a positive view of them. The same goes for children: American/British culture is heavily individualistic and so children are much less loyal to their parents. The most loyal being we have here is a dog. In countries like the Phillipines, the family attitude is collectivist, so the children are VERY loyal.

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      • You American just don't know how to raise your children. You treat them like Gods and wonder why they no respect you when you bend over backward and work insane hours to give them fuckin IPad and expensive shoes they wear to walk all over you. You American are fools and don't know how to run a family and take charge and act like it everyone else responsibility to teach your children and say school job to teach your children morals and how to behave and give them expensive drugs when you fuck up.

        My children and every child in my village is obedient and loyal and dogs are nothing but wild animal that you like to think is human. Try putting child in place like you put dog, get significantly different result.

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        • Foamy'sACoolSquirrel

          Huh? What was that? I couldn't understand you over your name-calling and media-processed protrayals of us Americans and your cruddy view on dogs. Don't you just love stereotypes telling you how people do things when the exact opposite can be true (Americans actually being good parents and not spoiling their kids rotten)? Do elaborate yourself, good sir/mam.

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          • I don't have cable, I only have observation. My children don't need tv, we spend time together.

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        • Tommythecat.

          Try the letter big faker.

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        • NeofelisNebulosa

          Fuck you dickwad. "You Americans so ignorant, you no know how to raise children!" go suck your own dick

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        • noid

          You made some good points there.

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      • Tichi

        You have some serious issues, dude.
        Are all dog lovers this hateful?
        I guess I could say you're foamin' at the mouth, Foamy. XD

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  • Cellbiologyphiliac

    It's cultural differences, so it's normal. Yeah, grant it I wouldn't eat a dog or a cat unless I was starving to death and had not other choice. But we can agree to disagree on how cats/dogs are treated.

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  • Hugh*Janus

    There was that guy in Florida or someplace that was all tweaked out and got caught eating a dog alive and I was all like "whaaaaat???". If it was a cow nobody would give 2 shits. I eat squirrel at least 2 nights a week. Yeah it rhymes. Big whoop. Wanna fight about it?

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  • MissDethstar

    Dogs were domesticated for thousands of years for many useful reason actually. My dog is a Samoyed, guess i'll tell you a bit about his story. Samoyed is the named of the tribe who domesticated hes breed,they lived in Siberia where survival in general was very difficult. These dogs helped the tribe survive, they hunted with them, they protected them, they herd the cattle and they even slept with their children to protect them from the freezing cold. These dogs were loyal, intelligent and the people of the tribe loved them a lot.
    Perhaps, you can say I do not need my dog for survival and it is true but dogs are wonderful creatures and they make good companions today as they did 2000 years before.
    Treating a dog as part of the family is NOT something new.

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  • Freedom_

    Now I understand why my old friend couldn't have a dog. Only rats.

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  • highrider

    Dogs aren't useless. They're loyal and loving. They are probably not like that in your country because you guys chase after them with forks, so you would never understand

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    shouldnt this be in the food category not the pets category?

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  • RoseIsabella

    Nice trolling. I'd rather starve than eat Fido or Fluffy. If you don't like how Americans do things then leave!

    I guess you have the free will to waste your time and energy hating whatever you want but it's not going to change anything. Dogs and cats have been domesticated and living alongside humans, particularly western humans, for thousands of years. Accept that you are powerless over how companion animals are treated in other cultures and you will have much more peace and serenity in you life.

    Also I wouldn't try eating dogs and cats in this country if I were you.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    I'm not sure if this is what you're saying but I'm going to go ahead and say this. I do not encourage adopting a child over a dog. You should never adopt a child if you are not ready to care for him/her. A dog is much easier to care for where as a child is a huge responsibility. It would be horrible to take a child from a bad environment and bring him into another bad environment so, no I don't agree with that logic.

    But if you're saying that it's stupid to spend thousands of dollars on an animal who doesn't care for it when you have kids out there starving who definitely need much more than I do agree with you. No use in buying a $3,000 leash for Fee-Fee when there's a sick kid that needs it more.

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  • Unimportant

    I like how Koreans treat the dogs.

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  • Shrunk

    It's like that with a lot of other cultures.. differences... like how many people eat cow yet some others in say india worship them... Anyway, it's hard to explain. I'm not the kind of person who would think an animal is better than a human.. I don't care if you ate dogs and cats, although I do love cats, and well any animals. when i've worked or been to farms and see a live cow or chicken, i love them too, pet them, make them feel happy, because i know they have feelings, even if inferior to our own... yet, i'm not a vegetarian.. so maybe it's hypocritical. but another thing i always say is that, while you can't teach cats or dogs to speak, work on cars/roof, whatever else you mentioned, neither can you with a baby.. yet people still love them.. and not just because "it will grow up and learn to do all those things some day". they would still love it even if it never grew up... wouldnt you..?

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  • VisitorQ

    Friend, My Husband told me, they ate dog in his country too. He's from Indonesia. The Java Island. So I'm familiar with Asian customs. And eventually Id love to travel there when we have enough money saved. Don't sweat it. Americans are just different. When it comes to how we view animals. And don't worry about your English you sound fine to me.

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  • as91

    In America we aren't poor enough to have to eat a dog. Dogs are very intelligent (as are cats) and they are loyal and loving. It is just a huge cultural difference. I would never eat a dog or a cat and the way that a lot of asian countries treat their livestock is repulsive and cruel.

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    • I wasn't poor in Phillipines. We just ate dog. People in America say they poor all of the time but even poor people seem to have money to keep and feed dog.

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        here in america we eat pussy no matter how poor

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      • I bet you were poor because the Philippines is one of the poorest countries in the world you probably don't have running water or sewers, live in a thatch hut and catch dinner in a hollowed out tree which floats. Of course you eat dogs and cats that's probably a holiday meal, the rest of the time its snakes, scorpions, and lizards.

        Just some advice when your opinion is stupid (which is the case with this one) you probably shouldn't so readily volunteer it.

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    • noid

      Do you eat pigs? They are also intelligent and make good pets yet are treated repulsively and cruelly in the American livestock meat industry.

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  • CozmoWank

    Dogs show and provide more loyalty, forgiveness, and unconditional love than any human I know. They also have a higher rate of intelligence than most animals that are raised for food. So as a species they have earned human respect.

    I suppose your real gripe would be with the humans who first domesticated the wolf centuries ago. Although I will admit that some people do overdo it when it come to spoiling their dog but at least we don't worship them like some cultures actually do with rats and monkeys.

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    • Crusades

      Expecting unconditional love is a sign of selfishness. That's why people like dogs so much. Because they are obedient. People are hypocrites. They don't love the dog. They love what the dog is giving to them. And that is the sense of control. People claim to care and love their pets but they are using them for their own gratification.

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      • CozmoWank

        First, who mentioned anything about expecting unconditional love?

        I assume you never owned a dog. I did. Obedient was the last word I'd use to describe him. He never gave me any feelings of control.
        Thanks for your opinion anyway.

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        • Crusades

          You said that they show unconditional love. How do you know that their love is not conditioned by the fact that you feed them?

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          • CozmoWank

            I never mentioned anything about expecting it.

            I've known or seen people befriend stray dogs who just keep showing up.

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    • Loyal my ass, neighbor so called loving dogs are loyal to me when I throw sausage at them.

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        my neighbors wife is loyal to me when i throw my sausage in her

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      • CozmoWank

        Like I said, they aren't dumb. Who wouldn't turn down a free lunch. However depending on the breed, you may find a problem on your hands if the dog feels you're threatening his master.

        And if you don't like it here in America you are always welcome to move back to the Phillipines.

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        • No country is perfect! To say I do not like America because I do not like dog is really escalating thing!

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          • CozmoWank

            I'm just going by your original post as well as your responses generalizing Americans, insulting our children and your hostility toward other posters responding to your post.

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  • Grapist

    If an animal is your friends you have no friends

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    • I have an animal as a friend and I have "real" friends and my animal friend wouldn't ever steal from me. Do you think your human friends would?

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      • Grapist

        Well of course they could but we are bros and trust each other well enough that that shit doesnt happen. Thats what being a friend is all about. Bullshit an anim would not steal, because every dog ive had loved to steal food when i wasmt looking. Also, bears, raccoons, mice. They all love to steal. Glad i got rid of my pets Godfather style; tossed in a river

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        • Maybe you are just too stupid and lack the requisite intelligence to train the animal so that they don't steal your food. And you're right people who are "bros" never, ever steal from each other, in fact do people in general steal from each other??

          Do you know what a "typo" is, how about the backspace key?

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          • Grapist

            Harsh. I never said humans dont steal, we were talking about friends both animal and human. Sure any random person might steal from me, all i said was my friends wouldnt. Sorry if you dont buy into that since some people become part of a group of friends without actually caring for their "friends" but i consider my friends genuine and i wouldnt still be friends with them if i didnt think they were good people. An animal friend, a pet i guess, well, nothing would stop them from stealing. Its their instinct to get food and as a pet when they arre hungry if i havent fed them yet, that means stealing my food. Sure you can train them but im i didnt have to train my human friends. Yes i have typos suck my dick you understood fine anyway.

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            • Yeah your totally right, if those friends of yours were hungry they would never take your food, because your "friends". How's the real estate market in lala land? I'd be interested in visiting but I'd be afraid of drinking the water and having my IQ lowered which is probably what happened to you. See if you can find the backspace key before responding back.

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  • dickwashington

    go home!

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  • loopoo

    In a way I really disagree with you, because I don't agree with eating any animal, whether it be a dog or cow. But what does annoy me is a lot of people do eat meat, yet call themselves animal lovers, keeping pets etc. That to me doesn't make sense. You cant be an animal lover and eat meat. At least you see it as animals are meat, and don't pretend to have dogs as pets, and say 'ewww I wouldn't eat my dog'

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    • asasasa

      plants are also living things. they are just easier to catch. so have a heart, eat a rock.

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  • Teh4HorsMen

    I am Cat.

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  • Crazy-guy

    @Foamy'sACoolSquirrel when are we gonna eat your dog?

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