Is it normal to hate the word "excuse"?

I cannot stand the word "excuse" as in "that's no excuse" or "excuses excuses". I hear the word every day even if it isn't directed at me. I hear it up to 5 times a day. I just dont get the meaning of it. if excuse me and pardon me mean the same thing then why doesnt anyone say "that's no pardon"? people now a days just say it to say it without even thinking about the actual meaning. i hate it when people also say "that's my excuse". wouldn't an excuse be more of an action than certain words/stories? i just feel like people say it way too much. my hatred for the word has made me not watch some of my favorite tv shows "sunny in philly", "simpsons" etc. does any body feel at all the same way? am i normal or crazy?

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32% Normal
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Comments ( 8 )
  • howaminotmyself

    Attempt to lessen the blame attaching to (a fault or offense); seek to defend or justify.

    A reason or explanation put forward to defend or justify a fault or offense.

    verb. pardon - forgive - justify - absolve - remit - condone
    noun. pretext - apology - plea - justification - pretence

    You wouldn't say "that's no pardon" because pardon isn't a synonym for excuse as a noun, only as a verb.

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  • disthing


    There are words in the English language with multiple meanings. In this case, 'excuse' is a heteronym - it has the same spelling, but two meanings with slightly differing pronunciations. As howaminotmyself said: the verb' excuse' is used differently from the noun 'excuse'. Pardon is a synonym for the verb 'excuse', NOT the noun 'excuse', which is why people can't say "my pardon is my dog ate my homework."

    You're weird to be so worked up over this. Are you the same person that was annoyed about people saying 'blinded by love'? It's really odd to avoid watching entertaining programs because of the use of a perfectly ordinary English word.

    Rather than getting worked up over it, why not educate yourself so you better understand the quirks of the English language?

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  • braintrip

    There's no excuse for this.

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  • dirtybirdy


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  • peterr

    No excuse for you, you cocksucker!

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  • handsignals


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  • Karmasbitch

    Wow howaminotmyself covored that one pretty well.

    As far as hating a word, seems normal.
    I hate the words booklet, pamphlet, casserole, and toes.

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    • robbieforgotpw

      Do you like 'shart'

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