Is it normal to hate vsauce?

Vsauce is a YouTube channel. On it, a guy called Michael Stevens explains and analyses various unusual educational topics in a drawn-out, in-depth fashion. And it first, I found some of the videos on the channel interesting and fun to watch, being a person fascinated in unusual scientific topics.

It didn't last long though. After a while I really started to hate Vsauce. In fact, I now refuse to watch any Vsauce videos, because after watching several of them, you start to notice just how insultingly condescending Michael is. He speaks to the audience as if they were learning their ABCs and it gets irritating because we don't need to be re-told basic information in an overcomplicated way. I now find his overdone facial expressions and intellectual voice tiresome, because they add nothing to his videos, and I now realise that almost every Vsauce video is nothing more than a pretentious nerd explaining really obvious things in super-slow motion. And some of the questions he answers in the videos are downright silly: "Why do we wear clothes?", "Why do we play games?", "Is anything real?", "Should you eat yourself?", "Why are things cute?", "Why don't animals have wheels?", etc.

But is it normal to feel this way? I mean sure, it's normal to hate things, but Vsauce is a very popular YouTube channel, and I'm in a microscopic minority of the people who dislike the channel and I want to know if I'm being too harsh on it. I went from loving it to hating it within a day, in fact. I don't have anything against people who like Vsauce, but I really don't understand why people aren't offended by Michael's "I know everything and you don't" attitude and the way in which he tries too hard to make mundane things sound complex.

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55% Normal
Based on 1342 votes (743 yes)
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Comments ( 48 )
  • dom180

    Ehh. I'm not going to say you're wrong, but I do think Vsauce is one of the best educational channels on YouTube and anyone who's reading this and hasn't heard of it should watch some of it. I don't find it condescending at all; if the speed he's going at is too slow for me, and sometimes it is, there's nothing wrong with that. Just relax, it won't kill you if a video goes at a different pace than your brain does.

    The videos are about silly things because silly things are fun for most people (not you, obviously, but most people). It's that simple. That's the whole point of the channel: talking about small things and using that as a platform to talk about other stuff is a good way to get across information.

    For example, while the title might be indicate otherwise there isn't a whole video answering the question "why don't animals have wheels?". He usually talks about the topic question for about two or three minutes of the video and the rest is off-shoots. That video isn't about animals and wheels at all, the title is just a platform for him to talk about biology and locomotion and how social species and asocial species differ etc. That's the way I look at it, anyway.

    He makes mundane things sound complex because, shocker, sometimes things you thought were mundane are more complicated that you thought they were. Who'd have thought that, eh? :P It feels like for you Vsauce can't do anything right: it's either too complicated or too basic.

    I can sort of see why you view him as having a know-it-all attitude, but I don't see it that way myself. Anyway, isn't that sort of what educational videos are about: imparting knowledge? I don't see how you can do that without having a know-it-all attitude, really.

    I suppose it must be normal to dislike it, but I don't :P

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    • q25t

      On a related note, future episodes might be done compatible with Youtube's HTML5 beta, which lets you speed up videos. Not exactly a perfect fix, but it can work.

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      • dom180

        Oh, that sounds like it could be interesting. I've not actually heard about that before, but it sounds like it would be a useful feature.

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  • disthing

    I haven't seen it, but I can empathise with your irritation.

    There are a lot of YouTube channels I've loved, then grown to find insufferable. It's strange how that happens. Perhaps it's the novelty wearing off? Perhaps it's the audience itself that casts a negative light (sometimes 'the fans' are what spoils it).

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  • PureLikeSnow

    I really like the videos from that user; what's better than receiving further elaboration/insight for something you once thought was mundane and now find it to be intriguing? I'd rather get educated by someone who thinks outside of the box instead of following a certain someone who has 10 million plus subscribers, still thinks rape jokes aren't played out, litigates with his pre-pubescent fanbase, and never appears to be at ease.

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    • SplinterWingz

      Thank you.

      You're in the same boat as me, i love VSauce and I hate PewDiePie.
      There's nothing special or even good about him at all, his videos are annoying as fuck and are pretty much screeching and screaming. Unfortunately some of my brainwashed friends are fans of his.. --_--

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      • watshisnameishere

        yo just cos he screams dosent mean hes talentless,guy knows how to decently photoshop,and some people like his content!

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    • imadragon

      Lol, are you comparing Vsauce to Onision?

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      • PureLikeSnow


        I've never heard about Onision until today, so I checked out his channel. His videos are decent, to say the least. Greg seems to have quite an infamous persona, but I can't be bothered to know why, so I'll leave it at that.

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        • imadragon

          Well, he has a few different channels, I won't say much about his comedy. But he gives terrible advice to his subscribers frequently, an example is a girl asked him for advice about her mother who verbally abused her, he told the girl it was her own fault.

          He likes drama.

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          • watshisnameishere

            greg,lets just say,is a guy who is pretty pessimistic and very over reactive.the onision speaks thing is basically just like leafy is here or ricegum,its not a serious formal channel.if i told you to wash your eyes with bleach would you do it?im a fuckin stranger on the internet.
            i would btw

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          • PureLikeSnow

            That's surprising; who'd have thought a banana man could be so condescending?

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      • Onision:...........

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  • GuessWho

    You Suck!

    Michael explains all sorts of interesting things in an way that the general public can understand. That's the reason why he is so successful - he caters for the masses and not just the geeks.

    I particularly like the way he hops from one sub-topic to the next.
    I also really like some of his other series like "Mind Blow" and "LuT"

    For those of you who don't know what Vsauce is, check it out here:

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  • Jessie735513

    I don't want to like it. I ind the videos irritating but I have to obsessively watch every single new one released ( I don't even know why)

    I guess they're interesting-but at the same tune the things you say ring true

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  • panicpack121

    Last year I had discovered Vsauce on YouTube. He has a couple of videos that I consider decent, besides that it's considered laughable. My obsession with Vsause was only a week. It's not even science (for my standards). At least it gets people to discover science (out of school) to a point - if they do like it. That is the next generation.

    After a couple of watches in, Vsauce doesn't make the videos at random or make it original. He just writes a particular topics on paper (probable), and he researches it on Wikipedia. In the videos: you can clearly see the Wikipedia in the videos. Sure the videos are non-technical, they do not go further in the details; he just explains the terms and moves on. He goes for the people/demographic who are younger than 13, ADD/ADHD, and cannot focus on anything longer than five minutes.

    He is a good teacher I would only give him that. He does have a good personality. I have seen other videos with his colleagues on the channel, and they're honestly atrocious. I hate how he ducks his own head in/out of the screen, and comes to seem as if nobody seen it. I'm not being dehumanized to the point when I was 5 years old again, am I? Yes. Michael is assuming that you're not your recommended age so he treats you as if you're an effigy, commodity, disabled individual who is exploited, view count for capitalism, liege, unintelligent piece of shit because you watch his videos. We all have him appear out of the corner the green-screen to rant on another topic, or finish that part off. He's only in for YouTube because of the capitalism and he can cash in, how come he has to go to all of these "scientific" meetings/ventures. He even had the opportunity to see and talk to Bill Nye, mainly because the view count was at all-time high.

    I read science textbooks and medical journals over this pseudo-science channel any day of the week. I want my intelligence with me, not decaying exponentially because of a dumbed down science channel that is equal to elementary - junior high school (maybe 9th grade), all over again. It's for people that cannot think for themselves so they have to find channels to get their daily dose of science (before a test), or gaming (for pleasure entertainment). I want a complex guide for reading compared to "George went towards the beach. He wants to swim for the day."

    Why are you people talking about PewDiePie and Vsauce for? The connection between the two is that their fan-base is unintelligent to actually make an comment on anything, they assert themselves as intelligent. The age demographic is only 5-15 (maybe 16-17 years). Those channels ARE even perceived forward-thinking channels, however it's a wrong image even on them as well. What thinking is practical on both of those channels? They think they're gamers or scientists? It's the stereotypical thing to say if you're a part of the nerd/geek culture. Both of the channels on YouTube are godawful and untrustworthy (to my perspective). PewDiePie is a pseudo-gamer who gets away with the word "rape" because he's popular, that's why. Vsauce can plagiarize other sources (Wikipedia, Yahoo Answers, Google Answers, etc). And yes, he has made a video from Yahoo/Google answers before. I hate the popular channels today, how gender biased, racist, sexist, and the list goes on and on.

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    • mrcoffeepieman

      I actually read it and you nailed it on the same level as someone that was sacrificed on a railroad track! I presume it was approximately half of a page (maybe 3/4 of a page), and I read it literally two times, but whatever. For me, it was that well-written about why you hate Vscauce. It was literally on a technical PhD. level on why you hate it him haha. Either way, there were only 5-6 minor mistakes in the article, it's a no big deal (so don't get pissed!). Otherwise I loved it!

      I think we're all in the same boat if we're here to comment. I used to watch him until he was getting to the point where I realized what you stated, there were Wikipedia in his videos. I stopped it watching completely. He's trying to hide the fact that he goes there (i.e., Wikipedia). Why hide the truth if you're apparently intelligent like that? He's similar to Ray William Johnson when it comes down to science, if he can find the time to research this given information on a particular topic; however, he cannot tell us where the legitimate sources actually come from. He covers it up so everyone will presume that he's actually worth something. If he hypothetically had a fucking degree in anything it would be Bullshitology - the study of bullshit, I think that is a stretch, to be honest.

      I legitimately hate him because he thinks he knows everything. Look, you're not God, you do not everything. HE JUST GETS IT FROM WIKIPEDIA. GO FUCK YOURSELF!

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      • bleeblob

        He earned degrees in Neuropsychology and English Literature from the University of Chicago, you idiot! And since you've probably never heard of it, I'll just tell you it has a 7.8% acceptance rate and an average 2255 SAT score. Where did you go, community college?

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      • sanziwil

        I love it! Vsauce, the RWJ of science.

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    • TRyujin

      You've said it best so far. After reading this whole page I feel relieved now 'cuz I know I'm not the only one hating the shit out of that guy and bunch of other popular Youtube channels.

      I'm sick of people abiding to lowest common denominator.

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    • brunofzb

      What kind of game do you play? A gamer is a person who plays games. The meaning of the terms ''casual gamer'' and ''hardcore gamer'' asserts that gamer means a person who plays all kinds of games. Answer my question, i think i know exactly what type of game you play, and i wanna test my prediction.

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    • bleeblob

      Why do you think you are smart? do you realize that Michael Stevens got a double major at the University of Chicago, right? "I read science textbooks and medical journals over this pseudo-science channel any day of the week." Gee, aren't you above it all (and great grammar, by the way.) He is FAR smarter than you are or even pretend to be.

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    • fcXiphos

      I was with you until the social justice warrior shit.

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  • anti-hero

    Get to the fucking monkey!

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    • It's not my problem that you have trouble reading three paragraphs.

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      • anti-hero

        I don't mind when they are interesting paragraphs.

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  • Grapist

    Sauce is a fat homo dicklicker. He's also a nerd

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  • kelili

    What is Vsauce? First time I hear of it

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    • disthing

      It's explained in the post above...

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  • idolomantis

    vsauce is the shit wtf

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  • lolplease

    I love how the majority think its normal to hate him yet vocal ppl in comments defend this prime example of an infuriating beta male as if they were majority. Lol I hadnt seen a vsauce vid in so long I thought he stopped but Pewds made me think about him. So I checked him out again.

    Yep, still hate him. Its the way he speaks. Its so fake, like hes trying to be pleasing. "Nice" people are always the freakiest

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  • semplar2007

    It is absolutely normal and I hate it too.
    He clearly positions his videos as scientific, because he uses scientific terms like vectors, forces, weight (distinguished from mass). Talks about gravitational pull. But to actually learn something, you need to structurize everything you learn. However, the feeling I get from watching his videos is that Michael has no intention to teach you something, he wants either to show off how much he knows and how intelligent he is with all his science (not that I don't understand it, I studied in university and I understand technical background of everything he says), or either worse purpose: to show all interesting things that you probably don't know and to explain it in terms you don't understand to make you feel stupid. But never to teach you something, so he jumps from topic to topic, goes into too-deep explaining, and makes his stupid facial expressions.
    To make things worse, he interrupts flow of thought with other kinda related things that are not needed to actually understand.
    I become tired from like 30 seconds of watching his videos. I think it's because I technically understand what he says and I see nothing new in his words, just stupidly overly too complex way of explaining. So if you're not very into technical and mathematical stuff and like to watch videos with open mouth and be like "Wooow, and this also exists, I never knew! Cool!" and forget everything you saw on a video after watching, this is channel for you, because if you try to remember what he says, you will have only unusable mess in your head.

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  • El_Nikit0

    I know this post was made 5 years ago and nobody cares anymore but still...
    How could anyone hate my boy Michael?

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  • Happymeal

    I said it is not normal because, obviously, there are many who enjoy him and you would be not the typical person in regard to statistics.

    Let's assume 1 million enjoy ice cream. Let's assume that number is out of 1 million and 500 hundred people. the 1 million = Over 99%. The 500 = less than 1%. It is not normal.

    Since there are many more people in the world that have yet to hear about vsauce, have never used the internet, and etc., we can't do something replicating the above example, but according to the average people watching his channel, they enjoy his content quite a bit. Since the ratio is more in favor of Vsauce (by a landslide), it is not "normal" to dislike him.

    I will say, however, that you often see people dislike people, objects, etc. that many others enjoy. In fact, I'd assume everybody dislikes something involving that criteria, meaning that this question is more complicated than one might expect. Hating something other people enjoy is very normal, but disliking something that other people enjoy also puts you into the minority of opinions within that group of people; that makes you not normal. What I'm attempting to say is that you are both normal and abnormal at the same time, but I assume this runs deeper than that. I just don't have the means to understand this further.

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    • sanziwil

      In that case, none of the things asked on this site are normal. By normal he doesn't mean common or average, but OK, good or right.

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  • xLETmeINx

    Vsauce is the best! He is one of my favorite people to view on YouTube. He explains things the right way. He has a good attitude. He is a good teacher. He can teach without sounding like a snob or a know it all. He even has videos that answer some of the strange questions from this website.

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  • Karmasbitch

    I have never watched this 'Vsauce' before. I don't like the name, but I will have to give the videos a whirl, from what Dom has said it sounds somewhat interesting, but from your post, I can understand how the attitude would ruin it. It sounds normal to me, but I'll have to give the videos a shot.

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  • Avant-Garde

    For a second, my mind went down the gutter... I have heard of Vsauce but I'm not sure if I've ever taken a trip through its video library. I think it's normal that you find it annoying.

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  • Holzman67

    I'd never heard of it, but reading your description of it, seems like a really strange name for an info channel. I thought it was some kind of sauce I'd never heard of at first, like Vinegar Sauce or something.

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  • dirtybirdy

    Totally not what I thought this would be about.

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    • GoraIntoDesiGals

      You're not alone lol.

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      • dirtybirdy

        Quite frankly I was disappointed. I didn't even read past the first sentence.

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    • Shackleford96

      I award you 2 pervert points. Use them how you like :P

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      • dirtybirdy

        I could think of a few things to do with them...

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    • Lol.

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  • Shackleford96

    What is a better channel to watch?

    I don't watch Vsauce really, but I watch some Vsauce2 though. They have some interesting things on there. I like some of their music too.

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  • SplinterWingz

    BECAUSE he doesn't have a know-it-all attitude you prick. He's explaining science and teaching those who probably dont understand it as well as he does, hence the need to explain things in the way he does.

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    • biasuz

      Well. I disagree.

      He certainly does now follow any train of thought. It's like a bearer of ADHD trying to explain things. I personally think he is a lunatic.

      I've never read, in my lifetime, any article, video description, explanation in a book, or any possible sort of coherent information that revolves around minuscule connections that are not even related to the target subject and digress to such a degree to then, finally, return and give a superficial response to the issue first proposed.

      It's just fucking annoying.

      Maybe it looks interesting if you are clueless. But if you have a reasonable understanding of science it is just downright idiotic.

      The modus operandi is essentially in all videos.

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