Is it normal to hate when people say bless you after a sneeze

I hate it when people say bless you after someone sneezes, evil spirits aren't freaking entering your body, and you aren't developing the bubonic plague, you do not need to be blessed. It especially annoys me when the teacher is trying to lecture or i'm taking an exam and there should be absolute silence, but then every single time someone sneezes, there are like 3-5 people that feel the need to say bless you. And when i'm hanging out with one person and they sneeze, they wait for me to say bless you, and when i don't say it, they give me a mean look. same goes for when i sneeze and refuse to say thank you if someone says bless you. so now i have to swallow my pride and say thank you every time someone tells me bless you. I HATE IT. is it normal to feel this way?

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62% Normal
Based on 241 votes (149 yes)
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Comments ( 34 )
  • NeuroNeptunian

    No, get over yourself. It's a social courtesy. Social courtesies are necessary for the function of manners and politeness within a society. If you don't like it, don't do it, but don't hold it against someone to display concern for social courtesies.

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    • bristexai

      In my society, it wouldn't be. I wouldn't have rituals.

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      • NeuroNeptunian

        That "society" wouldn't be around for long, mate.

        Besides, no society can exist without Seppuku. SEPPUKU TO ALL AND TO ALL A GOOD SEPPUKU!

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  • Gazoontite!

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  • CaptainObvious

    You're over reacting to people's polite gestures

    ~Cpt Obvious.

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  • NotStrangeBird

    How about "gezundheit" (sp?).

    German for "health to you".

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    • that is perfectly acceptable and actually makes sense. i will start saying this to be polite and avoid the evil glares of the ignorant.

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  • JustDave

    If that's all you have to concern yourself with, consider yourself blessed.

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  • Antir0b0t

    I also think it's retarded. But I sometimes do it myself, just so I don't feel rude. I'm really awkward in social situations (at least I feel awkward) and if someone sneezes and I'm the ONLY one who doesn't say fucking bless you they look at me like I'M rude. WTF. So to avoid that sometimes I just give in and be a big girl about it. But I agree, we should definitely kick this "social norm" to the curb.

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  • ForMyPeaceOfMind

    If you don't like the saying, don't say it or accept it from others!

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  • Twixmix345

    Dude its just a saying I say it to be polite get over it geez

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  • Dad

    Next time you sneeze, just say God damn it shutup.

    Atheists still use godly words like jesus Fn christ I just sneezed.
    Its quite reasonable language.
    If someone said god bless you to me, I'd probably say thanks. Since saying religious words don't actually change my perception of reality.

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    • my view on this has absolutely nothing to do with religion, i'm a Christian.
      if someone wanted to say bless me in any other context, it would be perfectly fine. but people throw around bless you when someone sneezes not even knowing why they are doing so, and where it originiated, just because it is the socially accepted norm thing to do and everyone's doing it. well seems like the norm these days is to get 16 year olds pregnant, why doesn't everyone join in on that trend as well...

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      • Dad

        Just received the reply, so I'd like to reply.
        By the way this happens a lot to me, your reply was 5 days ago, and I just got it? Whatever, I'll just put up with that. I do have some ideas why it may be happening though.

        Anyway, 'Bless you' does seem to be the 'norm'.
        Stopping your spirit leaving you or bad spirits coming in (ok, this is just off memory from years ago when I looked it up, but it WAS some religious nonsense)
        Its just words.
        And Xmas and Easter are basically just times to celebrate the festive season, giving and sharing. And there's a whole lot of other originally only 'religious' things, that we just do now out of politeness or enjoyment or the 'norm'

        16yo's pregnant is still classed as abnormal.
        I suppose if every 16yo got pregnant then it may become the norm. At this stage its generally a result of sexual abuse, which is NOT normal, nor is it just words.

        "my view on this has absolutely nothing to do with religion, i'm a Christian.'

        What? I don't know what that contradictory sentence meant? But why do you feel that 'Allah' is not the all powerful wizard? (I mean supernatural entity)
        If you were born (and raised) in the Middle East don't you realize you could killed for being so blasphemous against Allah?
        Note: Allah and Jesus and Mohammad and God and all that fairytale stuff is just rubbish. Unless you feel that ALL the children in the Middle East may burn for eternity? Crazy thoughts, very strange. Here's an idea, maybe people the universe, actually everything, is just natural? Hmm, seems more likely! Don't you agree?

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  • insidious22

    Lol Funny.. Ye its just a thing you say..

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  • radf9760

    I have an insipid coworker who says "bless you" and "gesundheit" - she sounds like a fucking twit and her nattering on just adds to the disturbance in our office.

    It's sneeze-shaming, that's what it is!

    I encounter the practice so seldom that it's always jarring and strikes me as rude.

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  • xekiant

    Sneezing can cause your heart to skip a beat and the pressure from it could affect your blood flow. THAT's why people say bless you. Literally, when I'm on my period and I sneeze, my stomach feels like it's exploded with thousands of volcanos. Doesn't happen outside of my period. Great huh.

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  • heart_keeper

    I feel you. I get annoyed when someone sneezes and expects me to say bless you, umm bless you? Or when a person sneezes and everyone says bless you but you, is that awkward? I say it if someone's having a sneeze attack though lol

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  • imagirldealwithit123

    me: achoooooooo -snif-
    me: shut the hell up -snif-

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  • ETCR

    You sound like an arsehole with no manners :/

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  • squeeeshie

    Get a life man

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  • blackstreetboy

    I don't like it. I feel embarassed that I don't say "bless you" or "be healthy" (in my native language) and people usually do.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    It's because your heart stops for one second everytime you sneeze...or so I heard.

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    • That is false, but yes that was the third supposed origin of bless you.

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  • midnightdreary1234

    Yes, the story behind Bless You is silly now. But it's the social norm. Back in the day, brides carried flowers to help with their smell since people didn't bathe too often. Obviously no one carries flowers for that reason's just tradition. If you don't like it, then don't do it. Who cares if someone gives you a mean look. Explain to them why you think its silly.

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  • Wendell

    God bless you! Oh my god was that a sneeze! What the hell was IN YOUR NOSE?

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  • PapzBSlim

    I hate it when told to me only because I can't just sneeze once, it's more like 20 in a row. I cannot stand it to hear "bless you" 20 times. I usually tell people to say it once after I am done getting it all out. My girlfriend says it after every one on purpose to annoy me lol.

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  • manamana6671

    Try not to let yourself get so offended by it. It's a simple saying, and doesn't mean much other than "sorry you sneezed" to most people. People say it to be polite, and they're gonna keep saying I'd just get used to it if I were you.

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    • i'm not offended by it, i just think those people are retarded. and it just really annoys me during lectures and exams where 5 people interrupt the class to say bless you 10+ times throughout one class that it gets annoying, when i already feel that it is unnecessary in the first place.

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      • NeuroNeptunian

        Yes, because adherence to social courtesies that don't suit your fancy IS within the criteria to diagnose for mental retardation.

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        • it's not a freakin social courtesy. it's something people have been doing blindly without even knowing where it came from. a social courtesy would be to say "gesundheit", to wish them good health. and the 5 people who say bless you during an exam in my experience are the douche bag jocks/frat guys who just do it to interrupt the class and not get yelled at for it.

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          • NeuroNeptunian

            It sounds to me like you're more pissed off at those douches that made it a point to disrupt class.

            Yes, it is a social courtesy. Wishing good health also is. They both are. Get over it. The tradition barring and your personal feelings aside, to deny it's validity as a social grace is ignorant.

            And judging the entirety of a populace because five douches pissed you off by abusing a social courtesy is about as retarded as you claim that those that abide by said social courtesy are.

            Don't sweat such small things, you'll get hypertension.

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  • yesnomaybeso

    That made me laugh hahhah

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  • howaminotmyself

    I only get annoyed because I sneeze multiple times and some people feel the need to say it after each sneeze. And then they looked inconvenienced because I made them say it six times.

    But I do think you are making an issue over something trivial.

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