Is it normal to hate youth theatre?

I love theatre. It's great way for the audience to establish a connection with the characters, to actually be metres away from them makes the whole experience so much more real.

The problem though is I don't like YOUTH theatre. You'll just have to believe me when I say that I've tried to be optimistic despite all the times I've wanted to cry in the bathroom, or slam my head on the desk.

I guess I was expecting something different to high school life, to find people that were passionate about story telling, about humanity itself. Except I find myself asking why the word 'theatre' is present in 'youth theatre group'. It's just a bunch of people sticking to their cliques and laughing at their wacky antics which I'm sure were f@#$ing hysterical if I was there, so school lunchtime.

My idea of acting was that it wasn't self indulgent, that even if your character was ugly and hated you would put your own ego aside. But these guys aren't comfortable with anything outside their own personality which sucks when you need the character to yell or fart (that may be due to physical limitations).

What also sucks is it's full of 'goofy' people but they don't have a filthy sense of humour and I suspect feminists*. If you've ever tried to sit in a room for 3 hours trying to get a sentence in amongst the waves of in-jokes then you've known my experience.

Is there anyone that actually hated youth theatre?

*Nothing against gender equality, just people with low regard for another gender and no sense of humour.

Voting Results
68% Normal
Based on 47 votes (32 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • To act amazingly well in theatre you need experience, youth have no experience yet.

    Tommy, king of all cats.

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  • macaroniheyo

    As someone who's done school plays, I can say that I am actually very passionate about the acting. But I see where you're coming from; I once was in a play with a girl who refused to where a pumpkin suit because it made her look fat.

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  • iflex4lyfe

    Yes. Nuke their office.

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  • LovelyMay

    I have two personalities: Goofy and calm. When I'm goofy, I am loud and obnoxious. When I'm calm, I don't even get the meaning of being goofy! I feel for you, but they are only kids. Don't push too hard on em.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    Sounds a lot like a theater I acted at. It wasn't youth theater, but it had a lot of teenagers and all of their inside groups. I didn't care for them too much. They were way too arrogant and way to bitchy. I haven't auditioned there since.

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  • FocoUS

    Are you for real?

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    • Yep.

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      • FocoUS

        But if you hate youth theatre... then don't watch it.

        I don't get it. The only reason to watch youth theatre is if your kid is in it. There's no reason to hate it so much.

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        • EdWall234

          I act in youth theatre.

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  • handsignals

    Sounds totally gay to me.

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  • IDiGAFi

    TL DR.

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